
Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 30 Jul 2011 15:46 and updated at 30 Jul 2011 15:46


vp.2.1 Bharata, having religiously discharged the duties of his station, consigned the kingdom to his son Sumati, a most virtuous prince; and, engaging in devout practices, abandoned his life at the holy place, salagrama: he was afterwards born again as a Brahman, in a distinguished family of ascetics. I shall hereafter relate to you his history.
vp.2.1 From the illustrious Sumati was born Indradyumna: his son was Parameshthin: his son was Pratihara, who had a celebrated son, named
vp.3.6 Accomplished in the purport of the Puranas, Vyasa compiled a Pauranik Sanhita, consisting of historical and legendary traditions, prayers and hymns, and sacred chronology 6. He had a distinguished disciple, Suta, also termed Romaharshana, and to him the great Muni communicated the Puranas. Suta had six scholars, Sumati, Agnivarchas, Mitrayu, sansapayana, Akritavrana, who is also called Kasyapa, and Savarni. The three last composed three fundamental Sanhitas; and Romaharshana himself compiled a fourth, called Romaharshanika. The substance of which four Sanhitas is collected into this Vishnu() Purana.
vp.4.1 The son of the first king of Vaisali was Hemachandra; his son was Suchandra; his son was Dhumraswa; his son was Srinjaya 26; his son was Sahadeva 27; his son was Krisaswa; his son was Somadatta, who celebrated ten times the sacrifice of a horse; his son was Janamejaya; and his son was Sumati 28. These were the kings of Vaisali; of whom it is said, "By the favour of Trinavindu all the monarchs of Vaisali were long lived, magnanimous, equitable, and valiant."
vp.4.4 Sumati the daughter of Kasyapa, and Kesini the daughter of Raja Viderbha, were the two wives of Sagara 1. Being without progeny, the king solicited the aid of the sage Aurva with great earnestness, and the Muni pronounced this boon, that one wife should bear one son, the upholder of his race, and the other should give birth to sixty thousand sons; and he left it to them to make their election. Kesini chose to have the single son; Sumati the multitude: and it came to pass in a short time that the former bore Asamanjas 2, a prince through whom the dynasty continued; and the daughter of Vinata Sumati() had sixty thousand sons. The son of Asamanjas was Ansumat.
vp.4.19 The son of Dwimidha 37 was Yavinara; his son was Dhritimat 38; his son was Satyadhriti; his son was Dridhanemi; his son was Suparswa 39; his son was Sumati; his son was Sannatimat; his son was Krita, to whom Hiranyanabha taught the philosophy of the Yoga, and he compiled twenty four Sanhitas (or compendia) for the use of the eastern Brahmans, who study the Sama veda 40. The son of Krita was Ugrayudha, by whose prowess the Nipa race of Kshatriyas was destroyed 41; his son was Kshemya; his son was Suvira; his son was Nripanjaya 42; his son was Bahuratha. These were all called Pauravas.
vp.4.23 I WILL now relate to you the descendants of Vrihadratha, who will be the kings of Magadha. There have been several powerful princes of this dynasty, of whom the most celebrated was Jarasandha; his son was Sahadeva; his son is Somapi 1; his son will be srutavat 2; his son will be Ayutayus 3; his son will be Niramitra 4; his son will be Sukshatra 5; his son will be Vrihatkarman 6; his son will be Senajit 7; his son will be srutanjaya 8; his son will be Vipra 9; his son will be suchi 10; his son will be Kshemya 11; his son will be Suvrata 12; his son will be Dharma 13; his son will be Susuma 14; his son will be Dridhasena 15; his son will be Sumati 16; his son will be Suvala 17; his son will be Sunita 18; his son will be Satyajit 19; his son will be Viswajit 20; his son will be Ripunjaya 21. These are the Varhadrathas, who will reign for a thousand years 22.

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