Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 28 Aug 2011 06:31 and updated at 28 Aug 2011 06:31
vrm.1.20 | Here is the full fledged battalion, called Akshauhini Sena for which I am the leader and controller, and fortified by this army I will go there to encounter those Rakshasas. |
vrm.1.51 | "At one time the great resplendent king Vishvamitra went round the earth marshalling a unit of Akshauhini army. |
vrm.1.54 | This Akshauhini unit of army is plethoric, overcrowded with Elephants, Horses, and chariots, and overspread with flags and Elephants, thereby he is mightier than me. |
vrm.7.30 | Thereupon issued out for battle leading Rakshasas four thousand Akshauhini strong taking various weapons. |
vrm.7.49 | And having prepared to help Rama many Akshauhini soldiers with manny steeds waited at Ayodhya at the command of Bharata. |