
Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 25 Jul 2011 11:23 and updated at 25 Jul 2011 11:23


vp.2.10 [paragraph continues] Arishtanemi, Karkotaka, and Sphurja are the seven who abide in the orb of the sun, the glorious spirits who scatter light throughout the universe. In the month of Magha the seven who are in the sun are Twashtri, Jamadagni, Dhritarashtra, Tilottama, Ritajit, Kambala, and Brahmapeta. Those who abide in the sun in the month Phalguna are Vishnu, Visvamitra, Suryaverchchas, Rambha, Satyajit, Aswatara, and Yajnapeta.

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