Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 31 May 2011 16:51 and updated at 01 Jun 2011 09:36
svs.1.3.1 | The praise of Maghavan who, rich in treasure, aids his singers with wealth thousandfold. |
svs.1.3.1 | Fill thyself full, O Maghavan, for gain of kine, full, Indra, for the gain of steeds! |
svs.1.3.2 | Closed up the wound again, most wealthy Maghavan, who healeth the dissevered parts. |
svs.1.3.2 | O Maghavan, there is no comforter but thou: Indra, I speak my words to thee. |
svs.1.3.2 | Prosper therewith, O Maghavan, him who lauds that deed, and those whose grass is trimmed for thee! |
svs.1.3.2 | Help us, O Maghavan, let thy favour aid us thus; drive away foes and enemies! |
svs.1.3.2 | The strong will win the spoil on the decisive day through faith in thee, O Maghavan! |
svs.1.3.2 | And mightiest Maghavan, with thought inclined to us come near to drink the Soma juice! |
svs.1.4.1 | Strengthen for opulence, O Indra Maghavan, our plant desired by many a one! |
svs.1.4.1 | But now, O Maghavan, thy bounty as a God is poured forth ever more and more. |
svs.1.4.1 | Come with the high ones hither, Maghavan, to us, mighty, to, drink the Soma juice! |
svs.1.4.1 | For, Maghavan, thou art rich in treasures from of old, to be invoked in every fight. |
svs.1.4.1 | 7. Call we on Maghavan, auspicious Indra, best hero in this fight where spoil is gathered, |
svs.1.4.1 | Sakra I call, Indra invoked of many. May Indra Maghavan accept our presents! |
svs.1.4.1 | Who slayeth Vritra and acquireth booty, giver of blessings, Maghavan the bounteous. |
svs.1.4.2 | 5. High hymns have sounded forth the praise of Maghavan, supporter of mankind, of Indra meet for lauds; |
svs.1.4.2 | As wives embrace their lord, the comely bridegroom, so they compass Maghavan about that he may help. |
svs.1.5.1 | 8. Graciously listen to our songs. Maghavan, be not negligent! |
svs.1.5.2 | 4. Loudly I call that Indra Maghavan, the mighty, resistless, evermore possessing many glories. |
svs.2.1.1 | Desiring horses, Indra Maghavan! and kine, as men of might we call on thee. |
svs.2.2.1 | The praise of Maghavan who, rich in treasure, aids his singers with wealth thousandfold. |
svs.2.2.2 | Maghavan, help us to a stable full of kine, O Thunderer, with wondrous aids! |
svs.2.2.2 | O active Maghavan, with eager prayer we crave the yellowhued with store of kine. |
svs.2.2.2 | Light is the task to give, O Maghavan, to one like me on the decisive day. |
svs.2.2.2 | 2. Worshipped with gifts, enkindled, splendid, Maghavan shall win |
svs.2.3.1 | 3. Mark closely, Maghavan, the word I utter, this eulogy recited by Vasishtha: |
svs.2.4.1 | As with his foremost foot a goat, draw down the branch O Maghavan. The Goddess mother brought thee forth, the blessed mother gave thee life. |
svs.2.5.1 | And mightiest Maghavan with thought inclined to us come near to drink to Soma juice! |
svs.2.5.2 | Help us, O Maghavan, let thy favour aid us thus drive away foes and enemies! |
svs.2.5.2 | So, Indra Maghavan, thou lover of the song, we with pressed Soma call on thee. |
svs.2.6.2 | 1. When thou, unequalled Maghavan, wast born to smite the Vritras dead, |
svs.2.6.3 | 2. A crushing warrior, passing rich, is Maghavan, endowed with all heroic strength. |
svs.2.7.3 | Fill thyself full, O Maghavan, for gain of kine, full, Indra, forthe gain of steeds! |
svs.2.8.2 | The strong will win the spoil on the decisive day through faith in thee, O Maghavan! |
svs.2.8.2 | When Indra Maghavan lists to his praiser s call, he will not stand aloof, but come. |
svs.2.8.3 | O Maghavan, there is no comforter but thou: Indra, I speak my words to thee. |
svs.2.9.1 | No kinship is there better, Maghavan, than thine: a father even, is no more. |
svs.2.9.1 | O Maghavan, be not long distant from us! |
svs.2.9.3 | 1. Bristle thou up, O Maghavan, our weapons: excite the spirits, of my warring heroes! |
svs.2.9.3 | 2. This host of foemen Maghavan! that cometh on in warlike show |