Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 31 May 2011 12:26 and updated at 01 Jun 2011 09:21
svs.1.5.1 | 1. Flow forth, O Soma, flow thou onward, sweet to Indra s Mitra s, Pushan s, Bhaga s taste. |
svs.1.5.2 | 3. Like wondrous Bhaga, Agni deals treasure among the mighty. |
svs.1.6.2 | 2. As Pushan. Fortune, Bhaga, comes this Soma while they make him pure. |
svs.2.2.1 | 1. As Pashan, Fortune, Bhaga, comes this Soma while they make him pure. |
svs.2.4.1 | 3. Flow rich in sweets and lovely for our Bhaga, Vayu, Pushan, fair |
svs.2.4.1 | 2. He whom our Indra and the Marut host shall drink, Bhaga shall drink with Aryaman, |
svs.2.4.2 | 8. The waves of pleasant Soma flow to Bhaga, Mitra, Varuna, |
svs.2.6.1 | 1. So when the Sun hath risen to day may sinless Mitra, Aryaman, Bhaga, and Savitar send us forth! |
svs.2.6.1 | Mitra s, Pushan s, Bhaga s taste! |