
Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 25 Jul 2011 12:31 and updated at 25 Jul 2011 12:31


vp.5.30 ersed the Sadhyas, Viswas, Maruts, and Gandharbas, like fleeces of cotton from the pods of the Simal tree, through the sky. Garuda also diligently plied his beak and wings and nails, and bit and bruised and scratched the deities who opposed his lord.
vp.5.37 Then there came to Kesava, when he was private and alone, a messenger from the gods, who addressed him with reverence, and said, "I am sent to you, O lord, by the deities, and do thou hear what Indra, together with the Viswas, Maruts, adityas, Sadhyas, and Rudras, respectfully represents. More than a hundred years have elapsed since thou, in favour to the gods, hast descended upon earth, for the purpose of relieving it of its load. The demons have been slain, and the burden of earth has been removed: now let the immortals once again behold their monarch in heaven. A period exceeding a century has passed: now, if

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