Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 28 Aug 2011 05:27 and updated at 28 Aug 2011 05:27
vrm.1.14 | Thus, the officiating priests of the ritual, namely Hota, Adhvaryu and Udgaata have received in their hand the Crowned Queen, the neglected wife, and a concubine of the king, next as a symbolic donation in the ritual by the performer, the king. |
vrm.1.14 | As the promoter of his own dynasty that king Dasharatha donated eastern side to Hota, western to Adhvaryu, and southern to Brahma. |
vrm.6.111 | Those sacrificial fires were ignited and re animated, as they were, by Adhvaryu priests, the performers of the sacrificial act, at that time. |