Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 31 May 2011 16:40 and updated at 01 Jun 2011 11:23
svs.1.1.2 | So, for the great oblation, Steer, pray Heaven and Earth to come to us! |
svs.1.4.2 | 6. Even he who is thine own, through thought of Heaven, of mortal man who toils, |
svs.2.2.2 | Embellishing the Child of Heaven. |
svs.2.4.2 | 9. Gain for us, O ye Heaven and Earth, riches of Meath to win us strength: |
svs.2.5.1 | 2. For him, strong, independent ruler, Heaven and Earth have fashioned forth with power and might. |
svs.2.5.2 | Gladden the Gods, gladden the host of Maruts: make Heaven and Earth rejoice, O God, O Soma! |
svs.2.7.3 | HYMN XIV Heaven and Earth |
svs.2.7.3 | 1. To both of you, O Heaven and Earth, we bring our lofty song of praise, |
svs.2.8.3 | I. This Lady, excellent and kind, after her sister shining forth, Daughter of Heaven, hath shown herself. |