
Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 25 Jul 2011 12:33 and updated at 25 Jul 2011 12:36


vp.4.19 Descendants of Puru. Birth of Bharata, the son of Dushyanta: his sons killed: adopts Bharadwaja or Vitatha. Hastin, founder of Hastinapura. Sons of Ajamidha, and the races derived from them, as Panchalas, &c. Kripa and Kripi found by santanu. Descendants of Riksha, the son of Ajamidha. Kurukshetra named from Kuru. Jarasandha and others, kings of Magadha.
vp.4.19 Bharata had by different wives nine sons, but they were put to death by their own mothers, because Bharata remarked that they bore no resemblance to him, and the women were afraid that he would therefore desert them. The birth of his sons being thus unavailing, Bharata sacrificed to the Maruts, and they gave him Bharadwaja, the son of Vrihaspati by Mamata the wife of Utathya, expelled by the kick of Dirghatamas, his half brother, before his time. This verse explains the purport of his appellation; Silly woman, said Vrihaspati, cherish this child of two fathers (bhara dwa jam). No, Vrihaspati, replied Mamata, do you take care of him. So saying, they both abandoned him; but from their expressions the boy was called Bharadwaja." He was also termed Vitatha, in allusion to the unprofitable (vitatha) birth of the sons of Bharata 15. The son of Vitatha was Bhavanmanyu 16;

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