
Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 25 Jul 2011 10:41 and updated at 25 Jul 2011 10:41


vp.3.1 Chakshusha was the Manu of the sixth period 17: in which the Indra was Manojava: the five classes of gods were the adyas, Prastutas, Bhavyas, Prithugas, and the magnanimous Lekhas, eight of each 18: Sumedhas, Virajas, Havishmat, Uttama, Madhu, Abhinaman, and Sahishnu were the seven sages 19: the kings of the earth, the sons of Chakshusha, were the powerful Uru, Puru, satadyumna, and others.
vp.4.10 The sons of Nahusha. The sons of Yayati: he is cursed by sukra: wishes his sons to exchange their vigour for his infirmities. Puru alone consents. Yayati restores him his youth: divides the earth amongst his sons, under the supremacy of Puru.
vp.4.10 Yati, Yayati, Sanyati, ayati, Viyati, and Kriti were the six valiant sons of Nahusha 1. Yati declined the sovereignty 2, and Yayati therefore succeeded to the throne. He had two wives, Devayani the daughter of Usanas, and sarmishtha the daughter of Vrishaparvan; of whom this genealogical verse is recited: Devayani" bore two sons, Yadu and Turvasu. Sarmishtha, the daughter of Vrishaparvan, had three sons, Druhyu, Anu, and Puru 3." Through the curse of Usanas, Yayati
vp.4.10 became old and infirm before his time; but having appeased his father in law, he obtained permission to transfer his decrepitude to any one who would consent to take it. He first applied to his eldest son Yadu, and said, "Your maternal grandfather has brought this premature decay upon me: by his permission, however, I may transfer it to you for a thousand years. I am not yet satiate, with worldly enjoyments, and wish to partake of them through the means of your youth. Do not refuse compliance with my request." Yadu, however, was not willing to take upon him his father s decay; on which his father denounced an imprecation upon him, and said, "Your posterity shall not possess dominion." He then applied successively to Druhyu, Turvasu, and Anu, and demanded of them their juvenile vigour. They all refused, and were in consequence cursed by the king. Lastly he made the same request of Sarmishtha s youngest son, Puru, who bowed to his father, and readily consented to give him his youth, and receive in exchange Yayati s infirmities, saying that his father had conferred upon him a great favour.
vp.4.10 Having made this determination, Yayati restored his youth to Puru, resumed his own decrepitude, installed his youngest son in the sovereignty, and departed to the wood of penance Tapovana( 4). To Turvasu he consigned the south east districts of his kingdom; the west to Druhyu; the south to Yadu; and the north to Anu; to govern as viceroys under their younger brother Puru, whom he appointed supreme monarch of the earth 5.
vp.4.15 Vasudeva, also called anakadandubhi, had Rohini, Pauravi 1, Bhadra, Madira, Devaki, and several other wives. His sons by Rohini were Balabhadra, Sarana, saru, Durmada, and others. Balabhadra espoused Revati, and had by her Nisatha and Ulmuka. The sons of sarana were Marshti, Marshtimat, sisu, Satyadhriti, and others. Bhadraswa, Bhadrabahu, Durgama, Bhuta, and others, were born in the family of Rohini (of the race of Puru). The sons of Vasudeva by Madira were Nanda, Upananda, Kritaka, and others. Bhadra bore him Upanidhi, Gada, and others. By his wife Vaisali he had one son named Kausika. Devaki bore him six sons, Kirttimat, Sushena, Udayin, Bhadrasena, Rijudasa, and Bhadradeha; all of whom Kansa put to death 2.
vp.4.16 The son of Turvasu was Vahni 1; his son was Gobanu 2; his son was Traisamba 3; his son was Karandhama; his son was Marutta. Marutta had no children, and he therefore adopted Dushyanta, of the family of Puru; by which the line of Turvasu merged into that of Puru 4. This took place in consequence of the malediction denounced on his son by Yayati 5.
vp.4.18 his son was Dhriti; his son was Dhritavrata; his son was Satyakarman; his son was Adhiratha 20, who found Karna in a basket on the banks of the Ganges, where he had been exposed by his mother, Pritha. The son of Karna was Vrishasena 21. These were the Anga kings. You shall next hear who were the descendants of Puru.
vp.4.19 Descendants of Puru. Birth of Bharata, the son of Dushyanta: his sons killed: adopts Bharadwaja or Vitatha. Hastin, founder of Hastinapura. Sons of Ajamidha, and the races derived from them, as Panchalas, &c. Kripa and Kripi found by santanu. Descendants of Riksha, the son of Ajamidha. Kurukshetra named from Kuru. Jarasandha and others, kings of Magadha.
vp.4.19 THE son of Puru was Janamejaya; his son was Prachinvat; his son was Pravira; his son was Manasyu; his son was Bhayada 1; his son was Sudyumna 2; his son was Bahugava 3; his son was Samyati 4; his son was Ahamyati 5; his son was Raudraswa 6, who had ten sons, Riteyu 7, Kaksheyu, Sthandileyu, Ghriteyu, Jaleyu, Sthaleyu, Santateyu, Dhaneyu, Vaneyu, and Vrateyu 8. The son of Riteyu was Rantinara 9,
vp.4.24 Thus age after age Brahmans, Kshatriyas, Vaisyas, and sudras, excellent Brahman, men of great souls, have passed away by thousands; whose names and tribes and families I have not enumerated to you, from their great number, and the repetition of appellations it would involve. Two persons, Devapi of the race of Puru, and Maru of the family of Ikshwaku, through the force of devotion continue alive throughout the whole four ages, residing at the village of Kalapa: they will return hither in the beginning of the Krita age, and, becoming members of the family of the Manu, give origin to the Kshatriya dynasties 84. In this manner the earth is possessed through every series of the three first ages, the Krita, Treta, and Dwapara, by the sons of the Manu; and some remain in the Kali age, to serve as the rudiments of renewed generations, in the same way as Devapi and Maru are still in existence.

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