
Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 24 Jul 2011 08:55 and updated at 24 Jul 2011 08:55


vp.2.3 [paragraph continues] Devika 12; the Vedasmrita, Vedavati 13, Tridiva 14, Ikshumalavi 15, Karishini, Chitrabaha, the deep Chitrasena, the Gomati, the Dhutapapa, and the great river Gandaki 16; the Kausiki, Nischita 17, Kritya, Nichita, Lohatarini 18, Rahasya, Satakumbha, and also the sarayu 19, the Charmanvati, Chandrabhaga 20, Hastisoma, Dis, Saravati 21, Payoshni, Para 22, and Bhimarathi 23, Kaveri 24, Chulaka 25, Vina 26, Satabala, Nivara, Mahita 27,
vp.2.3 Suprayoga 28 Pavitra 29, Kundala, Sindhu 30, Rajani 31, Puramalini, Purvabhirama, Vira, Bhima 32, Oghavati, Palasini 33, Papahara, Mahendra, Patalavati 34, Karishini, Asikni, the great river Kusachira 35, the Makari 36, Pravara, Mena 37, Hema, and Dhritavati 38, Puravati 39, Anushna 40, Saivya, Kapi 41, Sadanira 42, Adhrishya, the great river Kusadhara 43, Sadakanta 44, siva, Viravati, Vastu, Suvastu 45, Gauri, Kampana 46, Hiranvati, Vara, Virankara, Panchami, Rathachitra, Jyotiratha, Viswamitra 47, Kapinjala, Upendra, Bahula, Kuchira 48, Madhuvahini 49, Vinadi 50, Pinjala, Vena, Tungavena 51, Vidisa 52, Krishnavena, Tamra, Kapila, Selu, Suvama 53, Vedaswa, Harisrava, Mahopama 54, sighra, Pichchhala 55, the deep Bharadwaji, the Kausiki, the Sona 56, Bahuda, and Chandrama, Durga,
vp.4.7 When Richika returned home, and beheld Satyavati, he said to her, "Sinful woman, what hast thou done! I view thy body of a fearful appearance. Of a surety thou hast eaten the consecrated food which was prepared for thy mother: thou hast done wrong. In that food I had infused the properties of power and strength and heroism; in thine, the qualities suited to a Brahman, gentleness, knowledge, and resignation. In consequence of having reversed my plans, thy son shall follow a warrior s propensities, and use weapons, and fight, and slay. Thy mother s son shall be born with the inclinations of a Brahman, and be addicted to peace and piety." Satyavati, hearing this, fell at her husband s feet, and said, "My lord, I have done this thing through ignorance; have compassion on me; let me not have a son such as thou hast foretold: if such there must be, let it be my grandson, not my son." The Muni, relenting at her distress, replied, "So let it be." Accordingly in due season she gave birth to Jamadagni; and her mother brought forth Viswamitra. Satyavati afterwards became the Kausiki river 13. Jamadagni married Renuka, the daughter of Renu, of the

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