Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 25 Jul 2011 12:22 and updated at 25 Jul 2011 12:22
vp.1.13 | Afterwards the Munis beheld a great dust arise, and they said to the people who were nigh, "What is this?" and the people answered and said, "Now that the kingdom is without a king, the dishonest men have begun to seize the property of their neighbours. The great dust that you behold, excellent Munis, is raised by troops of clustering robbers, hastening to fall upon their prey." The sages, hearing this, consulted, and together rubbed the thigh of the king, who had left no offspring, to produce a son. From the thigh, thus rubbed, came forth a being of the complexion of a charred stake, with flattened features (like a negro), and of dwarfish stature. "What am I to do?" cried he eagerly to the Munis. "Sit down" Nishida(), said they; and thence his name was Nishada. His descendants, the inhabitants of the Vindhya mountain, great Muni, are still called Nishadas, and are characterized by the exterior tokens of depravity 4. By this means the wickedness of Versa was expelled; those |
vp.2.3 | The seven main chains of mountains in Bharata are Mahendra, Malaya, Sahya, suktimat, Riksha, Vindhya, and Paripatra 2. |
vp.2.3 | [paragraph continues] Himalaya: the Vedasmriti and others from the Paripatra mountains: the Narmada and Surasa from the Vindhya hills: the Tapi, Payoshni, and Nirvindhya from the Riksha mountains; the Godavari, Bhimarathi, Krishnaveni, and others, from the Sahya mountains: the Kritamala, Tamraparni, and others, from the Malaya hills: the Trisama, Rishikulya, &c. from the Mahendra: and the Rishikulya, Kumari, and others, from the suktimat mountains. Of such as these, and of minor rivers, there is an infinite number; and many nations inhabit the countries on their borders 5. |
vp.2.3 | [paragraph continues] Mahendra, Malaya, Sahya, suktimat 2, Gandhamadana, Vindhya, and Paripatra are the seven mountain ranges: as subordinate portions of them are thousands of mountains; some unheard of, though lofty, extensive, and abrupt; and others better known, though of lesser elevation, and inhabited by people of low stature 3: there pure and degraded tribes, mixed together, drink 4 of the following streams: the stately Ganga, the Sindhu, and the Saraswati 5; the Godavari, Narmada, |