Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 23 Jul 2011 08:37 and updated at 23 Jul 2011 08:37
vp.4.1 | a Vaisya 10: his son was Bhalandana 11; whose son was the celebrated Vatsapri 12: his son was Pransu; whose son was Prajani 13; whose son was Khanitra 14; whose son was the very valiant Chakshupa 15; whose son was Vinsa 16; whose son was Vivinsati 17; whose son was Khaninetra; whose son was the powerful, wealthy, and valiant Karandhama 18; whose son was Avikshi (or Avikshit 19); whose son was the mighty Marutta, of whom this well known verse is recited; "There never was beheld on earth a sacrifice equal to the sacrifice of Marutta: all the implements |