
Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 28 Aug 2011 06:51 and updated at 28 Aug 2011 06:51


vrm.1.9 "In the world he becomes famous for his celibacy, oh king, and he will always be praised by Brahmans, and thus time will pass on with that kind of his conduct, Sage Rishyasringa looses no time with his servitor ship to the Sacrificial Fire and also to his celebrated father, and during this period alone there will be a famed and very strong king Romapada, a valiant in Anga country.
vrm.1.9 "Thus by the king of Anga kingdom and by his courtesans the son of sage Rishyasringa will be brought and the presiding deity for rains will showers rains, and Shanta will also be given in marriage to that sage.
vrm.1.9 Sage" Rishyasringa, son in law of Romapada, King of Anga ad as well as to you, if invited to our kingdom he will bless you to beget sons, oh! King.
vrm.1.9 Then King Dasharatha is delighted and in turn spoke to Sumantra "By what idea Rishyasringa is brought to Anga kingdom, that shall be said.
vrm.1.10 "On hearing the heart pleasing words of all those courtesans, Rishyasringa made up his mind to go over there, and then those women took him away to their place in Anga Kingdom.
vrm.1.10 "While that great soul ad Brahman Rishyasringa while being brought into Anga Kingdom, then the Rain god quickly showered rain in Anga kingdom to the delight of the world.
vrm.1.10 "Towards that Brahman Rishyasring who is coming along with rains into his own kingdom Anga Kingdom, the king Romapada has gone towards that sage and bowed his head down, and paid respects touching the ground, and offered water customarily with dedication and the king besought beneficence of the best one, Rishyasringa to save from the fury of his father Sage Vibhandaka, even after knowing the king s pursuit in bringing Rishyasringa to this country.
vrm.1.10 Thus that great fulgent Rishyasringa lived in Anga kingdom along with his wife Shanta, and with all his desires fulfilled and also well worshipped" Thus Sumantra said the legend of Rishyasringa to King Dasharatha.
vrm.1.11 King Dasharatha will befriend the king of Anga and the king of Anga
vrm.1.11 The son of the king of Anga, the earlier king of Anga kingdom, will be known as Romapada, or also know as Chitraratha, and the highly renowned king Dasharatha approaches Romapada.
vrm.1.11 Then king Dasharatha says to king of Anga oh, righteous one, I am childless and hence I intend to perform a Vedic ritual.
vrm.1.11 On hearing those words of king Dasharatha that benevolent soul Romapada, the king of Anga, considers heartily and agrees to send the one who endows progeny by rituals, namely Sage Rishyasringa his son in law.
vrm.1.13 Romapada", the lord of Anga kingdom and the user of great bow, let that illustrious one be invited well honoured, for he is the friend of our Lion king Dasharatha.
vrm.1.23 Then onwards Kamadeva is renowned as Ananga, as he is without body, and where his body is given up that is renowned as Anga province.
vrm.2.10 Eastern countries, Sindhu, Sauviira and Saurastra countries, as well as countries in the south, Vanga, Anga, Magadha and Matsya countries, Kasi and Kausala countries are all full of riches.
vrm.4.40 And the kingdoms like Brahmamaala, Videha, Maalva, Kasi, and Kosala, and in Magadha, which kingdom has grand villages, and in that way, also in the kingdoms of Pundra and Anga, and in the countries of the kings called Koshakaara, and in the provinces of silver mines search is to be conducted.
vrm.6.76 When that Prajangha of great splendour struck Anga, the excellent Vanara with a great strength on his forehead, Angada shuddered for a moment.

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