Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 30 Jul 2011 16:40 and updated at 30 Jul 2011 16:40
vp.4.24 | Devabhuti, the last sunga prince, being addicted to, immoral indulgences, his minister, the Kanwa named Vasudeva will murder him, and usurp the kingdom: his son will be Bhumimitra; his son will be Narayana; his son will be Susarman. These four Kanwas will be kings of the earth for forty five years 38. |
vp.4.24 | Susarman the Kanwa will be killed by a powerful servant named sipraka, of the andhra tribe, who will become king, and found the andhrabhritya dynasty 39: he will be succeeded by his brother Krishna 40; his son will be sri satakarni 41; his son will be Purnotsanga 42; his son will be satakarni (2nd) 43; his son will be Lambodara 44; his son will be Ivilaka 45; his son will be Meghaswati 46; his son will be Patumat 47; |