
Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 23 Jul 2011 14:34 and updated at 23 Jul 2011 14:34


vp.4.19 Descendants of Puru. Birth of Bharata, the son of Dushyanta: his sons killed: adopts Bharadwaja or Vitatha. Hastin, founder of Hastinapura. Sons of Ajamidha, and the races derived from them, as Panchalas, &c. Kripa and Kripi found by santanu. Descendants of Riksha, the son of Ajamidha. Kurukshetra named from Kuru. Jarasandha and others, kings of Magadha.
vp.4.19 [paragraph continues] Hastinapura 24. The sons of Hastin were Ajamidha 25, Dwimidha, and Purumidha. One son of Ajamidha was Kanwa, whose son was Medhatithi 26; his other son was Vrihadishu, whose son was Vrihadvasu 27; his son was Vrihatkarman 28; his son was Jayadratha 29; his son was Viswajit 30; his son was Senajit, whose sons were Ruchiraswa, Kasya, Dridhadhanush, and Vasahanu 31. The son of Ruchiraswa was Prithusena; his son was Para; his son was Nipa; he had a hundred sons, of whom Samara, the principal, was the ruler of Kampilya 32. Samara had three sons, Para, Sampara, Sadaswa. The son of Para was Prithu; his son was Sukriti; his son was Vibhratra 33; his son was Anuha, who married Kritwi, the daughter of suka (the son of Vyasa), and had by her Brahmadatta 34;
vp.4.21 I WILL now enumerate the kings who, will reign in future periods 1. The present monarch, Parikshit 2, will have four sons, Janamejaya, srutasena, Ugrasena, and Bhimasena 3. The son of Janamejaya will be satanika 4, who will study the Vedas under Yajnawalkya, and military science with Kripa; but becoming dissatisfied with sensual enjoyments, he will acquire spiritual knowledge from the instructions of saunaka, and ultimately obtain salvation. His son will be Aswamedhadatta (a son given by the gods in reward for the sacrifice of a horse 5); his son will be Asima krishna 6; his son will be Nichakra 7, who will remove the capital to Kausambi, in consequence of Hastinapura being washed away by the Ganges; his son will be Ushna 8; his son will be Chitraratha; his son
vp.5.35 samba carries off the daughter of Duryodhana, but is taken prisoner. Balarama comes to Hastinapura, and demands his liberation: it is refused: in his wrath he drags the city towards him, to throw it into the river. The Kuru chiefs give up samba and his wife.
vp.5.35 Parasara. Attend, Maitreya, to the achievements performed by Rama, who is the eternal, illimitable sesha, the upholder of the earth. At the choice of a husband by the daughter of Duryodhana, the princess was carried off by the hero samba, the son of Jambavati. Being pursued by Duryodhana, Karna, Bhishma, Drona, and other celebrated chiefs, who were incensed at his audacity, he was defeated, and taken prisoner. When the Yadavas heard of the occurrence, their wrath was kindled against Duryodhana and his associates, and they prepared to take up arms against them; but Baladeva, in accents interrupted by the effects of ebriety, forbade them, and said, "I will go alone to the sons of Kuru; they will liberate samba at my request." Accordingly he went to the elephant styled city Hastinapura(), but took up his abode in a grove without the town, which he did not enter. When Duryodhana and the rest heard that he had arrived there, they sent him a cow, a present of fruits and flowers, and water. Bala received the offering in the customary form, and said to the Kauravas, Ugrasena" commands you to set samba at liberty." When Duryodhana, Karna, Bhishma, Drona, and the others, heard this, they were very angry; and Bahlika and other friends of the Kauravas, who looked upon the Yadu race as not entitled to regal dignity, said to the wielder of the club, "What is this, Balabhadra, that thou hast uttered? What Yadava shall give orders to the chiefs of the family of Kuru? If Ugrasena issues
vp.5.35 So saying, the wielder of the club, Baladeva, his eyes red with rage, plunged the blade of his ploughshare downwards, beneath the ramparts of the city, and drew them towards him. When the Kauravas beheld Hastinapura tottering, they were much alarmed, and called loudly on Rama, saying, Rama", Rama! hold, hold! suppress your wrath! have mercy upon us! Here is samba, and his wife also, delivered up to thee. Forgive our sins, committed in ignorance of thy wondrous power." Accordingly, issuing hurriedly from the city, the Kauravas delivered samba and his bride to the mighty Balarama, who, bowing to Bhishma, Drona, and Kripa, who addressed him in conciliatory language, said, "I am satisfied;" and so desisted. The city bears the marks of the shock it received, even to the present day such was the might of Rama proving both his strength and prowess. The Kauravas then offering homage to samba and to Bala, dismissed the former with his wife and a bridal portion 1.

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