Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 25 Jul 2011 12:53 and updated at 25 Jul 2011 12:53
vp.1.7 | graced with loveliness and exalted merit 7. Prasuti he gave to Daksha, after giving akuti to the patriarch Ruchi 8, who espoused her. akuti bore to Ruchi twins, Yajna and Dakshina 9, who afterwards became husband and wife, and had twelve sons, the deities called Yamas 10, in the Manwantara of Swayambhuva. |
vp.1.12 | The celestials called Yamas, being excessively alarmed, then took counsel with Indra how they should interrupt the devout exercises of Dhruva; and the divine beings termed Kushmandas, in company with their king, commenced anxious efforts to distract his meditations. One, assuming the semblance of his mother Suniti, stood weeping before him, and calling in tender accents, "My son, my son, desist from destroying thy strength by this fearful penance. I have gained thee, my son, |