
Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 23 Jul 2011 11:26 and updated at 23 Jul 2011 11:26


vp.4.2 The son of Kakutstha was Anenas 13, whose son was Prithu, whose son was Viswagaswa 14, whose son was ardra 15, whose son was Yuvanaswa, whose son was sravasta, by whom the city of sravasti 16 was founded. The son of sravasta was Vrihadaswa, whose son was Kuvalayaswa. This prince, inspired with the spirit of Vishnu, destroyed the Asura Dhundhu, who had harassed the pious sage Uttanka; and he was thence entitled Dhundhumara 17. In his conflict with the demon
vp.4.2 the king was attended by his sons, to the number of twenty one thousand; and all these, with the exception of only three, perished in the engagement, consumed by the fiery breath of Dhundhu. The three who survived were Dridhaswa, Chandraswa, and Kapilaswa; and the son and successor of the elder of these was Haryyaswa; his son was Nikumbha; his son was Sanhataswa; his son was Krisaswa; his son was Prasenajit; and his son was another Yuvanaswa 18.

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