Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 24 Jul 2011 09:45 and updated at 24 Jul 2011 09:45
vp.2.3 | On the east of Bharata dwell the Kiratas (the barbarians); on the west, the Yavanas; in the centre reside Brahmans, Kshetriyas, Vaisyas, and sudras, occupied in their respective duties of sacrifice, arms, trade, and service 4. |
vp.2.3 | [paragraph continues] Kuttaparantas 66, Maheyas 67, Kakshas 68, dwellers on the sea shore, and the Andhas and many tribes residing within and without the hills; the Malajas 69, Magadhas 70, Manavarjjakas 71; those north of the Mahi Mahyuttaras(), the Pravrisheyas, Bhargavas 72, Pundras 73, Bhargas 74, Kiratas, Sudeshtas; and the people on the Yamuna Yamunas(), sakas, Nishadas 75, Nishadhas 76, anarttas 77; and those in the south west Nairritas(), the Durgalas, Pratimasyas 78, Kuntalas, Kusalas 79, Tiragrahas, |
vp.2.3 | [paragraph continues] Vanavas, Darvas, Vatajamarathorajas, Bahubadhas 90, Kauravyas, Sudamas 91, Sumallis, Badhnas, Karishakas, Kulindapatyakas, Vatayanas 92, Dasarnas 93, Romanas 94, Kusavindus, Kakshas 95, Gopala kakshas 96, Jangalas 97, Kuruvarnakas 98, Kiratas, Barbaras 99, Siddhas, Vaidehas 100 Tamraliptas 101, Audras 102, Paundras 103, dwellers in sandy tracts (saisikatas), and in mountains Parvatiyas(). Moreover, chief of the sons of Bharata, there are the nations of the south, the Draviras 104, Keralas 105, Prachyas 106, Mushikas 107, and Vanavasakas 108; the Karnatakas 109, Mahishakas 110, Vikalyas 111 and Mushakas 112, Jillikas 113, Kuntalas 114, Sauhridas, |
vp.2.3 | [paragraph continues] Girigahvaras( 159), atreyas, Bharadwajas 160, Stanayoshikas 161, Proshakas 162, Kalinga 163, and tribes of Kiratas, Tomaras, Hansamargas, and Karabhanjikas 164. These and many other nations, dwelling in the east and in the north, can be only thus briefly noticed. |