Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 28 Aug 2011 07:04 and updated at 28 Aug 2011 07:04
vrm.7.65 | Nimi the descendant of Ikshwaku, then welcomed the saints Atri, Angiras and Bhrigu having asceticism for their wealth. |
vrm.7.71 | Thereat, Bhrigu, Angiras, Kutsa, Vasishta, Kashya and other ascetics, the leading preachers, the ministers, the citizens, and other sages conversant with Sastras, present there, said "A Brahmana should not be punished with death. |
vrm.7.113 | Once upon a time Yudhajit, the king of Kekaya, sent into the high souled Rama, Gargya son of his own preceptor Angiras a Brahmin saint of unmitigated prowess; and with him he sent, as tokens of affections, gifts of Ten Thousand horses, numberless Blankets, various jewels, diverse clothes and well washed coverlets. |