Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 25 Jul 2011 11:06 and updated at 25 Jul 2011 11:06
vp.4.3 | Purukutsa had a son by Narmada named Trasadasyu, whose son was Sambhuta 5, whose son was Anaranya, who was slain, by Ravana in his triumphant progress through the nations. The son of Anaranya was Prishadaswa; his son was Haryyaswa; his son was Sumanas 6; his son was Tridhanwan; his son was Trayyaruna; and his son was Satyavrata, who obtained the appellation of Trisanku, and was degraded to the condition of a Chandala, or outcast 7. During a twelve years famine Trisanku provided the flesh of deer for the nourishment of the wife and children of Viswamitra, suspending it upon a spreading fig tree on the borders of the Ganges, that he might not subject them to the indignity of receiving presents from an outcast. On this account Viswamitra, being highly pleased with him, elevated him in his living body to heaven 8. |
vp.4.4 | accompanied by his brother Lakshmana and by his wife, where he killed in conflict Viradha, Kharadushana and other Rakshasas, the headless giant Kabandha, and Bali the monkey monarch. Having built a bridge across the ocean, and destroyed the whole Rakshasa nation, he recovered his bride Sita, whom their ten headed king Ravana had carried off, and returned to Ayodhya with her, after she had been purified by the fiery ordeal from the soil contracted by her captivity, and had been honoured by the assembled gods, who bore witness to her virtue 16. |
vp.4.11 | The Yadava race, or descendants of Yadu. Karttavirya obtains a boon from Dattatreya: takes Ravana prisoner: is killed by Parasurama: his descendants. |
vp.4.11 | was Bhadrasena 8; his son was Durdama; his son was Dhanaka 9, who had four sons, Kritaviryya, Kritagni, Kritavarman, and Kritaujas. Kritaviryya s son was Arjuna, the sovereign of the seven Dwipas, the lord of a thousand arms. This prince propitiated the sage Dattatreya, the descendant of Atri, who was a portion of Vishnu, and solicited and obtained from him these boons a thousand arms; never acting unjustly; subjugation of the world by justice, and protecting it equitably; victory over his enemies; and death by the hands of a person renowned in the three regions of the universe. With these means he ruled over the whole earth with might and justice, and offered ten thousand sacrifices. Of him this verse is still recited; "The kings of the earth will assuredly never pursue his steps in sacrifice, in munificence, in devotion, in courtesy, and in self control." In his reign nothing was lost or injured; and so he governed the whole earth with undiminished health, prosperity, power, and might, for eighty five thousand years. Whilst sporting in the waters of the Narmada, and elevated with wine, Ravana came on his tour of triumph to the city Mahishmati, and there he who boasted of overthrowing the gods, the Daityas, the Gandharbas and their king, was taken prisoner by Karttavirya, and confined like a tame beast in a corner of his capital 10. At the expiration of his long reign Karttavirya was killed by Parasurama, who was an embodied portion of the mighty Narayana 11. Of the |
vp.4.14 | srutadeva was married to the Karusha prince Vriddhasarman, and bore him the fierce Asura Dantavaktra. Dhrishtaketu, raja of Kaikeya 19, married srutakirtti, and had by her Santarddana and four other sons, known as the five Kaikeyas. Jayasena, king of Avanti, married Rajadhidevi, and had Vinda and Anavinda. srutasravas was wedded to Damaghosha, raja of Chedi, and bore him sisupala 20. This prince was in a former existence the unrighteous but valiant monarch of the Daityas, Hiranyakasipu, who was killed by the divine guardian of creation (in the man lion Avatara). He was next the ten headed sovereign Ravana, whose unequalled prowess, strength, and power were overcome by the lord of the three worlds, Rama. Having been killed by the deity in the form of Raghava, he had long enjoyed the reward of his virtues in exemption from an embodied state, but had now received birth once more as sisupala, the son of Damaghosha, king of Chedi. In this character he renewed, with greater inveteracy than ever, his hostile hatred towards the god surnamed Pundarikaksha, a portion of the supreme being, who had descended to lighten the burdens of the earth; and was in consequence slain by him: but from the circumstance of his thoughts being constantly engrossed by the supreme being, sisupala was united with him after death; for the lord giveth to those to whom he is favourable whatever they desire, and he bestows a heavenly and exalted station even upon those whom he slays in his displeasure. |
vp.4.15 | Explanation of the reason why sisupala in his previous births as Hiranyakasipu and Ravana was not identified with Vishnu on being slain by him, and was so identified when killed as sisupala. The wives of Vasudeva: his children: Balarama and Krishna his sons by Devaki: born apparently of Rohini and Yasoda. The wives and children of Krishna. Multitude of the descendants of Yadu. |
vp.4.15 | Maitreya. Most eminent of all who cultivate piety, I am curious to hear from you, and you are able to explain to me, how it happened that the same being who when killed by Vishnu as Hiranyakasipu and Ravana obtained enjoyments which, though scarcely attainable by the immortals, were but temporary, should have been absorbed into the eternal Hari when slain by him in the person of sisupala. |