
Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 31 May 2011 12:26 and updated at 01 Jun 2011 09:21


svs.1.1.1 Gods! Maruts! Brahmanaspati! I crave with song the help that is most excellent.
svs.1.1.2 2. Let Brahmanaspati come forth, let Sunrita the Goddess come,
svs.1.2.1 5. O Brahmanaspati, make thou Kakshivan Ausija a loud
svs.1.4.1 7. Let Tvashtar, Brahmanaspati, Parjanya guard our heavenly word,
svs.1.6.2 12. Spread is thy cleansing filter, Brahmanaspati: as prince thou enterest its limbs from every side.
svs.2.2.2 1. SPREAD is thy cleansing filter, Brahmanaspati: as prince thou enterest its limbs from every side.
svs.2.6.3 2. O Brahmanaspati, make thou Kakshivan Ausija a loud Chanter of flowing Soma juice!
svs.2.9.3 Even there may Brahmanaspati, may Aditi protect us well, protect us well through all our days!

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