
Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 25 Jul 2011 11:37 and updated at 25 Jul 2011 11:37


vp.4.19 Another son of Ajamidha was named Riksha 54; his son was Samvarana; his son was Kuru, who gave his name to the holy district Kurukshetra; his sons were Sudhanush, Jahnu, Parikshit, and many others 55. The son of Sudhanush was Suhotra; his son was Chyavana; his son was Kritaka 56; his son was Uparichara the Vasu 57, who had seven children, Vrihadratha, Pratyagra, Kusamba, Mavella, Matsya, and others. The son of Vrihadratha was Kusagra; his son was Rishabha 58; his son was Pushpavat; his son was Satyadhrita 59; his son was Sudhanwan; and his son was Jantu. Vrihadratha had another son,

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