
Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 23 Jul 2011 14:31 and updated at 23 Jul 2011 14:31


vp.2.4 The hero Vapushmat was king of the next or salmala dwipa, whose seven sons also gave designations to seven Varshas, or divisions. Their names were sweta, Harita, Jimuta, Rohita, Vaidyuta, Manasa, and Suprabha. The Ikshu sea is encompassed by the continent of Salmala, which is twice its extent. There are seven principal mountain ranges, abounding in precious gems, and dividing the Varshas from each other; and there are also seven chief rivers. The mountains are called Kumuda, Unnata, Valahaka, Drona, fertile in medicinal herbs, Kanka, Mahisha, and Kakkudwat. The rivers are Yauni, Toya, Vitrishna, Chandra, sukla, Vimochani, and Nivritti; all whose waters cleanse away sins. The Brahmans, Kshetriyas, Vaisyas, and sudras of this Dwipa, called severally Kapilas, Arunas, Pitas, and Rohitas (or tawny, purple, yellow, and red), worship the imperishable soul of all things, Vishnu, in the form of Vayu (wind), with pious rites, and enjoy frequent association with the gods. A large salmali (silk cotton) tree grows in this Dwipa, and gives it its name. The Dwipa is surrounded by the Sura sea (sea of wine), of the same extent as itself.
vp.4.3 The son of Ambarisha, the son of Mandhatri, was Yuvanaswa; his son was Harita 2, from whom the Angirasa Haritas were descended 3.
vp.4.3 [paragraph continues] Rohitaswa 10; his son was Harita 11; his son was Chunchu 12, who had two sons named Vijaya and Sudeva. Ruruka 13 was the son of Vijaya, and his own son was Vrika, whose son was Bahu (or Bathuka). This prince was vanquished by the tribes of Haihayas and Talajanghas 14, anti his country was overrun by them; in consequence of which he fled into the forests with his wives. One of these was pregnant, and being an object of jealousy to a rival queen, the latter gave her poison to prevent her delivery. The poison had the effect of confining the child in the womb for seven years. Bahu, having waxed old, died in the neighbourhood of the residence of the Muni Aurva. His queen having constructed his pile, ascended it with the determination of accompanying him in death; but the sage Aurva, who knew all things, past, present, and to come, issued forth from his hermitage, and forbade her, saying, "Hold! hold! this is unrighteous; a valiant prince, the monarch of many realms, the
vp.4.7 other sons also, amongst whom the most celebrated were Madhuchhandas, Kritajaya, Devadeva, Ashtaka, Kachchapa, and Harita; these founded many families, all of whom were known by the name of Kausikas, and intermarried with the families of various Rishis 23.
vp.4.12 Kroshtri, the son of Yadu 1, had a son named Vrijinivat 2; his son was Swahi 3; his son was Rushadru 4; his son was Chitraratha; his son was sasavindu, who was lord of the fourteen great gems 5; he had a hundred thousand wives and a million of sons 6. The most renowned of them were Prithuyasas, Prithukarman, Prithujaya, Prithukirtti, Prithudana, and Prithusravas. The son of the last of these six 7 was Tamas 8; his son was Usanas 9, who celebrated a hundred sacrifices of the horse; his son was siteyus 10; his son was Rukmakavacha 11; his son was Paravrit, who lead five sons, Rukmeshu, Prithurukman, Jyamagha, Palita, and Harita 12. To this day the following verse relating to Jyamagha

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