
Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 24 Jul 2011 15:07 and updated at 24 Jul 2011 15:07


vp.4.20 [paragraph continues] The son of Bhima by Hidimba was Ghatotkacha, and he had also Sarvatraga by his wife Kasi. The son of Sahadeva by Vijaya was Suhotra; and Niramitra was the son of Nakula by Karenumati. Arjuna had Iravat by the serpent nymph Ulupi; Babhruvahana, who was adopted as the son of his maternal grandfather, by the daughter of the king of Manipura; and, by his wife Subhadra Abhimanyu, who even in extreme youth was renowned for his valour and his strength, and crushed the chariots of his foes in fight. The son of Abhimanyu by his wife Uttara was Parikshit, who, after the Kurus were all destroyed, was killed in his mother s womb by the magic Brahma weapon, hurled by Aswatthaman: he was however restored to life by the clemency of that being whose feet receive the homage of all the demons and the gods, and who for his own pleasure had assumed a human shape Krishna(). This prince, Parikshit, now reigns over the whole world with undivided sway 6.
vp.4.21 will be Vrishnimat 9; his son will be Sushena; his son will be Sunitha 10; his son will be Richa 11; his son will be Nrichakshu 12; his son will be Sukhihala 13; his son will be Pariplava; his son will be Sunaya 14; his son will be Medhavin; his son will be Nripanjaya 15; his son will be Mridu 16; his son will be Tigma 17; his son will be Vrihadratha; his son will be Vasudana 18; and his son will be another satanika; his son will be Udayana 19; his son will be Ahinara 20; his son will be Khandapani 21; his son will be Niramitra 22; his son will be Kshemaka 23: of him this verse is recited; "The race which gave origin to Brahmans and Kshatriyas, and which was purified by regal sages, terminated with Kshemaka; in the Kali age 24."
vp.4.23 I WILL now relate to you the descendants of Vrihadratha, who will be the kings of Magadha. There have been several powerful princes of this dynasty, of whom the most celebrated was Jarasandha; his son was Sahadeva; his son is Somapi 1; his son will be srutavat 2; his son will be Ayutayus 3; his son will be Niramitra 4; his son will be Sukshatra 5; his son will be Vrihatkarman 6; his son will be Senajit 7; his son will be srutanjaya 8; his son will be Vipra 9; his son will be suchi 10; his son will be Kshemya 11; his son will be Suvrata 12; his son will be Dharma 13; his son will be Susuma 14; his son will be Dridhasena 15; his son will be Sumati 16; his son will be Suvala 17; his son will be Sunita 18; his son will be Satyajit 19; his son will be Viswajit 20; his son will be Ripunjaya 21. These are the Varhadrathas, who will reign for a thousand years 22.

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