
Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 23 Jul 2011 15:18 and updated at 23 Jul 2011 15:18


vp.4.7 PURURAVAS had six sons, ayus, Dhimat, Amavasu, Viswavasu, satayus, and srutayus 1. The son of Amavasu was Bhima 2; his son was Kanchana 3; his son was Suhotra 4, whose son was Jahnu. This prince, whilst performing a sacrifice, saw the whole of the place overflowed by the waters of the Ganges. Highly offended at this intrusion, his eyes red with anger, he united the spirit of sacrifice with himself, by the power of his devotion, and drank up the river. The gods and sages upon this came to him, and appeased his indignation, and reobtained Ganga from him, in the capacity of his daughter (whence she is called Jahnavi) 5.
vp.4.7 The son of Jahnu was Sumantu 6; his son was Ajaka; his son was Valakaswa 7; his son was Kusa 8, who had four sons, Kusamba, Kusanabha, Amurttaya, and Amavasu 9. Kusamba, being desirous of a son, engaged in devout penance to obtain one who should be equal to Indra. Observing the intensity of his devotions, Indra was alarmed lest a prince of power like his own should be engendered, and determined therefore to take upon himself the character of Kusamba s son 10. He was accordingly born as Gadhi, of the race of Kusa Kausika(). Gadhi had a daughter named Satyavati. Richika, of the descendants of Bhrigu, demanded her in marriage. The king was very unwilling to give his daughter to a peevish old Brahman, and demanded of him, as the nuptial present, a thousand fleet horses, whose colour should be white, with one black ear. Richika having propitiated Varuna, the god of ocean, obtained from him, at the holy place called Aswatirtha, a thousand such steeds; and giving them to the king, espoused his daughter 11.
vp.4.19 Another son of Ajamidha was named Riksha 54; his son was Samvarana; his son was Kuru, who gave his name to the holy district Kurukshetra; his sons were Sudhanush, Jahnu, Parikshit, and many others 55. The son of Sudhanush was Suhotra; his son was Chyavana; his son was Kritaka 56; his son was Uparichara the Vasu 57, who had seven children, Vrihadratha, Pratyagra, Kusamba, Mavella, Matsya, and others. The son of Vrihadratha was Kusagra; his son was Rishabha 58; his son was Pushpavat; his son was Satyadhrita 59; his son was Sudhanwan; and his son was Jantu. Vrihadratha had another son, who being born in two
vp.4.20 PARIKSHIT, the son of Kuru, had four sons, Janamejaya, srutasena, Ugrasena, and Bhimasena 1. The son of Jahnu was Suratha; his son was Viduratha; his son was Sarvabhauma; his son was Jayasena aravin; his son was Ayutayus; his son was Akrodhana; one of his sons was Devatithi, and another was called Riksha; his son was Dilipa; his son was Pratipa, who had three sons, Devapi, santanu, and Bahlika. The first adopted in childhood a forest life, and santanu became king. Of him this verse is spread through the earth; "santanu is his name, because if he lays his hands upon an old man, he restores him to youth, and by him men obtain tranquillity (santi)."
vp.4.24 These were the verses, Maitreya, which Earth recited, and by listening to which ambition fades away like snow before the sun. I have now related to you the whole account of the descendants of the Manu; amongst whom have flourished kings endowed with a portion of Vishnu, engaged in the preservation of the earth. Whoever shall listen reverently and with faith to this narrative, proceeding from the posterity of Manu, shall be purified entirely from all his sins, and, with the perfect possession of his faculties, shall live in unequalled affluence, plenty, and prosperity. He who has heard of the races of the sun and moon, of Ikshwaku., Jahnu, Mandhatri, Sagara, and Raghu, who have all perished; of Yayati, Nahusha, and their posterity, who are no more; of kings of great might, resistless valour, and unbounded wealth, who have been overcome by still more powerful time, and are now only a tale; he will learn wisdom, and forbear to call either children, or wife, or house, or

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