
Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 01 Jun 2011 08:01 and updated at 01 Jun 2011 08:01


svs.1.1.2 The Aditya, Vishnu, Surya, and the Brahman priest Brihaspati.
svs.1.3.1 9. Through all this world strode Vishnu: thrice his foot he planted, and the whole
svs.1.4.2 4. Whether thou drink the Soma by Vishnu s or Trita Aptya s side,
svs.1.5.2 1. At the Trikadrukas the great and strong enjoyed the barley brew. With Vishnu did he drink the pressed out Soma juice, even as he would.
svs.1.5.2 6. To Vishnu, to the mighty whom the Maruts follow, let your hymns born in song go forth, Evayamarut!
svs.1.6.1 Father of Agni, Surya s generator, the father who begat Indra and Vishnu
svs.2.1.2 3. To Indra, Vayu. Varuna to Vishnu and the Maruts let
svs.2.3.1 Father of Agni, Surya s generator, the father who begat Indra and Vishnu.
svs.2.3.2 To Vishnu and Marut host!
svs.2.3.2 Soma exceeding rich in meath for Indra, Vishnu, and the Gods
svs.2.6.3 1. At the Trikadrukas the great and strong enjoyed the barley brew. With Vishnu did he drink the pressed out Soma juice, even as he would.
svs.2.8.1 HYMN IV Vishnu
svs.2.8.1 1. What, Vishnu, is the name that thou proclaimest when thou declaredst, I am Sipivishta?
svs.2.8.1 3. O Vishnu, unto thee my lips cry Vashat! Let this mine offering, Sipivishta, please thee!
svs.2.8.1 3. Vishnu in the lofty ruling power, Varuna, Mitra sing thy praise:
svs.2.8.2 HYMN V Vishnu
svs.2.8.2 1. Through all this world strode Vishnu: thrice his foot he planted, and the whole
svs.2.8.2 2. Vishnu, the guardian, he whom none deceiveth, made three steps, thenceforth
svs.2.8.2 3. Look ye on Vishnu s works whereby the friend of Indra, close allied,
svs.2.8.2 4. The princes evermore behold that loftiest place of Vishnu, like
svs.2.8.2 5. This, Vishnu s station most sublime, the sages, ever vigilant,
svs.2.8.2 6. May the Gods help and favour us out of the place whence Vishnu strode

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