Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 23 Jul 2011 08:36 and updated at 23 Jul 2011 08:36
vp.4.14 | srutadeva was married to the Karusha prince Vriddhasarman, and bore him the fierce Asura Dantavaktra. Dhrishtaketu, raja of Kaikeya 19, married srutakirtti, and had by her Santarddana and four other sons, known as the five Kaikeyas. Jayasena, king of Avanti, married Rajadhidevi, and had Vinda and Anavinda. srutasravas was wedded to Damaghosha, raja of Chedi, and bore him sisupala 20. This prince was in a former existence the unrighteous but valiant monarch of the Daityas, Hiranyakasipu, who was killed by the divine guardian of creation (in the man lion Avatara). He was next the ten headed sovereign Ravana, whose unequalled prowess, strength, and power were overcome by the lord of the three worlds, Rama. Having been killed by the deity in the form of Raghava, he had long enjoyed the reward of his virtues in exemption from an embodied state, but had now received birth once more as sisupala, the son of Damaghosha, king of Chedi. In this character he renewed, with greater inveteracy than ever, his hostile hatred towards the god surnamed Pundarikaksha, a portion of the supreme being, who had descended to lighten the burdens of the earth; and was in consequence slain by him: but from the circumstance of his thoughts being constantly engrossed by the supreme being, sisupala was united with him after death; for the lord giveth to those to whom he is favourable whatever they desire, and he bestows a heavenly and exalted station even upon those whom he slays in his displeasure. |
vp.4.24 | [paragraph continues] The people called Kanakas will possess the Amazon country, and that called Mushika 74. Men of the three tribes, but degraded, and abhiras and sudras, will occupy saurashtra, Avanti, sura, Arbuda, and Marubhumi: and sudras, outcastes, and barbarians will be masters of the banks of the Indus, Darvika, the Chandrabhaga, and Kashmir 75. |
vp.5.21 | Thus having spoken, the human Kesava summoned mentally the deity of the wind, who came upon the instant, and said to him, "Go, Vayu, to Indra, and desire him to lay aside his pomp, and resign to Ugrasena his splendid hall Sudharman: tell him that Krishna commands him to send the royal hall, the unrivalled gem of princely courts, for the assemblage of the race of Yadu." Accordingly Vayu went, and delivered the message to the husband of sachi, who immediately gave up to him the hall Sudharman, and Vayu conveyed it to the Yadavas, the chiefs of whom thenceforth possessed this celestial court, emblazoned with jewels, and defended by the arm of Govinda. The two excellent Yadu youths, versed in all knowledge, and possessed of all wisdom, then submitted to instruction, as the disciples of teachers. Accordingly they repaired to Sandipani who, though born in Kasi, resided at Avanti to study the science of arms, and, becoming his pupils, were obedient and attentive to their master, exhibiting an example to all men of the observance of instituted rules. In the course of sixty four days they had gone through the elements of military science, with the treatises on the use of arms, and directions for the mystic incantations, which secure the aid of supernatural weapons 2. Sandipani, astonished at such proficiency, and knowing that it exceeded human faculties, imagined that the sun and moon had become his scholars. When they had acquired all that he could teach, they said to him, "Now |