
Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 23 Jul 2011 10:54 and updated at 23 Jul 2011 10:54


vp.4.14 his son was Bhava 9, who was also called Chandanodakadundubhi 10; he was a friend of the Gandharba Tumburu; his son was Abhijit; his son was Punarvasu; his son was ahuka, and he had also a daughter named ahuki. The sons of ahuka were Devaka and Ugrasena. The former had four sons, Devavat, Upadeva, Sudeva, and Devarakshita, and seven daughters, Vrikadeva, Upadeva, Devarakshita, srideva, santideva, Sahadeva, and Devaki: all the daughters were married to Vasudeva. The sons of Ugrasena were Kansa, Nyagrodha, Sunaman, Kanka, sanku, Subhumi, Rashtrapala, Yuddhamushthi, and Tushtimat; and his daughters were Kansa, Kansavati, Sutanu, Rashtrapali, and Kanki.
vp.4.24 [paragraph continues] Devarakshita will reign, in a city on the sea shore, over the Kosalas, Odras, Pundras, and Tamraliptas 71. The Guhas will possess Kalinga, Mahihaka, and the mountains of Mahendra 72. The race of Manidhanu will occupy the countries of the Nishadas, Naimishikas, and Kalatoyas 73.

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