Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 25 Jul 2011 12:26 and updated at 25 Jul 2011 12:26
vp.1.21 | THE sons of Sanhrada, the son of Hiranyakasipu, were ayushman, sivi, and Vashkala 1. Prahlada had a son named Virochana; whose son was Bali, who had a hundred sons, of whom Bana was the eldest 2. |
vp.3.2 | The son of Chhaya, who was called also a Manu, was denominated Savarni 6, from being of the same caste Savarna() as his elder brother, the Manu Vaivaswata. He presides over the ensuing or eighth Manwantara; the particulars of which, and the following, I will now relate. In the period in which Savarni shall be the Manu, the classes of the gods will be Sutapas, Amitabhas, and Mukhyas; twenty one of each. The seven Rishis will be Diptimat, Galava, Rama, Kripa, Drauni; my son Vyasa will be the sixth, and the seventh will be Rishyasringa 7. The Indra will be Bali, the sinless son of Virochana, who through the favour of Vishnu is actually sovereign of part of Patala. The royal progeny of Savarni will be Virajas, Arvarivas, Nirmoha, and others. |