
Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 23 Jul 2011 09:41 and updated at 23 Jul 2011 09:41


vp.4.20 PARIKSHIT, the son of Kuru, had four sons, Janamejaya, srutasena, Ugrasena, and Bhimasena 1. The son of Jahnu was Suratha; his son was Viduratha; his son was Sarvabhauma; his son was Jayasena aravin; his son was Ayutayus; his son was Akrodhana; one of his sons was Devatithi, and another was called Riksha; his son was Dilipa; his son was Pratipa, who had three sons, Devapi, santanu, and Bahlika. The first adopted in childhood a forest life, and santanu became king. Of him this verse is spread through the earth; "santanu is his name, because if he lays his hands upon an old man, he restores him to youth, and by him men obtain tranquillity (santi)."
vp.4.21 I WILL now enumerate the kings who, will reign in future periods 1. The present monarch, Parikshit 2, will have four sons, Janamejaya, srutasena, Ugrasena, and Bhimasena 3. The son of Janamejaya will be satanika 4, who will study the Vedas under Yajnawalkya, and military science with Kripa; but becoming dissatisfied with sensual enjoyments, he will acquire spiritual knowledge from the instructions of saunaka, and ultimately obtain salvation. His son will be Aswamedhadatta (a son given by the gods in reward for the sacrifice of a horse 5); his son will be Asima krishna 6; his son will be Nichakra 7, who will remove the capital to Kausambi, in consequence of Hastinapura being washed away by the Ganges; his son will be Ushna 8; his son will be Chitraratha; his son

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