
Created by Sreeja Jijith at 03 Aug 2011 07:50 and updated at 03 Aug 2011 07:50


vp.1.5 From his eastern mouth Brahma then created the Gayatri metre, the Rig veda, the collection of hymns termed Trivrit, the Rathantara portion of the Sama veda, and the Agnishtoma sacrifice: from his southern mouth he created the Yajur veda, the Trishtubh metre, the collection of hymns called Panchadasa, the Vrihat Sama, and the portion of the Sama veda termed Uktha: from his western mouth he created the Sama veda, the Jayati metre, the collection of hymns termed Saptadasa, the portion of the Sama called Vairupa, and the Atiratra sacrifice: and from his northern mouth he created the Ekavinsa collection of hymns, the Atharva veda, the aptoryama rite, the Anushtubh metre, and the Vairaja portion of the Sama veda 21.
vp.4.4 The son of Kusa was Atithi; his son was Nishadha; his son was Nala 18; his son was Nabhas; his son was Pundarika; his son was Kshemadhanwan; his son was Devanika; his son was Ahinagu 19; his son was Paripatra; his son was Dala 20; his son was Chhala 21; his son was Uktha 22; his son was Vajranabha; his son was sankhanabha 23; his son was Abhyutthitaswa 24; his son was Viswasaha 25; his son was Hiranyanabha, who was a pupil of the mighty Yogi Jaimini, and communicated the knowledge of spiritual exercises to Yajnawalkya 26.

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