Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 27 Aug 2011 16:31 and updated at 27 Aug 2011 16:31
vrm.1.1 | "Then on seeing the arrangements for the anointment of Rama as crown prince, Kaikeyi, the dear wife and a queen of Dasharatha, claimed boons that were once accorded to her by Dasharatha, which are the banishment of Rama and anointment of Bharata. |
vrm.1.1 | b, a "On Dasharatha s departure to heavens, though Sage Vashishta and other Brahmans have impressed upon him for his investiture in kingship, and even though he is highly effectual to rule such a kingdom, he that Bharata refused the kingdom, and that self denying Bharata, for he is aloft the greed, grouse, and gripe, went to forests to pray for mercy at the feet of Rama. |
vrm.1.1 | "But on reaching that great souled Rama, who is a vanquisher just by his truthfulness, Bharata humbly and reverentially begged of his brother, and the avowed word of Bharata is this, oh! Knower of Probity, you alone shall be the king. |
vrm.1.1 | b, a "On giving his sandals to that Bharata for custodial care of kingdom till his return after the period of exile, then the elder brother of Bharata, namely Rama, persuasively turned away Bharata. |
vrm.1.1 | b, a "Unfulfilled is the desire of Bharata in taking back Rama to kingdom, hence on touching Rama s feet and taking sandals, he returned from Chitrakuta, and without ruling from capital Ayodhya, he carried on the kingdom from a village called Nandigrama, with an expectation of Rama s return. |
vrm.1.1 | b, a "On the departure of Bharata, that effulgent one, for his self effulgence is not marred by the arrival of Bharata with an incitement that truth bound one, for his truthfulness is undeterred even by the supplications to return to capital by Bharata, Kausalya, and even Kaikeyi that self controlled one, for the lure of kingdom has not controlled his senses, such as he is, he that Rama foresaw the repeated arrival of citizens, other subjects, or even Bharata to that place. |
vrm.1.1 | Rama", the truth valiant, has gone to the hermitage of Sage Bharadwaja en route, and he has also sent Hanuma to the near of Bharata beforehand. |
vrm.1.1 | "Then on boarding Pushpaka Aircraft again after leaving the hermitage of Bharadwaja, and telling episodes jovially to Sugreeva and others about the events in the days of his exile in forests, while flying overhead of the very same places, Rama went to Nandigrama, where Bharata is available. |
vrm.1.3 | Construction of a hermitage and dwelling therein Bharata s arrival at that place for the graciousness of Rama to take back the kingdom Rama s denial of it Rama s offering water oblations to his father on hearing the demise of his father. |
vrm.1.3 | Enthroning shoe sandals of Rama by Bharata Bharata s living in a village Nandigrama Rama s going to Dandaka forests killing the Rakshasa named Viradha. |
vrm.1.3 | Sending Hanuma to meet Bharata, for he avowed to self immolate if Rama were not to come in time the coronation festival of Rama disbandment of all military troops of Vanaras Rama s ruling his kingdom to the delight of his subjects, and the desolation of Vaidehi too. |
vrm.1.4 | features, Rama spoke to Lakshmana, and Shatrughna, and Bharata likewise. |
vrm.1.18 | Queen Kaikeyi gave birth to Bharata, one embodied with all merits, and whose truthfulness itself is his valour and who is fourth component of manifest Vishnu, namely Rama. |
vrm.1.18 | The fair minded Bharata is born under Pisces where Pushyami is the star of day, and the so ns of Sumitra, namely Lakshmana and Shatrughna are born under Cancer, where Aasresa is the star of the day and when sun is rising. |
vrm.1.18 | Elapsed are eleven days and the naming ceremony is performed, then Vashishta, the chief priest, named the high souled elder one as Rama, Kaikeyi s son as Bharata, and one son of Sumitra as Lakshmana and the other as Shatrughna The king feasted Brahmans, urbanites and villagers and he gifted many |
vrm.1.18 | b, a Lakshmana s younger brother Shatrughna is a dear one to Bharata, like that Bharata too held Shatrughna dearer than his own lives. |
vrm.1.70 | From Dhruvasandhi, an illustrious one named as Bharata is begotten, and Bharata begot a highly effulgent son named as Asita. |
vrm.1.72 | Oh, king, the pair of daughters of this right minded Kushadhvaja is nonpareil in comeliness in this world, hence, oh, grand sire, we choose to pair them off with Bharata and Shatrughna. |
vrm.1.72 | Oh, king, for the sake of those two honourable boys, for that young man Bharata and for that smart man Shatrughna, we opt your brother s |
vrm.1.72 | So be it! Safe betides you all! Let the pair of Kushadhvaja s daughters, namely Maandavi, Shrutakiirti, devout themselves as a pair of wives to the paired brothers, namely Bharata and Shatrughna, respectively. |
vrm.1.73 | Yudhajit, the son of Kekaya king and the brother of Kaikeyi, thus the direct maternal uncle of Bharata, having seen and asked after the wellbeing of Dasharatha said this to him. |
vrm.1.73 | Oh, Raghu s legatee, oh, best king, my father and the king of Kekaya is interested to see my sister Kaikeyi s son, Bharata, and for that reason I am sent to Ayodhya. |
vrm.1.73 | Oh, lord of the land, in Ayodhya I have heard that you went to Mithila along with your sons for their marriages, and wishing to see my sister s son Bharata I promptly travelled here. |
vrm.1.73 | Janaka having said to Lakshmana that way, he also addressed Bharata, Oh, Bharata, the delight of Raghu s, take Maandavi s palm into your palm. |
vrm.1.73 | Oh, Rama, Lakshmana, Bharata, Shatrughna |
vrm.1.74 | b, a But while going with the assemblages of sages and with young Raghava s, namely Rama, Lakshmana, Bharata, Shatrughna, the sky bound Birds started to screech with startling voice from all around facing that tigerly man Dasharatha. |
vrm.1.77 | And those best men among men, Rama, Lakshmana, Bharata, Shatrughna, who are by now accomplished persons in weaponry and whose marriages have also come to pass, occupied themselves in the welfare of kingdom while assisting their father and moving around with good hearted people. |
vrm.1.77 | b, a Then after sometime that king Dasharatha, the legatee of Raghu s, spoke to his and Kaikeyi s son, Bharata. |
vrm.1.77 | thus Dasharatha bade farewell to Bharata suggesting that Bharata may now go with Yudhajit. |
vrm.1.77 | On hearing the opinion of Dasharatha, Bharata, the son of Kaikeyi, then readied himself to travel along with Shatrughna to Kekaya province. |
vrm.1.77 | b, a That valiant and best one among men Bharata on asking leave from his father, from Rama, an uncomplicatedly dextrous one in undertaking deeds, and even from his mothers, Kaikeyi, Sumitra, and Kausalya, travelled on along with Shatrughna. |
vrm.1.77 | b, a Yudhajit on clinching not only Bharata, but Shatrughna also, that valiant one is highly gladdened and entered his own city, indeed to the high rejoice of his father, King of Kekaya. |
vrm.1.77 | b, a After the departure of Bharata, then the masterly proficient Rama along with Lakshmana started to square with the plans and programs of of his godly father for an ideal sovereignty. |
vrm.2.1 | Bharata, while going to his maternal uncle s house, has taken his brother Satrughna he who has no sins and who annihilates his enemies along with him with love. |
vrm.2.1 | Treated with good hospitality and paternal love by his maternal uncle, Yudhajit, who was a lord of cavalry, Bharata stayed with his brother there. |
vrm.2.1 | Those heroes of valour Bharata and Satrughna, though staying there enjoying all the comforts, were remembering their age old father. |
vrm.2.1 | The mighty Dasaratha was also often remembering his sons Bharata and Satrughna who were out of his state and who were equivalent to Indra and Varuna. |
vrm.2.1 | The hurried Dasaratha did not call for the king Kekaya, the maternal uncle of Bharata or the King Janaka as he thought they both could hear the good news even afterwards. |
vrm.2.4 | "It is my opinion that your coronation function should occur, while Bharata is away from the city. |
vrm.2.4 | Bharata, your brother, goes according to his eldest brother. |
vrm.2.7 | Thus, Bharata s name itself will be removed from the royal clan. |
vrm.2.7 | "The evil minded Dasaratha sent Bharata to the house of his relatives and at dawn, is going to install Rama on the throne without hindrance. |
vrm.2.7 | What else can I do for you, who informed such a good news?" "I do not see any difference between Rama and Bharata. |
vrm.2.8 | Does any intelligent woman feel happy over the prosperity of a stepson who is considered an enemy? Does it not amount to praising a befalling death?" Rama" has a fear about Bharata because Bharata has equal rights over the kingdom. |
vrm.2.8 | Shatrughna is as faithful to Bharata as Lakshmana to Rama". |
vrm.2.8 | "Oh Kaikeyi! In line with even the proximity of birth the claim to the throne of Bharata alone can be pressed, that of Lakshmana and Satrughna who are younger is out of question. |
vrm.2.8 | "With folded arms, as a maid servant, you have to serve that Kausalya who having reached great prosperity, in the height of joy, will dispose of her adversaries in the person of Bharata and yourself". |
vrm.2.8 | "Thus, if you become Kausalya s servant maid along with us, your son Bharata will be Rama s attendant. |
vrm.2.8 | Your daughters in law will be unhappy because of Bharata s waning position. |
vrm.2.8 | O, the hunch backed one! Why are you so pained on hearing about Rama s coronation?" "After Rama s rule for one hundred years, Bharata the best among men will certainly replace Rama on his father s throne, which is that of his ancestors. |
vrm.2.8 | "Oh, Manthara! When we got an occasion for rejoicing as at present and when a festive occasion is to come off in future too in the form of Bharata s installation, no matter even if it comes after a hundred years, why do you feel agonized like this as though burning with jealousy?" "For me, Rama is as lovable as Bharata and even more. |
vrm.2.8 | Is he not doing more service to me than to Kausalya?" "If Rama has kingdom then Bharata has it as well. |
vrm.2.8 | Thus, Bharata s name itself will be removed from the royal clan. |
vrm.2.8 | Rama", ascending the throne without hindrance, will either send away Bharata to some other country or have him put to death. |
vrm.2.8 | "You sent Bharata to his maternal uncle s house even in his childhood. |
vrm.2.8 | By sending Bharata to a distant place, you made Dasaratha to have no affection towards him. |
vrm.2.8 | Shatrughna" was drawn towards Bharata and went along with him. |
vrm.2.8 | Just as Lakshmana joined Rama, Shatrughna joined Bharata. |
vrm.2.8 | So also, Dasaratha might have supported Bharata if he was staying near to him in Ayodhya. |
vrm.2.8 | However there is no doubt that he will do so in the case of Bharata. |
vrm.2.8 | "If Bharata gets his father s kingdom as per law, it will be beneficial to you and your side of relatives. |
vrm.2.8 | How can Bharata who failed to achieve his purpose live under control of Rama whose flourishing object has been realised?" Rama" is chasing and bringing down Bharata as a lion chases an Elephant king in forest. |
vrm.2.8 | You ought to protect Bharata. |
vrm.2.8 | Will not such Kausalya, your rival wife, revenge for that animosity?" "O, Kaikeyi! The day Rama becomes lord of this earth with its great oceans, mountains and towns that day you and your Bharata will get a bad and pitiable position of ignominy. |
vrm.2.8 | "When Rama gets power of the kingdom Bharata will certainly get ruined. |
vrm.2.8 | Hence, think of a solution to get your son Bharata the kingdom and to send Rama, your enemy, to exile. |
vrm.2.9 | I shall get Bharata anointed for princely kingdom immediately. |
vrm.2.9 | "O Manthara! What is the means by which Bharata will get the kingdom but Rama will not get it by any method. |
vrm.2.9 | I shall tell you the means by which your son Bharata only will get the kingdom. |
vrm.2.9 | After hearing Manthara s words, Kaikeyi slightly rose from the well laid bed and spoke the following "O Manthara! Tell me the trick by which Bharata will get the kingdom and Rama will not get it under any circumstances. |
vrm.2.9 | "You ask your husband as two boons, anointing Bharata for princely kingdom and sending Rama to exile for fourteen years. |
vrm.2.9 | If you send Rama to forest for fourteen years, your son Bharata will get intimate association in the hearts of the people and will get stabilised in kingdom. |
vrm.2.9 | Let Bharata be made as king of this earth". |
vrm.2.9 | Your Bharata will become king, after the enemies having been annihilated. |
vrm.2.9 | Oh Manthara! When Rama goes to forest and Bharata gets kingdom, I shall adore this hunch back with a golden garland. |
vrm.2.9 | By surrendering to the words of Manthara and having been thus encouraged by her, Kaikeyi who was of wide eyes, who was proud of her intoxicating beauty, who was a gifted woman and a queen, removed pearl necklace worth in lacs and other great valuable auspicious ornaments from her body, entered the chamber of wrath along with Manthara, lied on the floor there like a golden wire and spoke to Manthara as follows: "After Rama s going to the forest, Bharata shall get the kingdom. |
vrm.2.9 | Afterwards, that Manthara again spoke to the seriously talking mother of Bharata that is Kaikeyi the following words which were beneficial to her and not beneficial in relation to Rama. |
vrm.2.9 | Oh, Kaikeyi of auspicious qualities! Hence you try for coronation of your son, Bharata |
vrm.2.9 | Oh Manthara! Either you have to inform the king, of having seen me going to the world of death from here or when Rama left for the forest, Bharata becomes the fulfiller of his desire. |
vrm.2.11 | That Kaikeyi, who has utmost desire for coronation of Bharata and for sending Rama to exile, revealing that wish from her mind, uttered unspeakable wordswith bias and delight. |
vrm.2.11 | Let my Bharata instead be coronated on this occasion itself". |
vrm.2.11 | "Now itself, Bharata has to get rights of succession to kingdom, which is free of enemies. |
vrm.2.13 | It will be pleasing to me, to Rama, to the world, to priests and to Bharata. |
vrm.2.18 | The object of happiness is indeed difficult to be attained always!" "I hope that no bad thing occurred to Bharata, the delightful man to look at or to Shatrughna, the man of great strength or to my mother. |
vrm.2.18 | "Oh, Rama! According to those boons, I asked the king for coronation of Bharata and for your going to Dandaka forest today itself. |
vrm.2.18 | Bharata" is to be enthroned with the use of complete collection of materials already arranged by the king for your sake. |
vrm.2.18 | "Let Bharata rule this earth, by residing in Ayodhya filled with various types of precious thing together with Horses, chariots and Elephants. |
vrm.2.19 | "My heart is burning indeed with one sorrowful feeling that king himself has not informed me about Bharata s coronation. |
vrm.2.19 | "Being directed by king, who is my father himself, how much more should I tell that I can give everything to Bharata, duly obeying father s promise to fulfil your beloved desire. |
vrm.2.19 | Why indeed the king is thus slowly shedding tears, with eyes gazed upon the floor?" "Let messengers go now itself on fleet Horses to bring Bharata from maternal uncle s house as per orders of the king. |
vrm.2.19 | Messengers can go on Horses having rapid speed, to bring back Bharata from his maternal uncle s house. |
vrm.2.19 | In the matter of coronation of Bharata, you told Dasaratha and not to me, even though you had every authority to tell, me directly. |
vrm.2.19 | "While ruling the kingdom, see that Bharata serves our father well. |
vrm.2.20 | "The great king is giving to Bharata the succession to kingdom and to me, however, he is making me a sage to stay in the forest of Dandaka. |
vrm.2.20 | “My husband always held me down, without giving me any independence and treat me equal to or even lower than the servants of Kaikeyi” Those who serve me now and those who follow me, will not speak to me, after seeing Bharata”. |
vrm.2.21 | “Oh, Rama, the best of men! If the city of Ayodhya turns against you, I shall make it desolate of men with sharp arrows” “I shall kill all those who are siding Bharata ,and are favourable to him. |
vrm.2.21 | “Oh, Rama, the best of men! On what strength or season has he taken shelter to give away this kingdom belonging to you to Kaikeyi?” “Oh, Rama the chestiser of enemies! Where is the ability for him to give kingdom to Bharata, by making great enmity against you and me “Oh, queen! Really, I am devotedly attached to my brother Rama. |
vrm.2.22 | “Oh, Lakshmana! Look at it as destiny which has taken back kingdom given to me and which is sending me to exile” “If not making of destiny to create such a thought in Kaikeyi, how come she resolved to harass?” “You know that I had no discrimination among mothers and Kaikeyi also in the past had no discrimination between me and her son Bharata” |
vrm.2.24 | Bharata also, who is a righteous person and who speaks lovingly to all beings will be obliging to you. |
vrm.2.26 | Bharata is being appointed as prince by my father Before setting forth to the lonely forest, I came to see you. |
vrm.2.26 | I should not be praised at any time in the presence of Bharata |
vrm.2.26 | Therefore, my virtues should not be extolled by you in front of Bharata. |
vrm.2.26 | You, in particular, should regard Bharata and Satrughna, as your brothers or sons. |
vrm.2.26 | Bharata is indeed king and the master both for the kingdom and for our family |
vrm.2.26 | Oh good lady You such dwell here, doing conformably to the will of Bharata the king, remaining devoted to righteousness and with a vow of truth as you end. |
vrm.2.31 | Bharata" on acquiring the kingdom will be devoted to Kaikeyi and will not think of sorrowful Kausalya or Sumitra. |
vrm.2.31 | "Oh, Rama the valiant! Bharata being inspired by your splendour of morality will respect Kausalya and Sumitra. |
vrm.2.34 | "This earth being relinquished by me which included various provinces, filled with people, imbued with riches and food grains, may be given to Bharata. |
vrm.2.34 | "Oh, king! Do not have any hesitation in offering the kingdom to Bharata. |
vrm.2.34 | "Let this city, province and whole of this earth left by me, be given to Bharata. |
vrm.2.34 | "Oh, king! Let this earth with multitude of mountains, comprising of cities with their gardens relinquished by me, be ruled over barely by Bharata, within the bounds of righteousness. |
vrm.2.35 | "Let your son Bharata become the king and rule the earth. |
vrm.2.36 | Rama" can spend his exile happily, by performing sacrificial rite in holy places and disbursing appropriate gifts, along with sages living in the forest "The mighty armed Bharata will rule Ayodhya. |
vrm.2.36 | Bharata" will not accept the kingdom, which will become uninhabited, hollow and which will be absolutely unenjoyable like wine, quaffed of its spiriteous part, Oh noble soul!" While Kaikeyi who has cast off her shame was thus uttering th emost cruel words, King Dasaratha spoke these words to that lady with large eyes: Having charged me with a burden, Oh hostile woman, why do you prick me while I am carrying it? Why did you not check beforewhile asking the boons by putting a condition that Rama should not be allowed to take anything with him the deedof sending troups etc with Rama in the begining itself, Oh the vulgar woman!" |
vrm.2.36 | You enjoy the kingdom for a long time, happily together with Bharata the King. |
vrm.2.37 | "Wearing pieces of bark, Bharata along with Shatrughna will live along with Rama their brother residing in the forest and moving in the forest. |
vrm.2.37 | "If Bharata is born to king Dasaratha, he is not fit either to rule the earth that is not being offered by his father nor to live as a son in your case. |
vrm.2.37 | "Even if you can jump from the surface of the earth to the sky, Bharata who knows the record of his father s dynasty will not do as you wish him to do" |
vrm.2.42 | “If Bharata feels cheerful for having got this kingdom which is imperishable, let the obsequial rites performed to me after my death do not reach me" Meanwhile Kausalya the queen overwhelmed with grief, lifted up the king who was covered with dust and returned to her house. |
vrm.2.45 | Fondly gazing on the people as though drinking with his eyes, Rama lovingly spoke as follows as though they were his own children: “The respect and affection that has been bestowed upon me by you the residents of Ayodhya may for my satisfaction be bestowed in a special measure on Bharata. |
vrm.2.45 | Bharata“ who enhances the delight of Kaikeyi and who possesses excellent conduct, will indeed do pleasing and beneficial things to you appropriately. |
vrm.2.45 | Bharata“ who is matured in knowledge but young in age, who is gentle but endowed with virility and virtue, will become your worthy master who can dispel your fears |
vrm.2.45 | Bharata“ who is endowed with royal virtues is being marked as the prince. |
vrm.2.46 | “Oh, tiger among men! The citizens of Ayodhya are indeed having affection to the king no less than to you and myself, as also to Bharata and Satrughna, for many of our virtues. |
vrm.2.46 | Bharata“, the virtuous man, can indeed console my father and mother by his kind words. |
vrm.2.48 | We have been handed over now to Bharata, like the beasts in the hands of a slaughterer. |
vrm.2.52 | Bring Bharata quickly. |
vrm.2.52 | After his arrival, Bharata may be installed in the position, as desired by the king. |
vrm.2.52 | “When you embrace Bharata and install him in the office of the Prince Regent, the agony caused by the repentance felt by you on our account will not overpower you. |
vrm.2.52 | Bharata“ too is to be told thus: “Treat without distinction all your mothers with the same regard as you behave towards the king. |
vrm.2.52 | “This is my first priority that my younger mother should get the extensive kingdom, protected by Bharata and thus ruled by her own son. |
vrm.2.53 | “Seeing Bharata returned, queen Kaikeyi, I am afraid, may not expel the lives of the emperor for the sake of kingdom. |
vrm.2.53 | “what man however deluded, what father on account of a woman, at his own will and pleasure, abandon a son like myself? “Alas, Kaikeyi’s son Bharata alone is happy along with his wife. |
vrm.2.53 | Bharata will become the prime head for the entire kingdom. |
vrm.2.53 | “It seems that Kaikeyi came into our house, oh good brother, to bring about an end to Dasaratha, to send me into exile and to secure kingship for Bharata. |
vrm.2.53 | Give for protection my mother to Bharata, oh virtuous Prince!” “In some other past birth, women must have been deprived of their sons by my mother Kausalya, oh, Lakshmana! For that reason this has arisen certainly. |
vrm.2.58 | “In respect of Bharata your son, follow a respectable behaviour as with a king. |
vrm.2.58 | Bharata“ is to be enquired about his well being and he is also to be informed as follows: “Follow good behaviour indeed judiciously towards all your mothers. |
vrm.2.58 | “The mighty armed Bharata the son of Ikshvaku race, is to be told as follows: ‘Being installed in the office of Prince Regent, attend to your father who still stays in the throne’. |
vrm.2.61 | “Even if Rama comes back in the fifteenth year, it cannot be inferred that Bharata will abandon the kingdom and the treasury. |
vrm.2.61 | Your son Bharata and your wife Kaikeyi only are delighted. |
vrm.2.67 | “Both Bharata and Satrughna, the annihilator of enemies, are encamped in the beautiful house of their maternal uncle in the city of Rajagriha in the kingdom of Kekaya. |
vrm.2.68 | Hearing their words, Vasistha replied thus to that group of friends as well as ministers and to all the Brahmans assembled there: Bharata“, who was given kingdom by Dasaratha is staying very happily in his maternal uncle’s home, along with Satrughna. |
vrm.2.68 | After relieving yourself of the grief, you have to tell Bharata these words as my orders:” “The royal priest and other ministers are asking about your welfare. |
vrm.2.68 | “Go quickly, taking silk clothes and excellent ornaments to the king and to Bharata The messengers, who are going to leave for the land of Kekayas, took sufficient eatables required on their way and went to their respective houses, by riding on their admirable Horses. |
vrm.2.69 | On that very night those messengers entered the city Bharata also had experienced an unpleasant dream. |
vrm.2.69 | Bharata, the son of Dasaratha the paramount sovereign, after seeing that unpleasant dream just at the dawn of that night, felt very much anguished. |
vrm.2.69 | Knowing Bharata to have been in anguish, his graceful speaking friends arranged recitation of stories in the palace so as to erase his anguish. |
vrm.2.69 | That high soled Bharata born in Raghu Dynasty could not be made cheerful by his gently speaking friends by stage plays or jokes. |
vrm.2.69 | A close friend spoke to Bharata, who was surrounded by his companions, as follows, “O, friend! Why are you not rejoicing, even when entertained by your friends?” Bharata replied to the friend who spoke thus, as follows “You listen to me the reason for which this depression came to me” |
vrm.2.70 | While Bharata was narrating his dream, the messengers whose Horses were tired, entered the beautiful city called Rajagriha, which has too big a palace gate and met the king Kekaya and the prince Yudhajit, who received them hospitably. |
vrm.2.70 | They saluted the feet of the king Kekaya and spoke the following words to Bharata: |
vrm.2.70 | “O, Bharata the wide eyed man! Take these very valuable clothes and jewels and give them to your maternal uncle” “O, prince! In these jewels and clothes, a worth of hundred crores is to be given to the king Kekaya and likewise a worth of ten crores in full to your maternal uncle. |
vrm.2.70 | Bharata, who had a great affection towards his kind hearted relatives, took all that, honored these messengers profusely with gifts of their liking and spokeas follows “I hope that king Dasaratha, my father is quite safe. |
vrm.2.70 | “As Kaikeyi, who loves herself, a forever fiery lady of wrathful nature, who prides herself to be highly intelligent and my mother, also well? What did she say?” On hearing the words of the high soled Bharata, those messengers then respectfully spoke to Bharata as follows: “O, tiger among men! Those, of whom you do enquire, are all well. |
vrm.2.70 | Hearing the words Bharata spoke to the messengers as follows: “I will get permission from the monarchto leave for Ayodhya saying that the messengers are hastening me up. |
vrm.2.70 | Bharata the prince having been asked to move quickly to Ayodhya by the messengers, spoke as aforesaid to those messengers and uttered the following words to his maternal uncle: “O, king! Requested by the messengers to come to Ayodhya urgently, I am going to my father’s presence. |
vrm.2.70 | Hearing the words of Bharata, the king Kekaya, his maternal uncle smelled as a token of affection the head of Bharata and spoke the following auspicious words: “Go, my dear child! I am permitting you. |
vrm.2.70 | The king Kekaya, treating him hospitably gave that Bharata the best of Elephants, Woolen clothes of varied colors, antelope skins and riches gold and silver vessels etc. |
vrm.2.70 | The king Kekaya generously gave as gifts to Bharata, two thousands coins of gold and sixteen hundred Horses. |
vrm.2.70 | Likewise, Aswapati sent some attendants, who were dear, reliable, endowed with virtues and inmates of his palace with Bharata to accompany him on the return journey Yudhajit, his maternal uncle gave him as gifts, Elephants of Airavata race born in Indrasira mountain range and which were charming to behold as well as mules which could walk quickly and were well trained |
vrm.2.70 | The wealth of gifts bestowed by the king Kekaya did not rejoice Bharata, Kaikeyi’s son, who was then in a hurry to go. |
vrm.2.70 | The glorious Bharata crossed his very big palace, augmented with men Elephants and Horses and entered the excellent royal high way. |
vrm.2.70 | The sagacious Bharata crossed the royal high way and perceived the gynoecia. |
vrm.2.70 | Then, the glorious Bharata entered those gynoecia. |
vrm.2.70 | Bharata took leave of his maternal grandfather and also Yudhajit, his maternal uncle and set out on a chariot for Ayodhya along with Satrughna. |
vrm.2.70 | With more than hundred chariots variegated with jewels yoked to Camels, bullocks, Horses and mules as also servants followed Bharata as he departed. |
vrm.2.70 | Being protected by the army, the high soled Bharata, who was free from enemies, taking Shatrughna along with other companions good enough to him, started from the palace of his venerable maternal uncle, as a Siddha would start from Indraloka the world of Devas. |
vrm.2.71 | That brilliant and glorious Bharata, who was a rejoice to Ikshvaku dynasty marching in easterly direction from the city of Rajagriha, thereafter observing and crossing Sudama river as well as the wide Hladini river, whose stream flowed towards eastern direction. |
vrm.2.71 | The pure and illustrious Bharata, who kept up his promise, crossing shatradru river at Eladhana village, reaching the region of Apara parpata, crossing a rocky hill called akurvati, seeing the villages of Agneyam and salyakartana as well as Silavaha river, crossed huge mountains and traveled towards the woods of Chitraratha. |
vrm.2.71 | Arriving at the confluence of Sarasvati and Ganga rivers, Bharata entered the woods of Bharmuda, the north of Viramatsaya region. |
vrm.2.71 | Making cool the limbs of the tired Horses by bathing there and cheering up them, nay, taking a bath himself, drinking some water and carrying it for future use, Bharata proceeded further. |
vrm.2.71 | The blessed prince Bharata traversed that rarely frequented huge forest by his excellent chariot as the wind glides through an atmosphere. |
vrm.2.71 | Bharata soon reached the great river, Bharathi, which is difficult to be crossed, at the city of pragvata in the region of Amsudhana. |
vrm.2.71 | Bharata reached Jambuprasta village, which is located at the southern part of Torana region and from there he arrived at a beautiful village too, named Varutha. |
vrm.2.71 | Making a camp in thatbeautiful forest there, Bharata traveled towards the east and reached a garden in the city of Ujjihana, in which there are a number of Kadamba trees. |
vrm.2.71 | Having reached Sala and Kadamba trees, Bharata yoked swifter Horses to his chariot, allowed his army to come after him and quickly went ahead. |
vrm.2.71 | Having halted min Sarvatirtha village and having crossed Uttamika river and various other rivers by mountain ponies and reaching Hast prasthaka village, Bharata crossed Kutika river and traversed kapivati river at Lohitya village. |
vrm.2.71 | Bharata, after crossing Sthanumati river at Ekasala village and Gomati river at Vinata village, took rest at a grove of Sala trees at Kalinga city as the Horses were very much tired and then proceeded quickly. |
vrm.2.71 | Driving through grove quickly in the night, Bharata at the dawn saw the city of Ayodhya, which was earlier built by King Manu. |
vrm.2.71 | Seeing the city of Ayodhya in front, after spending seven nights on his way, Bharata the tiger among men, spoke the following words to his charioteer: |
vrm.2.71 | Bharata, with his tiered Horses entered the city through Vaijayanta gate. |
vrm.2.71 | Bharata, with a distracted mind, responded to the salutations of those porters at the gate and those porters at the gate and spoke to the charioteer who was beloved to Asvapati as follows: “O, the faultless charioteer! Why was I brought so quickly without any reason? My mind is apprehending some evil. |
vrm.2.71 | After seeing those bad omens in Ayodhya, the broken hearted Bharata spoke to the charioteer as aforesaid and went to the royal palace. |
vrm.2.71 | Beholding the city of Ayodhya,that formerly possessed the splendor of the capital city of Indra, now with its squares houges and high ways deserted, the doors and hinges covered with rust Bharata was overcome with grief. |
vrm.2.71 | Seeing many things disenchanted to mind which did not occur at any time before in the city, the high soled Bharata with his head bent down and with his mind miserable gloomily entered his father’s house. |
vrm.2.72 | Not finding his father there in his father’s palace, Bharata went to his mother’s apartment to see his mother. |
vrm.2.72 | Soon after entering his house, which was devoid of any splendor, Bharata the righteous man, grasped the auspicious feet of his mother in obeisance. |
vrm.2.72 | Kaikeyi smelled as mark of affection the head of the illustrious Bharata, embraced him, made him to ascend on her lap and started questions. |
vrm.2.72 | Or is he in the house of Kausalya the senior most of my mothers?” Deluded by the greed for kingdom, Kaikeyi who knew everything closely, told the terribly unpleasant news to Bharata, who did not know anything, as though the news was delightful. |
vrm.2.72 | Bharata, a righteous man with a noble descent and an honest man, hearing that news immediately fell down on the ground, being exceedingly tormented by the grief for his father. |
vrm.2.72 | The mighty armed and heroic Bharata, raising his grievous and depressed voice, cried, “Alas, I am undone’ and lifting up his arms, fell down. |
vrm.2.72 | Then, Bharata of great majesty, who was enveloped in grief and whose mind was troubled by reeling under the death of his father, lamented profusely. |
vrm.2.72 | Covering his lovely face with a raiment, Bharata the first of those who are victorious, with a proffond distress in his mind shed tears in lamentation. |
vrm.2.72 | Kaikeyi lifted up from the floor, her son Bharata, who was pained with sorrow, looking like a god, who fell on the ground like a sala tree, cut off by an axe, appearing like an Elephant in rut, looking like the moon and sun,afflicted with grief as he was and spoke the following words: “O, the highly illustrious prince! Arise,arise! Why are you lying down? Gentlemen, like you, respected in the assembly of men, do not grieve indeed. |
vrm.2.72 | “O, Bharata endowed with understanding! Your intellect, which follows good character as well as sacred scriptures, has an authority to donate and sacrifice, ever shining as such like a splendor in the abode of the sun. |
vrm.2.72 | Encircled by numerous afflictions, Bharata weeping for a long time rolled over the floor and replied to his mother as follows: “Making up my mind that the king was either going to anoint Rama as a prince regent or to perform a sacrifice, I cheerfully got into the journey. |
vrm.2.72 | Thus requested by Bharata, Kaikeyi spoke the following words in accordance with truth. |
vrm.2.72 | Hearing the aforesaid pronouncement, which disclosed second unpleasant news, Bharata was dejected. |
vrm.2.72 | Becoming gloomy faced, he once again asked his mother as follows: “Where did the virtuous Rama, who augments Kausalya’ s delight go now along with my brother Lakshmana and with Sita?” Asked by Bharata in this manner, his mother started telling so greatly unpleasant words, exactly as it had happened, as though they were very pleasant words. |
vrm.2.72 | Hearing these words, Bharata being aware of the glory of his race, doubted and fearedwhether Rama was sent to exile because of his unrighteous conduct, if any and again asked his mother as follows: “Has not Rama indeed stolen the wealth of some Brahmana? Has not he done any harm either to a rich or to a poor virtuous man?” “Has the prince indeed not longed for the wife of another? Why was my brother Rama expelled to the forest of Dandaka?” |
vrm.2.72 | Kaikeyi, a fool thing herself to be learned, after hearing the queries of the virtuous Bharata, delightfully spoke the following words: “Not even a little of belonging to a Brahman was stolen by Rama,No harm was done by him either to a rich or to a poor virtuous man. |
vrm.2.72 | “That beloved son having not been seen, the very celebrated monarch was made miserable by the grief for his son and obtained death” “O, Bharata knowing righteousness! The king ship may be taken charge by you now. |
vrm.2.73 | Hearing that his father was dead and both his brothers were exiled Bharata was tormented with grief and spoke the following words: Bereft of my father as well as my brother too, who is exactly like my father, what is the use of a kingdom now to me, lamenting as I am with despair?” “Making Dasaratha to die and turning Rama to be an ascetic, you brought one calamity after another like sprinkling salt on a wound. |
vrm.2.73 | Speaking as aforesaid, the high soled Bharata, pricking her with a multitude of unpleasant words, roared again like a lion stationed in a mountain cave. |
vrm.2.74 | Reproaching Kaikeyi in that manner, Bharata again spoke the following words, wrapped as he was in great anger. |
vrm.2.74 | As an Elephant in a forest pricked with a javelin and a goad and as a hissing serpent, Bharata was enraged and fell on the ground. |
vrm.2.74 | His eyes inflamed, his clothes in disarray, and his all ornaments discarded, Bharata the prince and the tormentor of foes, lay on the earth, like a banner of Indra raised at the end of a ceremony |
vrm.2.75 | That valiant Bharata, having come to himself a long time on obtaining consciousness, saw his mother whose eyes were filled pitiably with tears, reproached her mother in the midst of the ministers and said as follows: |
vrm.2.75 | Recognising the voice of Bharata the noble man, crying out in that manner, Kausalya spoke the following words to Sumitra: Bharata“, the son of Kaikeyi, the doer terrific deeds arrived. |
vrm.2.75 | I went to see that far sighted Bharata. |
vrm.2.75 | Bharata, the younger brother of Rama on his part, along with Shatrughna started out to Kausalya’s place. |
vrm.2.75 | Shatrughna and Bharata wept in sorrow, approached her painfully and embraced her. |
vrm.2.75 | Kausalya who was very much in sorrow spoke the following words to Bharata: “you, who have a desire for kingdom, have got this invincible kingdom |
vrm.2.75 | Derided with these and other harsh words that he had not merited, Bharata was extremely perturbed, as if a needle was thrust into an open wound. |
vrm.2.75 | His mind being perplexed and having lost his consciousness, Bharata then coming his senses, wailed in many ways and fell at the feet of the queen. |
vrm.2.75 | Then, Bharata with folded hands, replied as follows to Kausalya who was encircled by afflictions and weeping as aforesaid in many ways: “O, noble woman! Why do you reproach me, sinless as I am, for those things that I do not know anything? Nay, you know well of the greatest affection I have for Rama. |
vrm.2.75 | “While thus counseling Kausalya, who was bereft of her husband and son, the prince Bharata fell down, depressed as he was with anguish. |
vrm.2.75 | Kausalya spoke the following words to Bharata who was tormented with grief, was quite distraught and who just uttered formidable imprecations in the aforesaid manner: |
vrm.2.75 | Thus speaking to Bharata who was devoted to his brother Rama, she took the valiant Bharata to her lap, embraced him and wept aloud as she was very much afflicted with grief. |
vrm.2.75 | Lamenting thus, the great soled Bharata distraught on account of grief, felt himself about to swoon, with his mind crushed by the burden of grief. |
vrm.2.75 | To Bharata that night passed with grief in lamenting thus laying fallen unconscious on the ground, sighing warmly again and again with his power of discernment having been lost. |
vrm.2.76 | The sage Vasishta, the excellent one among the speakers having eloquence, spoke to that Bharata, Kaikeyi’s son who was thus tormented with grief. |
vrm.2.76 | Hearing the words of Vasishta, Bharata conversant with his duty fell prostate and proceeded with all the arrangements for the obsequies. |
vrm.2.76 | Raising the body of king Dasaratha, from the vessel where it had been immersed in oil, seeming as it were asleep with face in the color of gold, that son Bharata placed it in a magnificent couch, adorned with every kind of precious stone and in a great grief, lamented. |
vrm.2.76 | The great sage Vasishta again spoke the following words to that Bharata who was distressed in mind and thus lamenting. |
vrm.2.76 | “O, mighty armed Bharata! Without hesitation or repining, carry out the funeral rites of the king that should be done. |
vrm.2.76 | “Be it so” answered Bharata and obedient to Vasishta’s command, he summoned speedily the appointed priests who were knowing the rules of the funeral rites. |
vrm.2.76 | Along with Bharata, the royal women, the ministers and family priests offered their oblations with water and entered the city with their eyes filled in tears and spent ten days with great difficulty by sleeping on bare floor. |
vrm.2.77 | After having passed the tenth day of the death of Dasaratha, Bharata having himself purified, performed Shraddha rites on the arrival of the twelfth day. |
vrm.2.77 | On the occasion of Shraddha rites, Bharata gave precious stones, money, a lot of cooked rice, very valuable clothes and various other kinds of presents to Brahmans. |
vrm.2.77 | In that ceremony performed in honor of the dead king, Bharata the son of Dasaratha gave multitudes of white Goats, hundreds of Cows, servants and servant maids, vehicles and very big houses to Brahmans. |
vrm.2.77 | Then, at the time of dawn on the thirteenth day, the mighty armed Bharata who came for clearing up bones and ashes, wept in grief, his throat being choked of sound because of crying and spoke in great distress the following words, having reached the foot of his father’s funeral pile to collect the bones and ashes for their immersion in sarayu River. |
vrm.2.77 | Seeing that spot of collection of bones, which became reddish brown in colour because of ashes, with bones consumed by fire and his father’s body having extinguished, Bharata was depressed and began to cry loudly. |
vrm.2.77 | Miserable as he was to see the spot, Bharata fell weeping on the ground, as a flag staff fastened by any mechanical contrivance would drop down while being raised in honor of Indra |
vrm.2.77 | All his ministers hastily approached Bharata who was virtuous in conduct, as sages once rushed to the fallen Yayati at the time of his death. |
vrm.2.77 | Seeing Bharata, Shatrughna was also overwhelmed with grief and while recollecting the king, fell unconscious on the ground. |
vrm.2.77 | “O, father! Where have you gone leaving the lamenting Bharata, your boy always being caressed by you. |
vrm.2.77 | Both Shatrughna, and Bharata were wearied with grief and began to roll on the ground, like two bulls whose horns have been broken. |
vrm.2.77 | Then, Vasishta, a noble man, a learned man and the family priest of their father, raised up that Bharata from the ground and spoke the following words: “O, Lord Bharata! This is the thirteenth day of the death of your father. |
vrm.2.77 | The two illustrious Tigers among men Bharata and Satrughna who had got up, appeared like two banners severally raised in honor of Indra soiled through rain and the sun. |
vrm.2.78 | Thereafter, Shatrughna the younger brother of Lakshmana spoke the following words to Bharata, who was tormented with grief and who desired to undertake an expedition to Rama. |
vrm.2.78 | Agonised very much by those harsh and painful words, Kiakeyi overwhelmed as she was with the fear of Shatrughna, took refuge with Bharata. |
vrm.2.78 | Seeing that enraged Shatrughna, Bharata said: "Among all beings women are not to be killed. |
vrm.2.78 | Hearing the words of Bharata, Shatrughna the younger brother of Lakshmana renouncing his guilty design forthwith released that Manthara. |
vrm.2.78 | Seeing the hunch backed woman, who was distraught on account of shatrughna s violence, wearing a disturbed appearance and looking like a crane that has been caught in a noose, Bharata s mother slowly consoled her. |
vrm.2.79 | Thereafter, early in the morning on the fourteenth day, the king makers coming together, spoke to Bharata the following words. |
vrm.2.79 | “O, prince Bharata! Taking all the things needed for coronation, your own people the counsellers and the ministers as well as the citizens are awaiting for you. |
vrm.2.79 | “O, Bharata the excellent among men! Take over the stable kingdom, which came in succession from your ancestors, coronate yourself and rule us. |
vrm.2.79 | The firmly resolute Bharata performed circumambulation clockwise around all the things kept ready for consecration and replied to all those people as follows: “It is indeed appropriate to bestow kingship always to the eldest of our clan. |
vrm.2.79 | Hearing Prince Bharata, talking in consideration of Ramas’ cause, all the people replied in the following illustrious and excellent words: |
vrm.2.80 | Those officers appointed for execution of the work, as ordered by Bharata, skillfully instructed their work men and erected a tent which was intended for the great souled Bharata, in a beautiful place abundant with tasty fruits. |
vrm.2.80 | The connoisseurs erected the tents of the high souled Bharata at auspicious hours in days when the stars were propitious. |
vrm.2.81 | Then, bards and pangegyrists, who knew the importance of tidings, eulogized Bharata with auspicious hymns of praise on the night preceding Naandimukha. |
vrm.2.81 | That mammoth sound of the musical instruments, as if filling up the whole sky, created further distress and grief to Bharata who was already tormented with grief. |
vrm.2.81 | Then, the awakened Bharata proclaiming that “I am not the king”, caused to stop that sound and spoke the following words to shatrughna: “Behold, O, Shatrughna! How much harm was done to the world by Kaikeyi! The king Dasaratha left us, leaving all sorrows to me. |
vrm.2.81 | Seeing Bharata who lost his consciousness by lamenting in that way, all the women then miserably cried in one voice. |
vrm.2.81 | While Bharata was lamenting thus, the great illustrious Vasishta who knew the rules relating to kings, entered the assembly hall of Dasaratha the Lord of Ikshvaku dynasty. |
vrm.2.81 | “Bring Shatrughna with his royal attendants, the illustrious Bharata, Yudhajit Bharata’s maternal uncle Sumantra the charioteer and those people who are royal well wishers there. |
vrm.2.81 | People of high position like ministers and other welcomed the approaching Bharata in every way as they had welcomed Dasaratha and as Indra was welcomed by Devas. |
vrm.2.81 | That royal assembly, made splendid by Bharata the son of Dasaratha, radiated as before as with the presence of Dasaratha, like a lake of tranquil waters sown with pearls shells and sand and filled with great fish and serpents. |
vrm.2.82 | Bharata endowed with understanding, saw that assembly, enriched with the whole body of respectable men, looking like a night in full moon duly enriched with well known planets. |
vrm.2.82 | Beholding all the entire body of ministers of the king, Vasishta the knower of righteousness uttered to Bharata the following soft spoken words: “O, beloved Bharata! The king Dasaratha, practicing righteousness, gave away to you this wide earth endowed with grains and riches and went to heaven. |
vrm.2.82 | Hearing those words, the pious Bharata was filled with distress and thirsting for justice got his mind fixed on Rama. |
vrm.2.82 | The youthful Bharata, with a voice of a Hamsa bird, in the midst of the assembly, lamented in a tearful and appealing speech. |
vrm.2.82 | Hearing those righteous words of Bharata, all the members of the assembly shed tears of joy, having their minds obsessed of Rama. |
vrm.2.82 | The pious minded Bharata, who had an affection for his brother spoke as aforesaid and uttered the following words to Sumantra who was clever in giving counsel and who was sitting nearby. |
vrm.2.82 | Hearing the words of the magnanimous Bharata, Sumantra joyfully arranged all that in accord with Bharata’s orders and wishes. |
vrm.2.82 | Seeing that army ready, Bharata in the presence of Vasishta said as follows to Sumantra who was standing by his side: “Get ready my chariot quickly. |
vrm.2.82 | Bowing to the command of Bharata and taking a chariot yoked with excellent Horses, Sumantra on his part approached him with delight. |
vrm.2.82 | Bharata, born in Raghu dynasty who was sincere in his purpose a powerful man having strong and mighty prowess and whose talk was most appropriate, then spoke as follows: intending to undertake a journey to persuade his illustrious elder brother, staying in dreary woods, to return to Ayodhya. |
vrm.2.82 | Sumantra, having received that explicit command from Bharata, which fulfilled his highest hopes, called all the ministers in chief, the chiefs of the army and the friendly multitude. |
vrm.2.83 | Bharata rose up at day break, mounted on excellent chariot and went quickly with a desire to see Rama. |
vrm.2.83 | All the ministers and priests ascended, chariots yoked with Horses, resembling those of the sun, and went ahead of Bharata. |
vrm.2.83 | Nine thousand Elephants suitably duly arranged escorted Bharata the joy of the Ikshvaku dynasty, on his journey. |
vrm.2.83 | Sixty thousand chariots filled with archers, furnished with weapons of various kinds, followed the illustrious prince Bharata. |
vrm.2.83 | A hundred thousand cavalry accompanied the moving Bharata, born in Raghu dynasty, who was true to his promise and who subdued his senses. |
vrm.2.83 | The whole body of noble men with their jubiliant hearts followed Bharata to see Rama again as also Lakshmana, recounting the marvelous exploits of that hero to each other saying: |
vrm.2.83 | Thousands of Brahmanas, well composed, renowned for their virtuous conduct, versed in sacred scriptures and riding on bullock carts, accompanied Bharata. |
vrm.2.83 | All of them, attired in clean and fair raiment, anointed with pure red sandal paste, mounted on various kinds of vehicles, followed Bharata tranquilly. |
vrm.2.83 | Exceedingly pleased and cheerful, that army escorted the son of Kaikeyi Bharata who was affectionate towards his brother and who had set out along with his family to bring his brother, Rama. |
vrm.2.83 | That army, which was accompanying Bharata, arrived at the bank of Ganga River, looking beautiful as it was with Charka Birds and stopped there. |
vrm.2.83 | Seeing the army behind, which accompanied him and the River Ganga in front with its propitious waters, Bharata who was skillful in words, spoke to all his officers as follows: “It is my will that my army should take rest by all means. |
vrm.2.83 | Hearing these words from Bharata, the officers attentively answered, “Be it so” and each of them encamped their respective forces in accord with his pleasure. |
vrm.2.83 | Having meticulously arranged for encampment of the army which looked lovely along Ganga that great river with the surrounding equipment like tunts, furnishings etc, Bharata halted then, reflecting as to how to bring back the magnanimous Rama. |
vrm.2.84 | “Here is seen on that chariot, a towering banner bearing Kovidara tree and hence Bharata himself with an evil intent seems to have come. |
vrm.2.84 | “Will Bharata the son of Kaikeyi bind us with chains or slay us? Or is he coming to kill Rama, the son of Dasaratha, who was exiled from the kingdom by his father, desirous as Bharata is to get the prosperous Ayodhya kingdom, a luxury and that which is inaccessible to another?” |
vrm.2.84 | “If Bharata is favourably disposed now towards Rama, then only his army may be allowed to cross the River Ganga in safety. |
vrm.2.84 | After uttering thus, Guha the king of Nishadas took fish, meat and honey as an offering and approached Bharata. |
vrm.2.84 | Seeing him approach, Sumantra the charioteer, a majestic man who knows the rules of discipline, humbly told Bharata as follows: “This Lord who is surrounded by a thousand of his own people, is fully acquainted with the forest of Dandaka and also an old friend of your elder brother. |
vrm.2.84 | “O, Bharata! For that reason, let Guha the king of Nishadas see you. |
vrm.2.84 | Hearing the auspicious words of Sumantra, Bharata answered, “Introduce Guha to me without delay. |
vrm.2.84 | Having obtained permission, Guha along with his own people, joyfully and humbly approached Bharata and spoke as follows: |
vrm.2.85 | Hearing those words, the highly intelligent Bharata replied to Guha, the lord of Nishadas, in words that were full of reason and meaning. |
vrm.2.85 | Having spoken these excellent words to Guha the greatly illustrious Bharata, possessed of great splendor, said again to Guha the king of Nishadas as follows: “O, Guha! By which of these two routes can I go to the hermitage of Bharadwaja? This region engulfed in waters of Ganga River is not very much easy to negotiate and is difficult to cross. |
vrm.2.85 | Bharata, whose heart resembled a taintless sky, spoke the following words in smooth voice, to that Guha, who confessed his doubt as aforesaid. |
vrm.2.85 | Hearing the words of Bharata, Guha on his part, with his face radiated with joy spoke again to Bharata as follows: |
vrm.2.85 | While Guha was talking thus to Bharata, the sun diffused less |
vrm.2.85 | The illustrious Bharata, lodging that army in camps, felt delighted by Guhas’ hospitality, returned to his camp and took rest along with Shatrughna. |
vrm.2.85 | The high soled Bharata, whose only aim is to fulfill his duty and who is undeserving of sorrow, indeed felt grief, born of anguish for Rama. |
vrm.2.85 | Bharata, the son of Kaikeyi was pressed by the weight of that colossal mountain of agony consisting of rocky caverns in the shape of settled contemplations on Rama, minerals in the shape of groans and sighs, a cluster of trees in the shape of depressive thoughts, summits in the form of sufferings and fatigue, countless wild beasts in the shape of swoons, herbs and bamboos in the form of his exertions. |
vrm.2.85 | Thereafter, Bharata the excellent among men sighing much in melancholy, his mind utterly confused in consequence, having obtained an |
vrm.2.85 | The noble soled Bharata, with his escort, met Guha too in a composed mind. |
vrm.2.85 | Then Guha slowly reassured Bharata again as regards his elder brother. |
vrm.2.86 | Then Guha the foremost dweller reported Bharata, who was having incomprehensible qualities, about the quality of goodness of Lakshmanaas follows: "I spoke as follows to that Lakshmana, who is endowed with virtues and wielding arrows bow and a sword and who was keeping a vigil for the safe guard of his brother. |
vrm.2.87 | Hearing those most disagreeable words from Guha, Bharata began to think deeply, directing his mind on Rama, of whom those unpleasant words were heard. |
vrm.2.87 | Seeing Bharata unconscious, Guha growing pale, shook like a tree during an earthquake. |
vrm.2.87 | Shatrughna, who stood near, taking Bharata, who was in that unconscious state in his arms, becoming non pulsed, cried loudly, overcome as he was with grief. |
vrm.2.87 | Then, all the queens, emaciated through fasting, extremely miserable, being unable to find consolation for the sad end of their lord, rushed towards Bharata. |
vrm.2.87 | All of them, sobbing, surrounded Bharata who fell on the ground. |
vrm.2.87 | That affectionate Kausalya, agitated as she was with grief and looking miserable, pressing him to her bosom as a cow its own calf, questioned Bharata in the following words "O, son! I hope that no ailment afflicts your body. |
vrm.2.87 | Bharata of great renown, easing himself well within a moment, consoled Kausalya and while still weeping, spoke to Guha as follows "O, guha! Tell me where did Rama my brother as also Seetha and Lakshmana halt in the night? On what couch and eating what, did he repose? Guha, the Lord of Nishadas, thrilling with rapture, spoke to Bharata about the manner in which he made arrangements for feeding and reposing his beloved and kind guest, Rama. |
vrm.2.87 | "O, Bharata! We were pacified by that high souled Rama by saying thus: O, friend! We are not allowed to receive anything we must always be givers. |
vrm.2.88 | Having heard all that perfectly, Bharata approached the foot of Ingudi Tree along with his ministers and gazed on that grass bed on which Rama had slept. |
vrm.2.89 | Bharata, born in Raghu race, having passed the night in that place on the banks of Ganga, rising at dawn, said to shatrughna as follows: "O, Shatrughna! Wake up! Why sleep longer? Bring Guha the king of Nishadas quickly and be happy. |
vrm.2.89 | Thus urged by Bharata, his brother Shatrughna said, "I am not sleeping. |
vrm.2.89 | While those two Lions among men were talking themselves with each other thus, Guha came in time and with joined palms, addressed Bharata saying: "O, Bharata! Did you pass the night happily on the banks of the river? I hope all is well with your army. |
vrm.2.89 | Hearing those words of Guha spoken with affection, Bharata also in his devotion to Rama, replied as follows: |
vrm.2.89 | Hearing Bharata s command, Guha returned to the city in all haste and spoke to those multitude of his people as follows: "Rise, awake and may prosperity ever attend you! Duly haul the boats to the bank. |
vrm.2.89 | Vasishta, the royal priest and whatever elderly Brahmanas were present there ascended the boats, even before Bharata, Shatrughna, Kausalya, Sumitra. |
vrm.2.89 | The high souled Bharata made the army to rest, by encamping it according to its inclination and set out along with the priests and king s counsellors to meet Bharadwaja, the foremost of sages. |
vrm.2.89 | Approaching the hermitage of that high souled Brahmana and the family priest of Gods, Bharata saw an extensive and enchanting grove with its leafy huts and tress the chief of ascetics. |
vrm.2.90 | Having seen Bharadwaja s hermitage at a couple of miles away, that excellent man Bharata, knowing what is right, leaving all his army behind, discarding his weapons and ornaments, and wearing simple silken garment, went forwards by foot, proceeded by Vasishta, his spiritual preceptor. |
vrm.2.90 | Leaving his ministers behind at a visible distance to Bharadwaja, Bharata then went along with Vasishta, his spiritual preceptor. |
vrm.2.90 | Having met Vasishta and greeted by Bharata, Bharadwaja of great splendour recognized him to be a son of Dasaratha. |
vrm.2.90 | Vasishta and Bharata in return made enquires with Bharadwaja, if all were well with his body his sacred fires, his disciples, the trees, the deer and Birds in the hermitage. |
vrm.2.90 | The great ascetic Bharadwaja replied, "All is well" and spoke the following words to Bharata, bound as he was with affection to Rama. |
vrm.2.90 | "Thus spoken to as aforesaid, Bharata with his eyes filled with tears in grief and in a faltering tone, replied to Bharadwaja as follows: "If you the Blessed One, regard me like this, I am lost indeed! I cannot conceive of any harm towards Rama having proceeded from me. |
vrm.2.90 | Tell me where Rama the Lord of the world is to be found now?" Requested by Vasishta and other priests likewise, Bharadwaja answered Bharata in affectionate words as follows: |
vrm.2.90 | "O, Bharata the tiger among men! Good manners towards teachers as well as self control and walking in the footsteps of virtuous men these qualities are worthy of you, born as you are in the Raghu dynasty. |
vrm.2.90 | Bharata of a broad outlook and whose reality as an admirer of Rama had now come to be known, answered thus: "So be it". |
vrm.2.91 | Seeing he had resolved to halt at that place for the night, the sage Bharadwaja prepared to offer Bharata the son of Kaikeyi the full honours due to a guest |
vrm.2.91 | Then, Bharata said to Bharadwaja as follows: "Have you not presented me with water to wash my hands and feet and offered me this hospitality fitting for a guest in this forest?" Then, Bharadwaja smilingly replied to Bharata as follows: "I know you possess a friendly disposition and you are pleased with whatever is offered to you. |
vrm.2.91 | "O, Bharata the excellent among men! I wish to offer food to your army. |
vrm.2.91 | Bharata, with joined palms, replied to Bharadwaja who was rich with austerity in the following words: "O, venerable one! I have not come here with my army for the fear of displeasing you. |
vrm.2.91 | Thereafter Bharata, having been commanded by that great sage to bring the army there, allowed the army s arrival to the hermitage. |
vrm.2.91 | When those celestial melodies ceased so pleasingly heard by the human ears, Bharata s army saw the wonderful creations of Visvakarma. |
vrm.2.91 | The mighty armed Bharata the son of Kaikeyi on invitation by the great sage, entered that palace filled with precious gems. |
vrm.2.91 | All the ministers together with priests accompanied Bharata and on entering that excellent get up of the house, were filled with delight |
vrm.2.91 | Bharata along with his ministers went clock wise round the excellent royal throne, whisk and the royal umbrella kept there, as if they were utilized by a king. |
vrm.2.91 | They paid reverence to the royal seat, bowing before it, as if Rama sat thereon and thereafter Bharata, taking hold of the whisk, sat down on the seat meant for the chief minister. |
vrm.2.91 | Then, on an instant, by the orders of Bharadwaja, streams having milk thickened with rice in the place of mud, flowed towards Bharata. |
vrm.2.91 | Those most excellent kings among Gandharvas, Narada, Tumburu and Gopa whose radiance is like that of the sun, began to sing in front of Bharata. |
vrm.2.91 | Then, on the command of Bharadwaja, Alambusa, Mishrakesi and Vamana started dancing in the presence of Bharata. |
vrm.2.91 | Let Bharata be well! Likewise, let Rama too be at east!" Having obtained that hospitality, the infantry, the cavalry as well as those mounted on Elephants and their keepers too, no longer acknowledging their leaders, spoke the following words: |
vrm.2.91 | In the height of joy, those men in thousands there, the retinue of Bharata cried out, "This is verily of heaven!" The soldiers in thousands, wreathed in flowers danced, laughed, sang and ran hither and thither. |
vrm.2.92 | Thereafter, Bharata along with his routine, who were treated hospitably, spent that night there and sought out Bharadwaja with fondness. |
vrm.2.92 | The sage Bharadwaja, who had offered oblations in sacred fire, spoke to Bharata the tiger among men, who had come there with joined palms, saying. |
vrm.2.92 | "O, handsome Bharata! Have you passed this night at out place comfortably? Is your retinue fully satisfied with my hospitality? Tell me. |
vrm.2.92 | After joining his palms in salutation, Bharata replied to the very glorious sage Bharadwaja, who came out from his hermitage as follows: "O, venerable sage! With all the enjoyments in plenty provided by you, I felt comfortable and satisfied, along with very ministers my entire army and our animals too used in riding. |
vrm.2.92 | The highly glorious Bharadwaja, of rigid asceticism, thus questioned by Bharata who intensely desired to see his brother again, answered him as follows: |
vrm.2.92 | "O, Bharata! About twenty eight miles from here, there is a mountain called Chitrakuta, in the middle of a lonely forest with its charming Cascades and groves. |
vrm.2.92 | "O, beloved Bharata! Beyond that river, there is a mountain called Chitrakuta and on it, their hut made of leafy twigs. |
vrm.2.92 | Then, having gone around that venerable and eminent sage clock wise, she stood close to Bharata himself, distressed as she was at heart. |
vrm.2.92 | Then, Bharadwaja, firm in austerity, enquired Bharata as follows: "O, Bharata! I wish to know the distinctions of your mothers. |
vrm.2.92 | Hearing the words of the learned sage, Bharadwaja, Bharata who was skilled in expression, with joined palms, spoke the following words. |
vrm.2.92 | Bharata, the tiger among men, with his red eyes spoke thus in a voice broken by sobs and breathing as he like an enraged and hissing snake. |
vrm.2.92 | Hearing the aforesaid words spoken by Bharata, Bharadwaja the great intellectual sage replied in the following meaningful words. |
vrm.2.92 | "O, Bharata! Kaikeyi is not intended to be understood by you accusatively. |
vrm.2.92 | Bharata satisfied, paid obeisance to him and circumambulated him in bidding a farewell, directing the army to get prepared to leave. |
vrm.2.92 | The illustrious Bharata mounted a readily kept palanquin which was auspiciously shining like rising moon and sun and proceeded along with his escort. |
vrm.2.92 | That army of Bharata, with its squadrons of rejoicing Elephants Horses and warriors, penetrating into the vast forest, frightening innumerable beasts and Birds, appeared resplendent there. |
vrm.2.93 | That pious minded Bharata gracefully marched ahead, surrounded by that clamorous army of four divisions. |
vrm.2.93 | The army, of the magnanimous Bharata, which resembled the high tide of an ocean, covered the earth as clouds cover the sky in a rainy season. |
vrm.2.93 | Having travelled for a long distance, that glorious Bharata, whose animals were now fully exhausted, said to Vasishta, the most segaceios of his counsellors as follows "Looking at the features of the pace and from what has been heard by me, it is clear that we reached that area of which Bharadwaja spoke. |
vrm.2.93 | Hearing the words of Bharata, valiant men wearing weapons in their hands, penetrated into the forest suddenly they observed a plume of smoke rising. |
vrm.2.93 | Hearing those words concurred even by pious men, Bharata the destroyer of enemy s forces, spoke to the entire army as follows |
vrm.2.93 | On this command, all the troops halted there and Bharata with his gaze fixed on the column of smoke, went forward. |
vrm.2.93 | The army, which was held up there by Bharata, eventhough perceiving the place ahead, felt rejoiced in the thought of meeting their beloved Rama soon. |
vrm.2.94 | "By residing in the forest, a two fold advantage is secured by me freedom from debt to my father in regards my duty and Bharata s happiness. |
vrm.2.96 | While Rama was thus sitting there the dust and clamour of Bharata s army, which was approaching, ascended into the sky. |
vrm.2.96 | Bharata", Kaikeyi s son, having obtained coronation and desirous of making the kingdom free of enemies, is coming here to kill both of us. |
vrm.2.96 | "O, Rama! Will that flag with the insignia of a Kovidara tree come into our subjugation? Can we see Bharata, because of whom a great misfortune has occurred to you, to Seetha and to me?" "O, Rama the warrior! By the reason of whom you were deprived of an eternal kingdom, such Bharata as a foe who is coming here, deserves to be slain by me. |
vrm.2.96 | "O, Rama! I see no sin in slaying Bharata. |
vrm.2.96 | Bharata" is the assailant and his death is legitimate. |
vrm.2.96 | "By killing Bharata together with his army in this great forest, I shall discharge my debt to my bow and arrows. |
vrm.2.97 | Rama on the other hand, pacifying Lakshmana son of Sumitra, who was very much agitated and infatuated with anger, spoke the following words: "While Bharata, wieldin a bow and highly wise man himself is coming here, what is the use of a bow or sword with a shield?" "O, Lakshmana! Having promised to make our father s wish a reality. |
vrm.2.97 | What shall I do with the kingdom by acquiring an ill fame in killing Bharata who came here to see me?" |
vrm.2.97 | "If there be happiness that I could enjoy without Bharata or you or without Shatrughna, may it be without Shatrughna, may it be burnt to ashes by fire, O the honour giver!" "I think Bharata was back to Ayodhya, with full of affection for his brothers. |
vrm.2.97 | Hearing of my exile and that I was wearing matted locks and the antelope skin, accompanied by Seetha and you, O most valiant of warriors, in his devotion towards me and due to the distress that troubles his mind, Bharata has come to see me. |
vrm.2.97 | "Getting angry with Kaikeyi his mother and speaking unkind and harsh words to her, the glorious Bharata after getting permission from our further, came here to bestow kingdom to me. |
vrm.2.97 | "This is the proper time for Bharata to come here and see us. |
vrm.2.97 | "Has Bharata at any time done any harm to you previously? What so the reason for you to be so apprehensive of Bharata now?" "Indeed, Bharata must not hear harsh or disagreeable word from your lips. |
vrm.2.97 | "O, Lakshmana! How should a son strike his father, even in a distress or a brother strike a brother who is as dear to him as his life?" "If you are uttering these words for the sake of the kingdom, I shall tell Bharata to give the kingdom to you, when I see him. |
vrm.2.97 | "O, Lakshmana! When Bharata receives this command from me, "Cede the empire to him", he will answer, So, be it. |
vrm.2.97 | Commanded by Bharata that no trampling of army should be made in the hermitage of Rama, the army was encamped round the mountain. |
vrm.2.97 | Brought by the virtuous Bharata, who laid aside his arrogance, placing the righteousness in forefront in order to propitiate Rama, that army showed itself to be disciplined in the vicinity of Chitrakuta. |
vrm.2.98 | After encamping the army, the mighty Bharata the excellent among men, sought to approach on foot, Rama who was complying with the words of his father. |
vrm.2.98 | Soon after encamping the army in a well behaved manner per the guidelines, Bharata spoke the following words to Shatrughna: "O, gentle brother! You, along with a troop of men and trackers, ought to search on all sides of this forest. |
vrm.2.99 | Having stationed his forces, Bharata set out eagerly to see his brother, pointing out the sign of Rama s habitation to Shatrughna. |
vrm.2.99 | Bharata, who was affectionate towards the elders, asked the sage Vasishta to bring his mothers soon thereafter and went ahead quickly. |
vrm.2.99 | While the illustrious Bharata passed on, he observed in that wood of ascetics, a leafy hut of his brother together with a small hut made of leaves, nearby. |
vrm.2.99 | Bharata then beheld wood that had been broken up and heaps of flowers gathered in front of that hermitage. |
vrm.2.99 | While coming to the hermitage, Bharata saw some signs here and there serving as a proper direction to that hermitage, tufts of Kusha grass and strips of bark tied to the trees by Rama and Lakshmana. |
vrm.2.99 | Bharata also saw in the vicinity great heaps of dried dung of |
vrm.2.99 | Then, proceeding further, the valiant and the mighty armed Bharata spoke to Shatrughna in joy, as also those ministers who surrounded him. |
vrm.2.99 | that Bharata said to his ministers and others as follows: The foremost of men and the Lord of the people, having sought seclusion, sat on the floor, delighted as he was in the posture of a hero with his left foot placed on his right knee. |
vrm.2.99 | As Bharata was lamenting thus, he beheld in that forest, a splendid and sacred leafy hut, which was covered with many soft leaves of Sala, Tala and Asvakarna trees, overspread with blades of Kusa grass in a sacrificial |
vrm.2.99 | Bharata saw a sacrificial altar in the north east corner having a steep descent, extensive in area and having a sacred fire burned in the hermitage of Rama. |
vrm.2.99 | Looking around for a moment, Bharata beheld his elder brother, Rama himself seated in the hut, wearing matted locks. |
vrm.2.99 | Bharata saw that Rama clad in an antelope skin and robes of bark, seated close by, resembling a fire in brilliance, with the neck and shoulders of a lion, mighty arms and eyes resembling the lotus, the very virtuous Lord of the Earth extending upto the ocean, the Eternal Brahma, and seated on the ground spread with Darbha grass, with Seetha and Lakshmana. |
vrm.2.99 | Beholding him, the illustrious and the high souled Bharata the son of Kaikeyi distraught by the grief that possessed him, rushed towards Rama. |
vrm.2.99 | On seeing his brother, Bharata broke into lamentations and in a voice strangled with sobs unable to restrain his agony with firmness spoke those words. |
vrm.2.99 | Thus did that pitiable Bharata lament, perspiration be dewing his lotus like countenance and, without touching Rama s feet, fell down grooming. |
vrm.2.99 | Overcome with grief, the highly valiant prince Bharata cried out O, Noble One! quot once and in his distress, was unable to speak anything further. |
vrm.2.100 | Rama saw Bharata, with matted locks, wearing bark robes and, with joined palms, lying on the ground, incapable of being seen as the sun at the time of the dissolution of the world. |
vrm.2.100 | Rama recognized with some difficulty his brother Bharata, whose face became pale and who was emaciated, and took him by the arm. |
vrm.2.100 | Smelling the crown of his head, placing him on his lap, Rama who was born in Raghu dynasty embraced Bharata and with an absorbent mind, enquired of him as follows: "My darling! Where is our father, that you have come to the forest? He, being alive, you ought not have to come to the forest. |
vrm.2.100 | "O, Bharata! I hope considering your interest fully, you lanuch an undertaking, which has maximum benefit with minimum coast and indeed do not delay it further. |
vrm.2.100 | "O, Bharata! I hope your ministers do not watch as mere witnesses, while your subjects in the kingdom wielding tremble with great fear, under your inflexible wielding of the scepter. |
vrm.2.100 | I hope your treasure does not reach undeserving people, O, Bharata!" "I hope that your expenditure goes for the cause of divinity, Pitris, Brahmins, unexpected visitors, soldiers and hosts of friends. |
vrm.2.100 | "O, Bharata! I hope that your well educated ministers examine a case dispassionately when a contention occurs between a rich man and a poor man, after studying the situation carefully. |
vrm.2.100 | "The tears fallen from those who are the victims of false accusations, O Bharata, destroy their sons and herds of those who are indifferent to justice, merely for the sake of pleasure. |
vrm.2.100 | "O, the very wise Bharata! I hope you understand the following and deal them properly the ten evils the five kinds of fortifications the four expedients the seven limbs of state the eight evils born of anger the three objects of human pursuit the three branches of learning subjugation of the senses, the six strategic expedients adversity brought about by divine agencies and by human agencies the twenty types of monarches and the entire population of the kingdom, setting about an an expedition, drawing up an army in a battle array and the two bases viz, peace and war. |
vrm.2.100 | "Do you find advantages in your study of Vedas? Are your acts, production of fair results? Do you benefit from the company of your consorts? Has your learning been fruitful?" "O, Bharata! I hope that your conviction, is the same as mentioned by me in the foregoing verses, which is conducive to long life, fame, religious merit, enjoyment and wealth. |
vrm.2.101 | Rama along with Lakshmana, his younger brother, began to question Bharata, his brother who was devoted to elders as follows: "I desire to hear from you, why you have come tot his place in robes of bark and an antelope skin. |
vrm.2.101 | Thus questioned by the high souled Rama, by closely embracing him again, Bharata with joined palms answered as follows: "O, noble brother! Our father the mighty armed, after performing a deed must difficult to perform, and having abandoned us has gone the divine region he died of grief on account of separation from his son. |
vrm.2.101 | Thus speaking, the mighty armed Bharata, with tears, once again seized Rama s feet in great honour, as per precept. |
vrm.2.101 | Rama embraced his brother Bharata, who sighed again and again like an Elephant in rut, and spoke as follows: "How should a man of noble birth, rich in Sattva goodness, dignified and who has observed sacred vows like myself, commit sin for the sake of a mere kingdom?" |
vrm.2.101 | "O, Bharata the annihilator of enemies! I do not see the slightest fault in you and you should not reproach your mother for a childish action. |
vrm.2.101 | "O, Bharata the highly intelligent and the faultless man! It is incumbent always on the part of the elders to act freely with reference to their wives and progeny. |
vrm.2.102 | Hearing Rama s words, Bharata replied as follows: "What will the discharge of royal duties amount to me, who is outside of that code?" "O, the foremost of men! O, Majesty! It has been ever the established tradition in us that while the elder son is there, the younger one cannot become a king. |
vrm.2.103 | Hearing those mournful words relating to the death of his father, spoken by Bharata, Rama fainted away. |
vrm.2.103 | Hearing that unpleasant thunder bolt of words spoken by Bharata, like a thunderbolt released by Indra in a battle, Rama the tormentator of his enemies, stretched forth his hands and fell on the ground, in the same manner as a tree covered at extremities with blossoms was cut off by an axe in the forest. |
vrm.2.103 | Rama spoke the following words, consistent with righteousness to Bharata. |
vrm.2.103 | "In my misfortune, what can I do for that high souled one? He died of grief on my account and I did not perform the last rites for him!" "O, Bharata the faultless one! Alas! Happy are you, by whom as well as by Shatrughna the king was honoured by all obsequial rites!" Even after the end of my exile, I do not want to return to Ayodhya which is i a disarranged state, deprived of a chief and made bereft of a king. |
vrm.2.103 | "O, Bharata the tormentator of foes While our father has gone to the other world, who will counsel me when my exile in the forest is over?" |
vrm.2.103 | "Formerly, seeing my good conduct, our father used to address me in words of praise from whom now shall I hear those words delightful to the ears?" Having spoken thus to Bharata, Rama went to seek out his consort, whose face resembled the full moon, and overwhelmed with grief, spoke to her as follows: "O, Seetha! your father in law is dead. |
vrm.2.103 | Bharata is informing a sorrowful news of the emperor being dead. |
vrm.2.103 | Gaining the door of his leafy hut, Rama the Lord of the earth then embraced Bharata and Lakshmana with his arms. |
vrm.2.103 | Hearing the tumultuous clamour by those mighty heroes as, weeping they completed the libations of water to their father, Bharata s army got alarmed. |
vrm.2.103 | Those troops of Bharata also said, "Assuredly, Bharata has joined Rama and this is a great sound only of their wailing, as they mourn for their dead father. |
vrm.2.104 | While the sorrowful mother was speaking thus, Rama the elder brother of Bharata approached Vasishta and took hold of his feet in salutation. |
vrm.2.104 | Then, after Rama and Vasishta sat, Bharata the pious man along with his counsellors, the leading citizens, warriors and virtuous people seated himself at a lowel level at a proximity to Rama. |
vrm.2.104 | Seeing Rama in the garb of an ascetic, radiant in majesty, the extremely powerful Bharata, paying obeisance to him with joined palms, then took his place in his presence, as the devoted Indra sits before Brahma the Lord of creation. |
vrm.2.104 | A highest curiosity arose in the minds of those worthy men assembled there as to what persuasive words Bharata at that moment would utter, while addressing Rama, having offered salutation and homage to him. |
vrm.2.104 | That Rama endowed with truth and forbearance with Lakshmana who was bestowed with magnanimity and the pious Bharata, surrounded by his companions, were as resplendent as the three sacrificial Fires known by the names of garhapatya, ahavamiya and dakshina, accompanied by the superintending priests. |
vrm.2.105 | Bharata, on his part, amidst his companions, addressed Rama as follows: "My mother has been consoled by you by giving this kingdom to me. |
vrm.2.105 | Hearing the words of Bharata, who was thus appealing to Rama, the various people of the city in approbation, said "Excellent! Well said!" On seeing the illustrious and sorrowful Bharata thus lamenting, the prudent and self conposed Rama began to console him as follows: |
vrm.2.105 | "O Bharata the Vanquisher of Foes! It is not justifiable for me to violate the command of our father. |
vrm.2.105 | "O, Bharata! Hence, I shall conform to the honourable word of our father, the practiser of virtue, by my act of dwelling in the forest. |
vrm.2.106 | When Rama thus kept silent after uttering those meaningful words as aforesaid, the pious Bharata for his part addressed to virtuous Rama who was fond of people conformable to justice at the banks of that River Mandakini. |
vrm.2.106 | Even while being propitiated by Bharata as above, by bowing his head duly sinking in his spirit, the illustrious Rama, the Lord of the earth was still abiding in the words of his father and did not feel inclined to return to Ayodhya. |
vrm.2.106 | The priests, citizens and elders of that multitude as well as Queens, distracted and weeping bitterly, acclaimed Bharata who was then speaking thus, duly prostrating himself before Rama and added theri supplications to Rama. |
vrm.2.107 | Thereafter, the illustrious Rama, highly respected among his fraternity, as follows to Bharata who was speaking as aforesaid among his relatives. |
vrm.2.107 | "O, Bharata! For my sake relieve the mighty king from his vow and make both our mother and fahter happy. |
vrm.2.107 | "O, the valiant Bharata! Go to Ayodhya along with Shatrughna and all the Brahmanas and give joy to the people there. |
vrm.2.107 | "O, Bharata! You become the Lord of men. |
vrm.2.107 | I will become the emperor of the wild beasts of the forest! Return now to the excellent city of Ayodhya full of joy and I also full of joy will enter Dandaka Forest!" "O, Bharata! Let the royal white umbrella provide a cool shadow for your head, repulsing the rays of sunlight. |
vrm.2.107 | "O, Bharata! The wise Shatrughna is helpful to you. |
vrm.2.108 | A brahmana called Jabali spoke the following unrighteous words to Rama, who knew righteousness and who was assuaging Bharata as aforesaid "Enough, O Rama! Let not your wisdom be rendered void like a common man, you who are distinguished for your intelligence and virtue. |
vrm.2.108 | "Honour the judgment of the wise and regarding that which is approved by all, accept the kingdom as propitiated by Bharata. |
vrm.2.109 | "Having promised before my father about my exile to the forest, how can I fulfil Bharata s words now, abandoning the father s words?" |
vrm.2.110 | From Dhruvasandhi was born the illustrious Bharata, the annihilator of enemies. |
vrm.2.110 | "From the mighty armed Bharata was born a son named Asita, for whom his royal adversaries, Haihayas, Talajanghas and the valiant Shashibindavas became the enemies. |
vrm.2.111 | By fulfilling the words of the beseeching Bharata, you will not be false to yourself. |
vrm.2.111 | Hearing Rama s words, the most generous Bharata felt very mcuh anguished and addressed the following words to Sumantra the charioteer who was standing nearby: |
vrm.2.111 | Seeing Sumantra who was gazing at Rama waiting for his command, the low spirited Bharata, on his own, brought a heap of Kusha grass and spread it on the floor. |
vrm.2.111 | Rama of great splendour and the best among royal sages spoke to Bharata as follows: "O Bharata my dear brother! What wrong have I done that you lie down before me?" "A brahmana may lie down on one side in order to obstruct a willful debtor in this world. |
vrm.2.111 | "O Bharata, Tiger among men! Giving up this formidable resolve, rise up proceed speedily to Ayodhya the best of cities, from here. |
vrm.2.111 | Still sitting in the same posture, Bharata looked at the citizens and rural folk around on all sides and asked them why they were not entreating his venerable brother to return. |
vrm.2.111 | Those people, the inhabitants of town and country replied to the magnanimous Bharata as follows: "We know Rama very well. |
vrm.2.111 | Hearing their words, Rama said to Bharata: "Reflect on the words of your companions, who see rightly. |
vrm.2.111 | "O the mighty armed Bharata! Having listened to their testimony and mine, reflect on the matter carefull. |
vrm.2.111 | Thereafter, Bharata rose, touched water and spoke as follows: "Let the audience, including ministers and the guild of traders hear me also. |
vrm.2.111 | The high souled Rama was surprised by the sincere words of his brother and by looking at the inhabitants of town and country, spoke as follows: "The disposal, the pledge and the come by which he was alive, cannot be broken either by me or by Bharata. |
vrm.2.111 | "I am aware that Bharata has necessary patience and due devotion for the elders. |
vrm.2.111 | All will be propitious in the case of this magnanimous Bharata, who is true to his promise. |
vrm.2.112 | The assemblies of ascetics, great saints present there and the distinguished sages who stood invisible in space, applauded both Rama and Bharata, the magnanimous brothers, saying as follows: "That Dasaratha, who begot these two sons, who know righteousness and whose strength is justice, was fortunate. |
vrm.2.112 | Thereafter, that assembly of sages, who wished to see a quick destruction of Ravana, came together and spoke the following words to Bharata, the excellent king. |
vrm.2.112 | "O Bharata born in a noble race, highly intelligent, having a superior conduct and a great repute! If you have regard for your father, Rama s words are to be accepted. |
vrm.2.112 | Bharata, on his part, with trembled limbs, joined his palms in salutation and again spoke the following words to Rama in a strangled voice: |
vrm.2.112 | That Bharata, who was kind spoken, thus made a fervent appeal to Rama and fell at his feet. |
vrm.2.112 | Placing on his lap, that Bharata of dark hue, with eyes resembling lotus petals and having a voice like that of a swan in rut, Rama spoke the following words to him: "O, my dear brother! You are very much competent to rule the earth, by the intellect you obtained both inherently and by training. |
vrm.2.112 | Bharata replied as follows to Rama, who was speaking as aforesaid and who was equal to sun by his splendour or to the moon in its first quarter. |
vrm.2.112 | "O, noble brother! Pray mount with your feet on the wooden sandals adorned with gold! Surely, these will bestow, gain and security to all the people!" Rama, the tiger among men, possessing exceptional glory, placing his feet on the sandals and leaving them, gave them to the magnanimous Bharata. |
vrm.2.112 | Bowing before the sandals, Bharata spoke the following words to Rama: "O, Rama the hero and the tormentator of enemies! For fourteen years, I shall wear matted locks and robes of bark, live on fruits and roots O Rama, and live outside the city, offering the ruling of the kingdom to your sandals. |
vrm.2.112 | "So be it" promised Rama, embraced that Bharata with affection, took Shatrughna also in his arms and spoke to Bharata as follows: "O Bharata! Protect your mother, Kaikeyi. |
vrm.2.112 | The valiant Bharata, who knew righteousness worshipped those sandals which were well decorated made a circumambulation to Rama and kept the sandals on the head of an excellent Elephant. |
vrm.2.113 | Thereafter, keeping the sandals on his head, Bharata delightfully ascended his chariot along with Shatrughna. |
vrm.2.113 | Observing various types of thousands of enchanting rocks, Bharata advanced along with his troops along the side of the mountain. |
vrm.2.113 | In the vicinity of Chitrakuta Mountain, Bharata saw a hermitage where the sage Bharadwaja resided. |
vrm.2.113 | Then, that Bharata endowed with understanding reached that hermitage of Bharadwaja, descended from his chariot and bowed down to the feet of Bharadwaja in saluation. |
vrm.2.113 | The, Bharadwaja full of joy, enquired of Bharata saying, "O, dear prince! Has your purpose been accomplished? Have you met Rama?" Hearing the words of the learned sage, Bharadwaja, Bharata who was affectionate towards his brothers, replied to Bharadwaja as follows Despite the entreaties of his preceptor and of mine, Rama is unshakeable in his resolve and most cheerfully spoke the following words to Vasishta. |
vrm.2.113 | Hearing those auspicious words of the high souled Bharata, the sage Bharadwaja spoke to him the following words. |
vrm.2.113 | "O Bharata the Tiger among men and excellent among those having virtue and good conduct! There is no surprise that a noble trait prevails in you, as naturally as the water allowed to go, always settles downwards. |
vrm.2.113 | Hearing the words of that sage, Bharata with his joined palms, touched his feet in salutation and began taking leave from him. |
vrm.2.113 | Then, the glorious Bharata made circumambulation again and again to Bharadwaja and proceeded to Ayodhya along with hims ministers. |
vrm.2.113 | That extensive army of Bharata, following him with vehicles, carts and Elephants, turned back again towards Ayodhya. |
vrm.2.113 | Bharata accompanied by his relative and his army crossed that River Ganga, full of charming waters and entered the beautiful town of Shringibhera. |
vrm.2.113 | Beholding the City of Ayodhya, which was bereft of his father and brother, Bharata tormented with grief, spoke the following words to the charioteer: |
vrm.2.114 | The highly illustrious Lord, Bharata riding on a chariot emanating a gentle and deep sound entered soon the city of Ayodhya. |
vrm.2.114 | Sitting in the chariot, the glorious Bharata, the son of Dasaratha, spoke the following words to the charioteer who was riding his excellent chariot: |
vrm.2.114 | Thus speaking in many ways, Bharata entered his father s house, bereft of that emperor and which resembled a cave bereft of a lion. |
vrm.2.114 | Bharata, though a composed man himself, shed tears by seeing that entire empty gynaecium, looking like a day without the sun with its relinquished radiance. |
vrm.2.115 | Having brought his mothers back to Ayodhya Bharata, fixed in his resolve but sore stricken with grief, spoke to Vasishta and the elders as follows "I am going to Nandigrama village. |
vrm.2.115 | Hearing those auspicious words of the magnanimous Bharata, Vasishta the preceptor and all the ministers spoke as follows: "O, Bharata! The words which your have spoken by you in devotion to your brother are very much appreciable. |
vrm.2.115 | Hearing the affectionate words of his counsellors, who spoke according to his wish, Bharata said to his charioteer, "Let my chariot be made ready!" The illustrious Bharata, looking pleased and having offered salutation to all his mothers, entered his chariot along with Shatrughna. |
vrm.2.115 | Both Shatrughna and Bharata, having quickly mounted the chariot and exceedingly rejoiced, set out, accompanied by ministers and family priests. |
vrm.2.115 | When Bharata had left, the army too, abounding in Elephants, Horses and chariots marched unbidden. |
vrm.2.115 | The magnanimous Bharata, affectionate of his brother, bearing the sandals belong to Rama on his head, set out for Nandigrama. |
vrm.2.115 | Thereafter, having entered Nandigrama briskly Bharata descended his chariot quickly and spoke to his preceptors as follows: |
vrm.2.115 | Having dedicated the sacred trust to the wooden sandals, Bharata sore stricken with anguish, spoke to the entire body of his ministers as follows: "Hold the state canopy speedily over these wooden sandals, which have been accepted as symbols of the feet of Rama, my noble brother. |
vrm.2.115 | The highly illustrious Bharata though a distressed man, thus lamenting and pained, looked after the state administration along with his ministers from Nandigrama. |
vrm.2.115 | Assuming bark robes and matted locks in the guise of an ascetic, the lord and the hero Bharata dwelt in Nandigrama, protected by the army. |
vrm.2.115 | Bharata, obedient to his elder brother, affectionate of his brothers and faithful to his vow, thus resided in Nandigrama, coronating the wooden sandals on the throne and wishing always for the return of Rama. |
vrm.2.115 | Reporting all the royal orders to the wooden sandals, Bharata was holding the royal canopy together with the chowrie to those sandals. |
vrm.2.115 | Coronating the wooden sandals of his elder brother, the illustrious Bharata thereafter carried out the state administration, always maintaining his subservience to them. |
vrm.2.115 | Whatever a small affair of the state came up or whenever a high valued gift was offered, Bharata used to report that matter to the wooden sandals and then only dealt with it in the proper way afterwards. |
vrm.2.116 | Bharata having returned to Ayodhya, Rama who was dwelling in the woods, observed anxiety accompanied by perturbation among the sages. |
vrm.2.117 | "It is here that Bharata, my mother along with the inhabitants of the city visited me. |
vrm.2.117 | "The dry dung of Horses and Elephants of that high souled Bharata s encamped army caused much spoliation around here. |
vrm.3.2 | "Indeed, that which anger was there to me on Bharata when he desired kingdom, that anger I will now release on Viradha, as Indra released his Thunderbolt on the mountain. |
vrm.3.16 | "But during this time, oh, manly tiger, ushered by anguish that virtue souled one Bharata must be practising ascesis in city with adoration to you. |
vrm.3.16 | "That lotus petal eyed one with blue black complexion is an imposing one with lion like waist, being the noblest he is knower of dharma thus an advocate of truth, and thus intolerant of ignominy, and as a self restrained one he talks dearly and sweetly, and he is dextrous and an enemy destroyer, such as he is, that Bharata on forgoing all of his various pleasures he is devoted to you, as you alone are his adorable brother. |
vrm.3.16 | "Even though you are in forests far away from him, he is following you in the practise of austerities, and such a brother of yours, that great souled Bharata has refused ascent to heaven. |
vrm.3.16 | Humans‘ do not derive father’s attitude but they take of their mothers’ is the well know maxim in the world, but Bharata rendered it otherwise. |
vrm.3.16 | "Whose husband is Dasharatha and whose son is gentle Bharata, how then can she, our mother Kaikeyi, is with this sort of cruel disposition, indeed…" Thus Lakshmana spoke to Rama on their way to River Godavari. |
vrm.3.16 | "In any way, dear Lakshmana, you are not supposed to deplore another mother of ours, but you go on telling the topics of Bharata, the king of Ikshvaku s. |
vrm.3.16 | "My mind is indeed set to dwell only in forest, and it is firmly avowed, but while yearning for Bharata s fellowship my fascination to reunite with him is recurring again. |
vrm.3.16 | "When can I really reunite, oh, Lakshmana, with great souled Bharata, valorous Shatrughna, and with you and Seetha. |
vrm.3.37 | kingdom for her son Bharata, and even that of Dasharatha, viz. |
vrm.3.43 | "Oh, lord, the form of this deer creates an excellent jubilation to Bharata, to you the son of the nobleman, to my mothers in law, and also to me in palace chambers. |
vrm.3.45 | "You are verily maleficent for you have singly and covertly followed Rama, who started to forests all alone, or instigated by Bharata, only because of me. |
vrm.3.45 | "Whether this is an intrigue of yours or that of Bharata it is unachievable, Saumitri. |
vrm.3.47 | "Restraining my veracious father in law by a good deed once done by her in his respect, Kaikeyi besought two boons from him, namely expatriation of my husband, and anointment of her son Bharata. |
vrm.3.47 | He said, let this thornless kingdom be accorded to Bharata. |
vrm.3.48 | "Though Rama is the eldest son, king Dasharatha established his dear son Bharata as king, and because Rama is spineless he is put to flight to forests, and now, what is he and what am I, in matter of sovereignty. |
vrm.3.59 | As to why you are refraining to rush towards Rama even though he is inordinately yelling, it hints that Bharata made some arrangements with you, and that is the reason why you have closely followed Rama in exile. |
vrm.3.62 | b, a Instead, I prefer not to go to the city Ayodhya that is ruled by Bharata, because it must be comforting to one and all under his |
vrm.3.62 | On tightly hugging Bharata you shall tell him these words as I have said, Rama authorises you to reign the earth. |
vrm.3.66 | this is what we heard from Bharata. |
vrm.4.1 | "But I, who am well seethed by the anguish of Bharata, and even by the abduction of Seetha, am indeed distressed by my sensibilities and their distresses. |
vrm.4.1 | you may see Bharata, that affectionate one for his brothers. |
vrm.4.18 | "He who is virtue souled, truth abiding, plain speaking, and the knower of the import of probity, pleasures, and prosperity, and the one who is concerned in controlling or condoning his subjects, that Bharata is the ruler of earth. |
vrm.4.18 | "In whom both scrupulousness and benignancy are there, truthfulness is firmed up, and valour as evinced by scriptures is evident, and he who is the knower of time and place is the king, namely Bharata. |
vrm.4.18 | "While that Bharata, the kingly tiger and a patron of virtue, is ruling the earth in its entirety, who is there to conduct himself in an unacceptable way to morality on it? "Abiding in our own pre eminent righteousness, and even abiding by the order of Bharata we punish him who deviated from the path of morality, according to custom. |
vrm.4.18 | While Bharata is the lord of land and we are his proxies adhering to his orders, and while you too have overstepped the bounds of rightness, then how is it possible to be lenient? b, a "While ruling righteously sensible Bharata punishes him who oversteps the momentous virtue, and he is poised to put down lustful ones. |
vrm.4.18 | "Oh, lord of men, it will be apt of you to show the same kind of outlook towards Sugreeva, oh, king, even towards Angada, which you have for Bharata and Lakshmana. |
vrm.4.28 | "On carrying out all the domestic affairs and completely garnering the goods in aashaaDha month only, Bharata, the King of Kosala, might have engaged in the four month vow. |
vrm.4.40 | All of their dwellings are to be searched in Jambu Dwiipa, the tableland that contains Bharata Varsa. |
vrm.4.43 | "There in the north, the provinces of Mleccha s, Pulinda s, that way Shurashena Prasthala Bharata Kuru Madraka Kaamboja Yavana shall be scrutinized along with the cities of Shaka and Darada, and then search in Himalayas. |
vrm.5.13 | “Hearing brothers to be dead, Bharata also will die. |
vrm.5.13 | Seeing the dead Bharata, Shatrughna also will not exist. |
vrm.5.36 | Is Rama, who is habituated always to pleasures and not habituated to pains, not sinking into despondency by now getting this great pain? Are you constantly hearing the news of safety of Kausalya, Sumitra and Bharata? |
vrm.5.36 | Is Rama worthy of honour, suffering from pain just because of me? Will he liberate me from my sorrow, without fixing his mind on something else? I hope Bharata, having a brotherly affection, will send for my sake, an army furnished with banners, guarded by the ministers, consisting of Ten Anikinis elephants, chariots, Horses and foot soldiers which were terrific in appearance. |
vrm.5.38 | In his turn, Rama the elder brother of Bharata, slept in my arms. |
vrm.5.55 | "How can the virtuous Bharata together with Shatrughna, who are affectionate to his brother, survive after hearing this news?" |
vrm.5.55 | "How should that Seetha, who is a godhead for the three brothers of Rama starting with Bharata and who is dear to the heart of Rama perish?" "This fire, which spreads everywhere without any hindrance, is not burning my tail. |
vrm.6.8 | “We have been despatched by Bharata, your younger brother. |
vrm.6.18 | “My dear one! Neither all brothers are like Bharata, nor all sons of a father like me nor all friends are like you. |
vrm.6.41 | O, the mighty armed! O, annihilator of enemies! If you have come by some misfortune, I would have had nothing to do with Seetha, Bharata, Lakshmana or still younger Shatrughna or even with my own person. |
vrm.6.41 | “O, Vanara of great strength, equal to Indra and Varuna! If you have not returned, though I am conversant with your valour, this was my pre determined resolve that having killed Ravana in fight with his sons forces and chariots, I should have installed Vibhishana as king of Lanka, placing the kingdom of Ayodhya in the hands of Bharata and renounced my life. |
vrm.6.49 | "How shall I tell Shatrughna and the illustrious Bharata when I return without Lakshmana, who followed to the forest along with me?" "Alas! I should not be able to endure Sumitra s reproaches. |
vrm.6.59 | Lakshmana the younger brother of Bharata struck that weapon falling upon him with arrows and darts, as if it were a sacrificial fire. |
vrm.6.59 | Though he was able to lift up Himavat, Mandara and Meru mountains as also the Three Worlds with the Gods, he could not raise Lakshmana the younger brother of Bharata. |
vrm.6.67 | Then, Rama, the virtuous man and the elder brother of Bharata, split the large mountain peak which was hurled by Kumbhakarna at that time, with his variegated arrows made of gold. |
vrm.6.101 | What shall I pay to kausalya the mother or what shall I say to Kaikeya?" "What shall I say to Bharata or to the mighty Shatrughna, when they ask me, how I came back without Lakshmana even though I went to the forest along with him?" |
vrm.6.115 | Set you mind on Lakshmana or Bharata, as per your ease. |
vrm.6.119 | "Fortunately has the fear born of Ravana which increased the severe darkness on the entire world has been removed by you, on the battle field, O Rama!" "You are fit to go to the heaven, by comforting the depressed Bharata and the illustrious Kausalya as well as seeing Kaikeyi and Sumitra, the mother of Lakshmana having got the sovereignty of Ayodhya, bringing delight to your friends, stabilizing the back bone in the race of Ikshvaku, getting excellent glory by performing a Horse sacrifice and by granting riches to Brahmanas. |
vrm.6.119 | "I desire to see you, re united with the mighty Bharata, who is affectionate towards you, honest and virtuous. |
vrm.6.119 | To Dasaratha, who was thus speaking, Rama with joined palms in salutation, submitted as follows: "Be gracious to Kaikeyi and Bharata, O the knower of virtues!" |
vrm.6.119 | You will remember those words spoken by you saying, I disown you, with your son Bharata |
vrm.6.120 | "O destroyer of adversaries! See Bharata, your brother, who is practising austerities through grief caused by separation from you, the great souled Shatrughna and all your mohters. |
vrm.6.121 | “That Bharata, the virtuous man, who was accustomed to comfort, a delicate youth, the great armed and the one consistent with the truth is suffering on my account. |
vrm.6.121 | In the absence of Bharata, the son of Kaikeyi, who is practicing virtue, ritual bathing, garments and jewels are not to my liking. |
vrm.6.121 | But, my heart is hastening to see that Bharata, my brother. |
vrm.6.121 | “My heart is hastening to see that Bharata, who came all the way to Mount Chitrakuta to take me back to Ayodhya, yet whose appeal was not executed by me, even though he requested me with his head bent low and Kausalya my mother as also Sumitra and the illustrious Kaikeyi my step mothers as also Guha my friend, as well as the citizens of Ayodhya and the inhabitants of the country side. |
vrm.6.123 | Bharata came here to seek my favour in the form of my consent to return to Ayodhya. |
vrm.6.124 | Having offered his obeisance to Bharadwaja, who was rich in asceticism, Rama enquired of him: "Have you heard, O venerable one, of Ayodhya City having an abundance of food and free from disease? Is that Bharata attentive in his rule? I hope my mothers are still alive. |
vrm.6.124 | Hearing the words of Rama, Bharadwaja the great sage, quite rejoiced as he was, smilingly replied to Rama as follows: Bharata", with his mud smeared limbs throwing the burden and blame ie. |
vrm.6.125 | Feeling pleased, Guha, the lord of Nishadas, the wild tribe, will tell the path to Ayodhya and the news about Bharata. |
vrm.6.125 | Bharata“ too is to be asked by you, the news about his welfare, in my name. |
vrm.6.125 | “O gentle Hanuma! Inform to Bharata, of me as having come near Ayodhya, along with Vibhishana and Sugreeva the lord of Vanaras. |
vrm.6.125 | “It is also to be observed by you, about the facial expression which Bharata wears, after hearing all this and also all that he intends to do in relation to me. |
vrm.6.125 | All the gestures of Bharata are to be ascertained through the colour of his face, glances and the speech. |
vrm.6.125 | “Having been associated with the kingdom for long, if the illustrious Bharata is longing for it himself, let Bharata rule the entire kingdom in one piece. |
vrm.6.125 | At a distance of two miles from Ayodhya Hanuma saw Bharata, living in a hermitage, with the bark trees and the skin of a black antelope wrapped round his waist, looking miserable and emaciated, wearing matted locks on his head, his limbs coated with dirt, afflicted through separation from Rama his elder brother, subsisting on roots and fruits, with his senses subdued, engaged in austerities, protecting virtue, with a very high head of matted hair, covering his body with the bark of trees and a deer skin, disciplined, whose thoughts were fixed on the Supreme Spirit, with a splendour equalling that of a Brahmanical sage, ruling the earth after placing the wooden sandals before him, protecting the people belonging to all the four grades viz. |
vrm.6.125 | With joined palms in salutation, Hanuma the son of Vayu spoke as follows to that Bharata, who knew what is right and seemed to be a second Dharma the god of virtue clothed with a body of virtue: Rama", for whom you are repenting residing as he was in the forest of Dandaka wearing the bark of trees and matted locks, has enquired about your welfare. |
vrm.6.125 | Hearing the words of Hanuma, Bharata the son of Kaikeyi, felt delighted and sank all at once to the ground as also fainted through joy. |
vrm.6.125 | Thereupon, Bharata who was born in Raghu dynasty, got up from the swoon within a while and regaining his consciousness, spoke the following words to Hanuma, who spoke pleasant tidings to him. |
vrm.6.125 | Embracing Hanuma with eagerness, the illustrious Bharata bathed him with copious tear drops born of delight and as such, other than those born of anguish. |
vrm.6.125 | Hearing the news of Rama s arrival resembling a womnder, from Hanuma, Bharata the prince felt overjoyed by a desire to see Rama and spoke the following words again with delight: |
vrm.6.126 | Seated comfortably on a cushion and interrogated by Bharata, Hanuma thereupon began to narrate the entire exploits of Rama in the forest. |
vrm.6.126 | "Gladdened to hear Rama s impending return to Ayodhya in the sweet words of Hanuma, Bharata offered his salutation by joining his palms together and spoke the following words, which enraptured his mind: My desire has been fulfilled indeed after a long time |
vrm.6.127 | ”Hearing the news of a great happiness from Hanuma, Bharata the truly brave ruler and the destroyer of enemies, commanded as follows to Shatrughna, who too felt delighted at the news. |
vrm.6.127 | Hearing the words of Bharata, Shatrughna the destroyer of valiant adversaries called together, laborers working on wages, numbering many thousands and dividing them into gangs, ordered them as follows: |
vrm.6.127 | Placing the wooden sandals of his brother Rama on his head and taking the white Parasol intended for Rama which was adorned with white garlands and two white whisks decorated with gold, eminently worthy of kings, accompanied by the foremost of Brahmanas, leaders of the guilds of traders and artisans, including the mercantile class, surrounded by the counselors with garlands and bell shaped sweets in their hands, cheered by the blass of conches and kettle drums, duly praised by panegyrists, the great souled Bharata, for his part, whose mind was set on righteousness, who was well versed with the secret of virtue, who was emaciated through fasting, who felt miserable, was clad in the bark of trees and the sking of a black antelope, who experienced joy for the first time in hearing the news of the arrival of his brother then went in advance, along with his ministers, to meet Rama. |
vrm.6.127 | Glancing round, Bharata spoke as follows to Hanuma. |
vrm.6.127 | When these remarks were uttered by Bharata, Hanuma forthwith replied, as follows to Bharata of unfailing prowess, by his meaningful words which were, as if they were apprising the situation. |
vrm.6.127 | “A formidable roar of rejoiced Vanaras is being heard, for, they are seeing on the way, trees which continually, yield fruit, adorned with blossom, flowing with honey which is drunk by bees, making reverberant humming sounds all due to the grace of Sage Bharadwaja O Bharata, the destroyer of adversaries! A boon was conferred by Indra, by virtue of which a hospitality rich with all excellences was earlier extended by Bharadwaja to you, with your entire army. |
vrm.6.127 | The over joyed Bharata with his joined palms, his face turned towards Rama, worshipped and welcomed him in a befitting way. |
vrm.6.127 | Bent low in reverence, Bharata then saluted Rama, who stood in the forepart of the aerial car and shining like the sun appearing on Mount Meru. |
vrm.6.127 | Feeling glad, when lifted on that aerial car and approaching Rama, Bharata of true valour, greeted him yet again. |
vrm.6.127 | Fully rising from his seat and placing that Bharata, who was seen after a long time, on his lap, Rama delightfully embraced him. |
vrm.6.127 | Thereafter, the jubilant Bharata, the destroyer of adversaries, approaching Lakshmana and Seetha, then saluted them in reverence and also announced his name. |
vrm.6.127 | Then, Bharata embraced Sugreeva, Jambavan, Angada, Mainda, Dvivida, Neela and Rishabha. |
vrm.6.127 | Then, those Vanaras, who can change their form at will, assumed the form of humans and rejoicingly asked about the welfare of Bharata. |
vrm.6.127 | Thereupon, the immensely brilliant Bharata, the son of Dasaratha and the foremost among the virtuous, after embracing Sugreeva the excellent Vanara, spoke to him as follows: "You are a fifth brother, for all the four of us, O Sugreeva! A friend is born of affection, while malifience is the attribute of an adversary. |
vrm.6.127 | Thereafter, Bharata spoke the following kind words to Vibhishan: "Thank heaven! A very difficult task was accomplished by you, as a companion of Rama. |
vrm.6.127 | Taking those wooden sandals of Rama, Bharata, the knower of virtue, personally placed them below the feet of Rama, the lord of men. |
vrm.6.127 | Having offered his salutation with joined palms, Bharata spoke to Rama as follows: "This entire sovereignty of yours, kept with me as a deposit, is being returned to you, by me. |
vrm.6.127 | Seeing that Bharata, speaking thus with affection with his brother, Vibhishana the Rakshasa and the Vanaras shed their tears. |
vrm.6.127 | Placing Bharata on his lap with delight, Rama thereupon flew with his army of Vanaras and Rikshas in that aerial car to the hermitage of Bharata. |
vrm.6.127 | Reaching the hermitage of Bharata along with his army Rama then descended from the anterior of the aerial car and stood, for the time being, on the ground. |
vrm.6.128 | Placing his hallowed hands together on his head as a mark of salutation, Bharata the enhancer of Kaikeyi s happiness, spoke to the truly brave Rama, his elder brother as follows: |
vrm.6.128 | Hearing the words of Bharata, Rama who conquered the cities of adversaries, accepted his words saying "Be it so" and sat on an auspicious seat. |
vrm.6.128 | Bharata, having bathed first, the mighty Lakshmana, Sugreeva the lord of Vanaras and Vibhishana the king of Rakshasas took bath. |
vrm.6.128 | Bharata took up the reins. |
vrm.6.128 | Approaching and entering the palace of the great souled father, Rama the prince offered salutation to Kausalya, Sumitra and Kaikeyi and spoke the following sweet and meaningful words to Bharata, the foremost among the righteous: "Give this great palace of mine which looks excellent with Ashoka garden and consisting of pearls and cat s eye gems to Sugreeva for his stay. |
vrm.6.128 | Hearing those words of Rama, Bharata having a true prowess, holding Sugreeva by his hand, entered that house. |
vrm.6.128 | Bharata of great splendour spoke to Sugreeva as follows: "O capable person! Order the messengers to make arrangements for Rama s coronation. |
vrm.6.128 | When Lakshmana did not give his consent, even though being repeatedly entreated in all ways, nay even being appointed to the office of Prince Regent, the great souled Rama thereupon consecrated Bharata. |
vrm.6.128 | Even as Kausalya, the mother has Rama as her living son, or as Sumitra has Lakshmana or as Kaikeyi has Bharata, the women likewise can become mothers of living sons, endowed with children as well as grand children and thus become happy forever. |
vrm.7.48 | Taking the jewel, do thou proceed to thy own city and Bharata as a help shall follow thee. |
vrm.7.48 | The royal saint Janaka having gone away, Rama, with folded hands and humbly said to his maternal uncle Kaikeya "O king, this kingdom, myself, Bharata and Lakshmana are all at thy disposal. |
vrm.7.48 | Having bade adieu unto his maternal uncle Rama embraced his friend Pratardana, the undaunted king of Kasi and said "Thou hast displayed thy brotherly feelings and delight by making arrangements for my installation in the company of Bharata. |
vrm.7.48 | Hearing that Sita, the daughter of Janaka, had been stolen away from the forest the high minded Bharata did bring you all but fortunately you were not constrained to go through miseries. |
vrm.7.49 | And having prepared to help Rama many Akshauhini soldiers with manny steeds waited at Ayodhya at the command of Bharata. |
vrm.7.49 | Those kings, proud and powerful, spoke to one another We could not face Ravana the enemy of Rama; Bharata did uselessly invite us after the destruction of Ravana. |
vrm.7.49 | And taking all those jewels, the highly power ful Bharata, Lakshmana and Satrughna returned to their own city. |
vrm.7.51 | And the holy Pushpaka car having thus vanished, Bharata, with folded palms, said to Rama, the delight of Raghus O hero, duing thy divine administration, we have seen many inhuman creatures and objects speak like men. |
vrm.7.51 | Hearing those sweet accents given vent to by Bharata, Rama, the foremost of kings was greatly delighted. |
vrm.7.53 | Thereupon Rama incidentally addressed them saying O Vadra, how do the inhabitants of the city and provinces talk about Sita, Bharata, Lakshmana, Satrughna and the mother Kaikeyi ?The kings, when they deviate from the paths of justice, become objects of censure in the houses of men and even in the forests as well. |
vrm.7.54 | Having sent away his friends and determined what to do, Rama, the delight of the Raghus, commanded the warder, who was seated hard by, saying: Do thou speedily bring here, Lakshmana the son of Sumitra and gifted with auspicious marks, the great Bharata and the irrepressible Satrughna. |
vrm.7.54 | Having beheld Lakshmana s departure the warder humbly went to Bharata and having blessed him with folded hands said: "The King wishes to see thee. |
vrm.7.54 | Hearing of the command of Rama from the warder, the highly powerful Bharata at once got up from his seat and proceeded on foot. |
vrm.7.54 | Seeing Bharata s departure the warder speedily went to Satrughna and with folded hands said: Do thou come, O foremost Raghus, the King wisheth to behold thee. |
vrm.7.60 | Rama shall be deprived of all happiness and be separated from his dear wife; what more, the virtuous souled Rama, having long arms, shall, under the influence of time, renounce thee, Sita, Satrughna and Bharata. |
vrm.7.60 | Do thou not communicate this unto Satrughna, Bharata or any body. |
vrm.7.60 | However, do thou not reveal this secret unto Satrughna and Bharata. |
vrm.7.75 | On whom shall devolve this duty ?Whether the mighty armed Bharata or the intelligent Satrughna shall do this work ?"Thus addressed by Raghava Bharata remarked: "I will slay this. |
vrm.7.75 | Hearing Bharata s speech instinct with fortitude and valor, the younger brother of Lakshmana stood up, leaving his golden seat. |
vrm.7.75 | I shall install thee on the graceful city of Madhu; or if thou wish without and entrust Bharata with this task, O long armed one. |
vrm.7.76 | Thus addressed by the heroic and high souled Satrughna, Rama, delighted, spoke unto Bharata nad Lakshmana, "Do you carefully provide the things ecessary for the coronation :this very day shall I install that foremost of men, the descendant of Raghu. |
vrm.7.77 | Thereupon having circumambulated with folded hands Rama, Lakshmana and Bharata he reverentially saluted the feet of the priests. |
vrm.7.83 | Beholding the city interspersed with vaious excellent gardens, pleasure grounds and prosperously filled with Devas and men and diverse articles of trade and merchants hailing from various countries, Satrughna, the younger brother of Bharata, attained to the satisfaction of desire and excess of delight. |
vrm.7.85 | Thereupon having invited Bharata and Lakshmana, the high souled Rama, having truth for his prowess, speedily went for his city in a huge chariot. |
vrm.7.85 | The high souled Lakshmana and Bharata followed him on foot for some distance. |
vrm.7.86 | Having bade adieu unto Satrughna, Rama, the descendant of Raghu, was greatly delighted by governing his subjects piously in the company of Bharata and Lakshmana. |
vrm.7.88 | Hearing the sweet words of Pushpaka the king Rama saluted the great ascetics, ascended the car with his burning bow, quiver and dagger and left Bharata and Lakshmana in charge of the city. |
vrm.7.95 | Thereupon he said to the warder, "Do thou speedily go and having communicated my arival unto Lakshmana and Bharata bring them here. |
vrm.7.96 | Beholding Bharata and Lakshmana present, Rama embraced them and said "I have, as promised, performed the work of the excellent twice born one. |
vrm.7.96 | Heaing the words of Raghava, Bharata, well skilled in the art of speech, with folded hands, said "O pious Sir in thee are established piety, earth and fame. |
vrm.7.96 | Hearing those sweet accents of Bharata, Rama, having truth for his prowess, attained to incomparable delight, and addressed the enhancer of Kaikeyi s delight with kind words saying: "O thou freed from sins, I have been greatly delighted with thee. |
vrm.7.97 | After the conversation between Rama and Bharata had been over, Lakshmana, with reasonable words, said to the former |
vrm.7.101 | Having heard of the story of the king Ila from Rama, Lakshmana and Bharata were greatly surprised. |
vrm.7.102 | Having heard of the origin of Kimpurushas, both Bharata and Lakshmana said to Rama "This is a wonderful story. |
vrm.7.103 | Rama having thus described the wonderful birth of Pururava, the illustrious Bharata and Lakshmana asked him again saying: foemost of men, tell us what did Ila afterwards do after living in the company of Soma s son for a year. |
vrm.7.104 | O thou having long arms, let Bharata go before with a million of beasts carrying rice, sessamun seed, Kindneybean, Chickpea, pulse, Masha a sort of Kindney bean salt, oil, clarified butter and a hundred Koti of Silver and golden coins. |
vrm.7.104 | Let merchants, to set up shops on the way, actors, dancers, cooks, and many youthful females follow Bharata. |
vrm.7.104 | And let the highly illustious Bharata, with children, old men, Brahmanas, citizens, servants, cashiers, mothers, wives and the golden image of my wife to be initiated at the sacrifice, go before. |
vrm.7.104 | According to the command of Rama, Bharata, with Satrughna, made arrangements for highly valuable quarters, food, drink and clothes. |
vrm.7.105 | Having speedily despatched before all article of sacrifice, Bharata s elder brother Rama set free a black horse, gifted with all marks and worthy of the sacrifice and placed Lakshmana with Ritvikas in charge of it. |
vrm.7.105 | Bharata, with Satrughna, engaged in attending upon the kings. |
vrm.7.113 | Saying this he looked towards Bharata and delightedly and with folded hands said to the Rishi "O Brahmarshi, these two princes are Bharata s sons and their names are Taksha and Pushkala. |
vrm.7.113 | Being well protected by uncle Yudhajit and preceded by Bharata with army and followers they shall subjugate the Gandharvas and divide the kingdom between them. |
vrm.7.113 | Having established two kingoms and installed his two sons there Bharata, the foremost f the pious, shall come back to me. |
vrm.7.113 | Having thus said to the Brahmarshi, Rama commanded Bharata and welcomed the two princes. |
vrm.7.113 | Thereupon under the auspices of favourable stars, having placed Gargya before lem, Bharata with the princes and army, issued out of the city of Ayodhya. |
vrm.7.113 | Animals living upon flesh and huge bodied Rakshasas longing for blood followed Bharata. |
vrm.7.114 | Hearing of the arrival of the Bharata with the army Gargya and Yudhajit, the king of Kekayas, were greatly delighted. |
vrm.7.114 | Thereupon the highly powerful and light armed Bharata and Yudhajit, with the soldiers and followers, arrived at the city of Gandharvas. |
vrm.7.114 | Having heard of the coming of Bharata the highly powerful Gandharvas gathered round and sent up leonine roars. |
vrm.7.114 | Thereupon enraged Bharata, Rama s younger brother, discharged a dreadful arrow named Sangharata resembling the fire of dissolution against Gandharvas. |
vrm.7.114 | Having bound them all with the noose of death and sundered them with Sangharata, Bharata despatched all the Gandharvas to the abode of death. |
vrm.7.114 | After the destruction of the Gandharvas, Kaikeyi s son Bharata set up two excellent and prosperous cities in the province of Gandharva. |
vrm.7.114 | Having reared up those two cities within five years, Rama s younger brother, the mighty armed Bharata, son of Kaikeyi, returned to Ayodhya, And like unto Vasava saluting Brahma he adored the high souled Raghava the very personation of virtue and communicated unto him duly the destruction of the Gandharvas and the establishment of the two cities. |
vrm.7.114 | And hearing the words of Bharata, Rama attained to an excess of delight. |
vrm.7.115 | Hearing the wonderful words of Bharata both Rama and Lakshmana were greatly delighted. |
vrm.7.115 | Rama, having finished his speech Bharata replied: The country of Karupada is highly picturesque and freed from all thorns. |
vrm.7.115 | Rama approved of the words of Bharata and having brought the country of Karupada under his subjection gave it to Angada. |
vrm.7.115 | Thereupon greatly delighted Rama, irrepressible in battle, Lakshmana and Bharata, having performed the ceremony of installation ordered them to go to their respective cities. |
vrm.7.115 | Sumitra s son Lakshmana went with Angada and Bharata accompanied Chandraketu. |
vrm.7.115 | And Bharata, according to his desire, having spent more than a year in the city of Chandrakanti, came back to Ayodhya and saluted Rama s feet. |
vrm.7.115 | The pious Lakshmana and Bharata both the brothers, were greatly attached unto Rama; and though they spent their days in another place they did not experience any pain in consequence of separation from their sons. |
vrm.7.115 | Observing all virtues in this way, Rama, the foremost of the pious, Bharata and Lakshmana governed the subjects for ten thousand years. |
vrm.7.118 | Hearing those words that foremost of Rishis, Durvasa, impatient with rage, said with blood red eyes: O Saumitri, if dost thou not go even this very moment and communicate unto Rama my arrival, I shall impricate thee, Rama, Bharata, Satrughna, your sons and grand sons. |
vrm.7.120 | Having forsaken Lakshmana and being stricken with sorrow and grief Rama said to his citizens and ministers "Having placed the pious and heroic Bharata on the throne of Ayodhya I shall to day repair to woods. |
vrm.7.120 | Heaing Rama s words Bharata was also stupified and speaking ill of the kingdom, said "O King, I swear by truth, that far from kingdom I do not wish to live in heaven even without thee: O King, of these two princes, Kusi and Lava, do thou place Kusi in Kosala and Lava in North Kosala: And let quick moving emissaries go to Satrughna and communicate unto him the intelligence of our going there. |
vrm.7.120 | Heaing those words of Bharata and beholding the subjects striken with sorrow having their heads downwards, said "Behold, O Rama, the subjects have placed themselves on the ground. |
vrm.7.121 | The city of Sravanti has been reared for Lava, and the mighty car wariors Rama and Bharata, making Ayodhya void of men, have addressed themselves for repairing to heaven. |
vrm.7.122 | All the female servants, old and young, the damsels of the seraglio accompanied by servants having no manhood, Bharata and Lakshmana accompanied by their wives, followed him with Agnihotra. |