Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 01 Jun 2011 07:44 and updated at 01 Jun 2011 07:44
svs.1.1.2 | The Aditya, Vishnu, Surya, and the Brahman priest Brihaspati. |
svs.1.2.1 | 1. Surya, thou mountest up to meet the hero famous for his wealth, |
svs.1.2.1 | 2. Whatever, Vritra slayer! thou, Surya hast risen upon to day, |
svs.1.3.2 | 4. Verily, Surya, thou art great; truly, Aditya, thou art great! |
svs.1.4.2 | May Indra vigour fill thee full, as Surya fills mid air with rays |
svs.1.6.1 | Father of Agni, Surya s generator, the father who begat Indra and Vishnu |
svs.1.6.1 | Hither hath run the gold hued child of Surya, and reached the vat like a fleet vigorous courser. |
svs.1.6.1 | He, Pavamana, granted strength to Indra: he, Indu, generated light in Surya. |
svs.1.6.2 | The mighty and far seeing one hath mounted now the mighty Surya s car which moves to every side. |
svs.2.1.1 | Like Surya, flow for us to see! |
svs.2.1.1 | Surya s car which moves to every side. |
svs.2.1.2 | 3. He, while they purify him, stands high over all things that exist Soma, a God as Surya is. |
svs.2.3.1 | As Dawn, as Surya with his beams |
svs.2.3.1 | Surya himself refulgent with his glow have we, as birds, overtaken in his course. |
svs.2.3.1 | Sustaining bolt of thunder, mighty like the God, like Surya, was deposited! |
svs.2.3.1 | Father of Agni, Surya s generator, the father who begat Indra and Vishnu. |
svs.2.3.2 | Even as Surya s rays of light. |
svs.2.3.2 | Like Surya, God, as Law commands. |
svs.2.3.2 | May Indra vigour fill thee full, as Surya fills mid air with rays |
svs.2.4.1 | Of Surya to the cleansing sieve. |
svs.2.5.2 | He, Pavamana, granted strength to Indra: he, Indu, generated strength in Surya. |
svs.2.6.1 | 2. He, purified and bringing gifts to Surya, hath filled full heaven and earth, and hath disclosed them. |
svs.2.6.1 | 1. Even as the beams of Surya, urging men to speed, they issue forth together, gladdening as they flow, |
svs.2.6.1 | HYMN XI Surya |
svs.2.6.2 | Hither hath run the gold hued Child of Surya, and reached the vat like a fleet vigorous courser. |
svs.2.6.2 | 3. Raw kine thou filledst with ripe milk. Thou madest Surya rise to heaven. |
svs.2.6.3 | I. Surya, thou mountest up to meet the hero famous for his wealth, |
svs.2.6.3 | HYMN V Surya |
svs.2.7.2 | Holding aloft the radiant lights of Surya, as messenger of heaven he shines with treasures. |
svs.2.8.3 | 1. Agni is wakened: Surya riseth from the earth. Bright Dawn hath opened out the mighty twain with light. |
svs.2.9.1 | HYMN IX Surya |
svs.2.9.1 | 1. Verily, Surya, thou art great; truly, Aditya, thou art great. |
svs.2.9.1 | 2. Yea, Surya, thou art great in fame: thou evermore, O God, art great. |
svs.2.9.2 | Surya is light, light is Surya. |
svs.2.9.2 | Clothed in due season with the light of Surya, red, hath begot the sacrifice in person. |
svs.2.9.2 | 3. He hath, enduing thousand robes that suit him, as sacrifice upheld the light of Surya, |