Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 25 Jul 2011 10:22 and updated at 25 Jul 2011 10:22
vp.3.13 | "Obsequial rites are of three descriptions, initiative, intermediate, and subsequent 11. The first are those which are observed after the burning of the corpse until the touching of water, weapons, &c. (or until the cessation of uncleanness). The intermediate ceremonies are the Sraddhas called Ekoddishta, which are offered every month: and the subsequent rites are those which follow the Sapindikarana, when the deceased is admitted amongst the ancestors of his race; and the ceremonies are thenceforth general or ancestral. The first set of rites (as essential) are to be performed by the kindred of the father or mother, whether connected by the offering of the cake or of water, by the associates of the deceased, or by the prince who inherits his property. |