Created by Sreeja Jijith at 03 Aug 2011 07:50 and updated at 03 Aug 2011 07:50
vp.1.5 | From his eastern mouth Brahma then created the Gayatri metre, the Rig veda, the collection of hymns termed Trivrit, the Rathantara portion of the Sama veda, and the Agnishtoma sacrifice: from his southern mouth he created the Yajur veda, the Trishtubh metre, the collection of hymns called Panchadasa, the Vrihat Sama, and the portion of the Sama veda termed Uktha: from his western mouth he created the Sama veda, the Jayati metre, the collection of hymns termed Saptadasa, the portion of the Sama called Vairupa, and the Atiratra sacrifice: and from his northern mouth he created the Ekavinsa collection of hymns, the Atharva veda, the aptoryama rite, the Anushtubh metre, and the Vairaja portion of the Sama veda 21. |
vp.4.4 | The son of Kusa was Atithi; his son was Nishadha; his son was Nala 18; his son was Nabhas; his son was Pundarika; his son was Kshemadhanwan; his son was Devanika; his son was Ahinagu 19; his son was Paripatra; his son was Dala 20; his son was Chhala 21; his son was Uktha 22; his son was Vajranabha; his son was sankhanabha 23; his son was Abhyutthitaswa 24; his son was Viswasaha 25; his son was Hiranyanabha, who was a pupil of the mighty Yogi Jaimini, and communicated the knowledge of spiritual exercises to Yajnawalkya 26. |