Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 23 Jul 2011 08:56 and updated at 23 Jul 2011 08:56
vp.3.18 | Buddha goes to the earth, and teaches the Daityas to contemn the Vedas: his sceptical doctrines: his prohibition of animal sacrifices. Meaning of the term Bauddha. Jainas and Bauddhas; their tenets. The Daityas lose their power, and are overcome by the gods. Meaning of the term Nagna. Consequences of neglect of duty. Story of satadhanu and his wife saivya. Communion with heretics to be shunned. |
vp.3.18 | arch deceiver to deviate from their religious duties (and become Bauddhas), by his repeated arguments and variously urged persuasions 5, When they had abandoned their own faith, they persuaded others to do the same, and the heresy spread, and many deserted the practices enjoined by the Vedas and the laws. |