Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 01 Jun 2011 07:43 and updated at 01 Jun 2011 07:43
svs.1.1.1 | 10. Agni, the Sage, the Lord of Strength, hath moved around the sacred gifts, |
svs.1.1.1 | 1. With this mine homage I invoke Agni for you, the Son of Strength, |
svs.1.2.1 | 3. O Agni, thou who art the lord of wealth in kine, thou Son of Strength, |
svs.1.4.2 | 6. Him for your sake I glorify as Lord of Strength who wrongeth none, |
svs.1.5.1 | Strength, like a horse, auspicious strength with service. |
svs.1.5.2 | 9. Agni I deem our Hotar priest, munificent wealth giver, Son of Strength, who, knoweth all that is, even as the Sage who, knoweth all. |
svs.2.1.1 | 2. The Son of Strength; for is be not our gracious Lord? Let us serve him who bears our gifts! |
svs.2.1.2 | 1. With this mine homage I invoke Agni for you, the Son of Strength. |
svs.2.3.1 | Thou by attrition art produced as conquering might, and men, O Angiras, call thee the Son of Strength. |
svs.2.3.2 | So fill us also in our hymns abundantly, thou Lord of Strength. Bring food to those who sing thy praise! |
svs.2.7.1 | mighty Son of Strength. |
svs.2.7.2 | 1. What is the praise wherewith, O God, Angiras, Agni, Son of Strength, |
svs.2.7.2 | 2. For unto thee, O Angiras, O Son of Strength, move ladles in the sacrifice. |
svs.2.7.2 | 2. To Agni Jatavedas, to the Son of Strength, that he may give us precious gifts, |
svs.2.7.2 | 1. O Agni thou who art the Lord of wealth in kine, thou Son of Strength, |
svs.2.8.1 | And this our speech, O son of Strength! |
svs.2.8.1 | 2. May the far striding Son of Strength, our friend who brings felicity, |
svs.2.8.2 | 1. O Child of Strength, to thee whose look is lovely, with oblations we, |
svs.2.8.3 | 2. I invocate the Child of Strength, Agni whose glow is bright and pure, |
svs.2.9.1 | 2. To thee alone, O Lord of Strength, go, as it were, all songs of praise. |
svs.2.9.1 | Strength, like a horse auspicious, with service! |
svs.2.9.1 | 1. Agni I deem our Hotar priest, munificent wealth giver, Son of Strength, who knoweth all that is even as the Sage who knoweth all. |
svs.2.9.2 | 3. O Jatavedas, Son of Strength, rejoice thyself, gracious, in our fair hymns and songs! |