Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 23 Jul 2011 07:47 and updated at 23 Jul 2011 07:47
vp.4.20 | PARIKSHIT, the son of Kuru, had four sons, Janamejaya, srutasena, Ugrasena, and Bhimasena 1. The son of Jahnu was Suratha; his son was Viduratha; his son was Sarvabhauma; his son was Jayasena aravin; his son was Ayutayus; his son was Akrodhana; one of his sons was Devatithi, and another was called Riksha; his son was Dilipa; his son was Pratipa, who had three sons, Devapi, santanu, and Bahlika. The first adopted in childhood a forest life, and santanu became king. Of him this verse is spread through the earth; "santanu is his name, because if he lays his hands upon an old man, he restores him to youth, and by him men obtain tranquillity (santi)." |