
Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 24 Jul 2011 17:22 and updated at 24 Jul 2011 17:22


vp.4.1 Before the evolution of the mundane egg, existed Brahma, who was Hiranyagarbha, the form of that supreme Brahma which consists of Vishnu as identical with the Rig, Yajur, and Sama Vedas; the primeval, uncreated cause of all worlds. From the right thumb of Brahma was born the patriarch Daksha 3; his daughter was Aditi, who was the mother of the sun. The Manu Vaivaswata was the son of the celestial luminary; and his sons were Ikshwaku, Nriga, Dhrishta, saryati, Narishyanta, Pransu, Nabhaga, Nedishta, Karusha, and Prishadhra 4.
vp.4.1 a Vaisya 10: his son was Bhalandana 11; whose son was the celebrated Vatsapri 12: his son was Pransu; whose son was Prajani 13; whose son was Khanitra 14; whose son was the very valiant Chakshupa 15; whose son was Vinsa 16; whose son was Vivinsati 17; whose son was Khaninetra; whose son was the powerful, wealthy, and valiant Karandhama 18; whose son was Avikshi (or Avikshit 19); whose son was the mighty Marutta, of whom this well known verse is recited; "There never was beheld on earth a sacrifice equal to the sacrifice of Marutta: all the implements

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