Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 23 Jul 2011 14:32 and updated at 23 Jul 2011 14:32
vp.4.2 | the king was attended by his sons, to the number of twenty one thousand; and all these, with the exception of only three, perished in the engagement, consumed by the fiery breath of Dhundhu. The three who survived were Dridhaswa, Chandraswa, and Kapilaswa; and the son and successor of the elder of these was Haryyaswa; his son was Nikumbha; his son was Sanhataswa; his son was Krisaswa; his son was Prasenajit; and his son was another Yuvanaswa 18. |
vp.4.3 | Purukutsa had a son by Narmada named Trasadasyu, whose son was Sambhuta 5, whose son was Anaranya, who was slain, by Ravana in his triumphant progress through the nations. The son of Anaranya was Prishadaswa; his son was Haryyaswa; his son was Sumanas 6; his son was Tridhanwan; his son was Trayyaruna; and his son was Satyavrata, who obtained the appellation of Trisanku, and was degraded to the condition of a Chandala, or outcast 7. During a twelve years famine Trisanku provided the flesh of deer for the nourishment of the wife and children of Viswamitra, suspending it upon a spreading fig tree on the borders of the Ganges, that he might not subject them to the indignity of receiving presents from an outcast. On this account Viswamitra, being highly pleased with him, elevated him in his living body to heaven 8. |
vp.4.5 | his son was Nandivarddhana; his son was Suketu; his son was Devarata; his son was Vrihaduktha; his son was Mahavirya; his son was Satyadhriti; his son was Dhrishtaketu; his son was Haryyaswa; his son was Maru; his son was Pratibandhaka; his son was Kritaratha; his son was Krita; his son was Vibudha; his son was Mahadhriti; his son was Kritirata; his son was Maharoman; his son was Suvarnaroman; his son was Hraswaroman; his son was Siradhwaja. |
vp.4.19 | Ajamidha had a wife called Nilini, and by her he had a son named Nila; his son was santi; his son was susanti; his son was Purujanu 43; his son was Chakshu 44; his son was Haryyaswa 45, who had five sons, |