
Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 31 May 2011 12:04 and updated at 01 Jun 2011 09:09


svs.1.1.1 HYMN DECADE I Agni
svs.1.1.1 1. Come, Agni, praised with song, to feast and sacrificial offering: sit
svs.1.1.1 2. O Agni, thou hast been ordained Hotar of every sacrifice,
svs.1.1.1 3. Agni we choose as envoy, skilled performer of this holy rite,
svs.1.1.1 4. Served with oblation, kindled, bright, through love of song may Agni, bent
svs.1.1.1 5. I laud your most beloved guest like a dear friend, O Agni, him
svs.1.1.1 6. Do thou, O Agni, with great might guard us from all malignity,
svs.1.1.1 7. O Agni, come; far other songs of praise will I sing forth to thee.
svs.1.1.1 Agni, I yearn for thee with song.
svs.1.1.1 9. Agni, Atharvan brought thee forth by rubbing from the sky, the head
svs.1.1.1 10. O Agni, bring us radiant light to be our mighty succour, for
svs.1.1.1 HYMN DECADE II Agni
svs.1.1.1 1. O Agni, God, the people sing reverent praise to thee for strength:
svs.1.1.1 4. To thee, illuminer of night, O Agni, day by day with prayer,
svs.1.1.1 O Agni, with the Maruts come!
svs.1.1.1 7. With homage will I reverence thee, Agni, like a long tailed steed,
svs.1.1.1 The radiant Agni robed with sea.
svs.1.1.1 9. When he enkindles Agni, man should with his heart attend the song:
svs.1.1.1 I kindle Agni till he glows.
svs.1.1.1 HYMN DECADE III Agni
svs.1.1.1 1. Hither, for powerful kinship, I call Agni, him who prospers you,
svs.1.1.1 2. May Agni with his pointed blaze cast down each fierce devouring fiend:
svs.1.1.1 May Agni win us wealth by war!
svs.1.1.1 3. Agni, be gracious; thou art great: thou hast approached the pious man,
svs.1.1.1 4. Agni, preserve usfrom, distress consume our enemies, O God,
svs.1.1.1 5. Harness, O Agni, O thou God, thy steeds which are most excellent!
svs.1.1.1 6. Lord of the tribes, whom all must seek, we worshipped Agni set thee down,
svs.1.1.1 7. Agni is head and height of heaven, the master of the earth is he
svs.1.1.1 8. O Agni, graciously announce this our good fortune of the Gods,
svs.1.1.1 9, By song, O Agni, Angiras! Gopavana hath brought thee forth
svs.1.1.1 10. Agni, the Sage, the Lord of Strength, hath moved around the sacred gifts,
svs.1.1.1 12, Praise Agni in the sacrifice, the Sage whose holy laws are true
svs.1.1.1 HYMN DECADE IV Agni
svs.1.1.1 1. Sing to your Agni with each song, at every sacrifice for strength.
svs.1.1.1 2. Agni, protect thou us by one, protect us by the second song,
svs.1.1.1 3. O Agni, with thy lofty beams, with thy pure brilliancy, O God,
svs.1.1.1 4. O Agni who art worshipped well, dear let our princes be to thee,
svs.1.1.1 5. Agni, praise singer! Lord of men, God! burning up the Rakshasas,
svs.1.1.1 Agni, this day to him who pays oblations bring the Gods who waken with the morn!
svs.1.1.1 Thou art the charioteer, Agni, of earthly wealth: find rest and safety for our seed!
svs.1.1.1 8. Famed art thou, Agni, far and wide, preserver, righteous, and a Sage.
svs.1.1.1 9. O holy Agni, give us wealth famed among men and strengthening life!
svs.1.1.1 To him like the first vessels filled with savoury juice, to Agni let the lauds go forth.
svs.1.1.1 HYMN DECADE V Agni
svs.1.1.1 1. With this mine homage I invoke Agni for you, the Son of Strength,
svs.1.1.1 So may our songs of praise come nigh to Agni who was born to give the Arya strength!
svs.1.1.1 4. Chief Priest is Agni at the laud, as stones and grass at sacrifice.
svs.1.1.1 5. Pray Agni of the piercing flame, with sacred songs, to be our help;
svs.1.1.1 For wealth, famed Agni, Purumilha and ye men! He is Suditi s sure defence.
svs.1.1.1 6. Hear, Agni who hast ears to hear, with all thy train of escort Gods!
svs.1.1.1 7. Agni of Divodasa, God, comes forth like Indra in his might.
svs.1.1.1 Not to be scorned, Agni, is that return of thine when, from afar, thou now art here.
svs.1.1.1 10. O Agni, Manu stablished thee a light for all the race of men:
svs.1.1.2 HYMN DECADE I Agni
svs.1.1.2 Winneth himself a brave son, Agni! skilled in lauds, one prospering in a thousand ways.
svs.1.1.2 5. With hymns and holy eulogies we supplicate your Agni, Lord
svs.1.1.2 6. This Agni is the Lord of great prosperity and hero, strength,
svs.1.1.2 7. Thou, Agni, art the homestead s Lord, our Hotar priest at sacrifice.
svs.1.1.2 HYMN DECADE II Agni
svs.1.1.2 For good, in his assembly, is this care of ours. Let us not, in thy friendship, Agni, suffer harm!
svs.1.1.2 5. Agni Vaisvanara, born in course of Order, the messenger of earth, the head of heaven,
svs.1.1.2 6. Even as the waters from the mountain ridges, so sprang the; Gods, through lauds, from thee, O Agni.
svs.1.1.2 Agni, invested with his golden colours, before the thunder strike and lay you senseless!
svs.1.1.2 The men, the priests adore him with oblations. Agni hath shone forth at the flush of morning.
svs.1.1.2 9. Agni advanceth with his lofty banner: through earth and heaven the Bull hath loudly bellowed
svs.1.1.2 10. From the two fire sticks have the men engendered with thoughts, urged by the hand, the glorious Agni,
svs.1.1.2 HYMN DECADE III Agni
svs.1.1.2 1. Agni is wakened by the people s fuel to meet the Dawn who cometh like a milch cow.
svs.1.1.2 4. As holy food, Agni, to thine invoker give wealth in cattle, lasting, rich in marvels!
svs.1.1.2 To us be born a son and spreading offspring. Agni, be this thy gracious will to us ward!
svs.1.1.2 Agni who day by day must be entreated by men who watch provided with oblations.
svs.1.1.2 8. Agni, from days of old thou slayest demons: never shall Rakshasas in fight overcome thee.
svs.1.1.2 HYMN DECADE IV Agni
svs.1.1.2 1. Bring us most mighty splendour thou, Agni, resistless on thy way:
svs.1.1.2 2. May the brave man, if full of zeal he serve and kindle Agni s flame,
svs.1.1.2 4. Thou, Agni, even as Mitra, hast a princely glory of thine own.
svs.1.1.2 5. At dawn let Agni, much beloved, guest of the house, be glorified,
svs.1.1.2 6. Most moving song be Agni s: shine on high, O rich in radiant light!
svs.1.1.2 Agni your dear familiar friend, the darling guest in every house.
svs.1.1.2 8. His beam hath lofty power of life: sing praise to Agni, to the God
svs.1.1.2 9. To noblest Agni, friend of man, chief Vritra slayer, have we come
svs.1.1.2 Agni, the sire of Kasyapa by faith, the mother, Manu, Sage.
svs.1.1.2 HYMN DECADE V Agni
svs.1.1.2 1. We in King Soma place our trust, in Agni, and in Varuna,
svs.1.1.2 3. That thou mayst send us ample wealth, O Agni, we will kindler thee:
svs.1.1.2 5. Shoot forth, O Agni, with thy flame: demolish them on every side!
svs.1.1.2 6. Worship the Vasus, Agni! here, the Rudras and Adityas, all
svs.1.2.1 HYMN DECADE I Agni
svs.1.2.1 1. Agni, thy faithful servant I call upon thee with many a gift,
svs.1.2.1 2. To Agni, to the Hotar priest offer your best, your lofty speech,
svs.1.2.1 3. O Agni, thou who art the lord of wealth in kine, thou Son of Strength,
svs.1.2.1 4. Most skilled in sacrifice, bring the Gods, O Agni, to the pious, man:
svs.1.2.1 Who hath served Agni well, the oblation giving God.
svs.1.2.1 9. Agni, drive thou the wicked foe, the evil hearted thief away,
svs.1.2.1 10. O hero Agni, Lord of men, on hearing this new laud of mine
svs.1.2.1 HYMN DECADE II Agni
svs.1.2.1 To Agni, ye Upastutas
svs.1.2.1 2. Agni, he conquers by thine aid that brings him store of valiant sons and does great deeds,
svs.1.2.1 4. Anger not him who is our guest! He is the bright God Agni, praised by many a man,
svs.1.2.1 5. May Agni, worshipped, bring us bliss: may the gift, blessed one! and sacrifice bring bliss.
svs.1.2.1 7. Bring us that splendour, Agni, which may overcome each greedy fiend in our abode,
svs.1.2.1 Agni averteth from us all the Rakshasas!
svs.1.3.2 9. First, Indra! Agni! hath this Maid come footless unto those with feet.
svs.1.5.1 HYMN DECADE IV Agni and others.
svs.1.5.1 1. O Agni, God, we kindle thee, refulgent, wasting not away,
svs.1.5.1 2. With offerings of our own we choose thee, Agni, as our Hotar priest,
svs.1.5.1 7. I think of Agni who is kind, whom, as their home, the milch kine seek:
svs.1.5.1 8. Agni, with hymns may we now accomplish that which thou lovest,
svs.1.5.2 HYMN DECADE II Agni Indra
svs.1.5.2 1. Observant Agni hath appeared, oblation bearer with his car.
svs.1.5.2 2. O Agni, be our nearest friend, yea, our protector and our kind deliverer!
svs.1.5.2 3. Like wondrous Bhaga, Agni deals treasure among the mighty.
svs.1.5.2 5. Heard be our prayer! In thought I honour Agni first: now straightway we elect this heavenly company, Indra and Vayu we elect.
svs.1.5.2 9. Agni I deem our Hotar priest, munificent wealth giver, Son of Strength, who, knoweth all that is, even as the Sage who, knoweth all.
svs.1.6.1 Father of Agni, Surya s generator, the father who begat Indra and Vishnu
svs.2.1.1 HYMN IV Agni
svs.2.1.1 1. Come, Agni, praised with song to feast and sacrificial offerings: sit
svs.2.1.1 3. For us thou winnest, Agni, God, heroic strength exceeding great, Far spreading and of high renown.
svs.2.1.1 HYMN VII Indra Agni
svs.2.1.1 1. Indra and Agni, moved by songs, come to the juice, the precious dew:
svs.2.1.1 2. Indra and Agni, with the man who lauds comes visible sacrifice:
svs.2.1.1 3. With force of sacrifice I seek Indra, Agni who love the wise:
svs.2.1.1 HYMN XX Agni
svs.2.1.1 1. Sing to your Agni with each song, at every sacrifice for strength!
svs.2.1.1 HYMN XXI Agni
svs.2.1.1 1. O Agni, come; far other songs of praise will I sing forth to thee.
svs.2.1.2 HYMN XIII Agni
svs.2.1.2 1. With this mine homage I invoke Agni for you, the Son of Strength.
svs.2.2.1 HYMN VI Agni
svs.2.2.1 1. Agni we choose as envoy, skilled performer of this holy rite,
svs.2.2.1 2. With constant calls they invocate Agni, Agni, Lord of the house,
svs.2.2.1 3. Bring the Gods hither, Agni, born for him who trims the Sacred grass:
svs.2.2.1 HYMN IX Indra Agni
svs.2.2.1 1. To Indra and to Agni we bring reverence high and holy hymn,
svs.2.2.2 HYMN V Agni.
svs.2.2.2 1. By Agni Agni is inflamed, Lord of the house, wise, young,. who bears
svs.2.2.2 2. God, Agni, be his sure defence who, lord of sacrificial gifts.
svs.2.2.2 Call Agni to the feast of Gods!
svs.2.2.2 HYMN VIII Indra Agni
svs.2.2.2 Indra and Agni harm us not!
svs.2.2.2 2. The strong, the scatterers of the foe, Indra and Agni we invoke:
svs.2.2.2 HYMN XVII Agni
svs.2.2.2 To Agni, ye Upastutas
svs.2.3.1 HYMN VI Agni
svs.2.3.1 1. The watchful guardian of the people hath been born, Agni, the very strong, for fresh prosperity.
svs.2.3.1 2. O Agni, the Angirasas discovered thee what time thou layest hidden, fleeing back from wood to wood.
svs.2.3.1 3. The men enkindle Agni in his threefold seat, ensign of sacrifice, the earliest bousehold priest.
svs.2.3.1 HYMN IX Indra Agni
svs.2.3.1 I. As rain from out the cloud, for you, Indra and Agni, from my thought
svs.2.3.1 2. Indra and Agni, listen to the singer s call: accept his songs.
svs.2.3.1 3. Give us not up to indigence, ye heroes, Indra, Agni, nor
svs.2.3.1 Father of Agni, Surya s generator, the father who begat Indra and Vishnu.
svs.2.3.1 HYMN XX Agni
svs.2.3.1 I. Hither, for powerful kinship, I call Agni, him who prospers you,
svs.2.3.1 3. This Agni is the Lord supreme above all glories mid the Gods:
svs.2.3.2 HYMN VII Agni
svs.2.3.2 1. Thy glories are, like lightnings from the rainy cloud, visible, Agni, like the comings of the Dawns,
svs.2.3.2 The hosts, who never decayest, eager to consume, like men on chariots, Agni! strive on every side.
svs.2.3.2 3. Agni, the Hotar priest who fills the assembly full, waker of wisdom, chief controller of the thought
svs.2.3.2 HYMN X Indra Agni
svs.2.3.2 1. Indra and Agni, these our songs of praise have sounded forth to you:
svs.2.3.2 2. Come, Indra, Agni, with those teams, desired of many, which ye have,
svs.2.3.2 3. With those to his libation poured, ye heroes, Indra, Agni, come:
svs.2.3.2 HYMN XXI Agni
svs.2.3.2 1. O Agni, God, we kindle thee, refulgent, wasting not away,
svs.2.3.2 Oblation with the holy verse, O Agni, bearer of our gifts! Bring food to those who sing thy praise!
svs.2.4.1 HYMN VII Agni
svs.2.4.1 For good, in his assembly, is this care of ours. Let us not, in thy friendship, Agni, suffer harm!
svs.2.4.1 Let us not, in thy friendship, Agni, suffer harm!
svs.2.4.1 Bring hither the Adityas, for we long for them! Let us not, in thy friendship, Agni, suffer harm!
svs.2.4.1 HYMN X Indra Agni
svs.2.4.1 Indra and Agni, mark this well!
svs.2.4.1 2. Bountiful, riders on the car, slayers of Vritra unsubdued, Indra and Agni, mark this well!
svs.2.4.1 Indra and Agni, mark this well!
svs.2.4.1 HYMN XXII Agni
svs.2.4.1 1. O Agni, be our nearest friend, yea, our protector and our kind deliverer!
svs.2.4.1 2. As gracious Agni, famed for treasures, come, and, most resplendent, give us store of wealth!
svs.2.4.2 HYMN III Agni
svs.2.4.2 1. Agni Vaisvanara, born in course of Order, the messenger of earth, the head of heaven,
svs.2.4.2 HYMN VI Indra Agni
svs.2.4.2 3. Give us, ye twain, swift steeds to bring Indra and Agni, and bestow
svs.2.4.2 HYMN XII Agni
svs.2.4.2 Agni, I yearn for thee with song.
svs.2.4.2 3. When we are seeking spoil we call Agni to help us in the strife,
svs.2.5.1 HYMN IX Agni
svs.2.5.1 1. Associate with fires, make your God Agni envoy at sacrifice, best skilled in worship,
svs.2.5.1 3. From thee, a bull but newly born, O Agni, the kindled everlasting flames rise upward.
svs.2.5.1 Aloft to heaven as ruddy smoke thou mountest: Agni, thou speedest to the Gods as envoy.
svs.2.5.1 HYMN XVIII Agni
svs.2.5.1 O Agni, him!
svs.2.5.2 HYMN IX Agni
svs.2.5.2 2. Through his great might overcoming all misfortunes, praised in the house is Agni Jatavedas.
svs.2.5.2 3. O Agni, thou art Varuna and Mitra: Vasishthas! with their holy hymns exalt thee.
svs.2.6.1 HYMN I Agni
svs.2.6.1 4. Agni, on thy most easy car, entreated, hither bring the Gods!
svs.2.6.1 HYMN X Agni
svs.2.6.1 1. From the two fire sticks have the men engendered, with thought, urged by the hand, the glorious Agni,
svs.2.6.1 2. The Vasus set that Agni in the dwelling, fair to behold, for help, from every quarter:
svs.2.6.1 3. Shine thou before us, Agni, well enkindled, with flame, most youthful God, that never fadeth!
svs.2.6.2 HYMN I Agni
svs.2.6.2 1. Chant we a hymn to Agni while we go to sacrifice, to him
svs.2.6.2 3. May that most blissful Agni guard our wealth and all ourfamily.
svs.2.6.2 4. Yea, let men say, Agni is born, even he who slayeth Vritra, he,
svs.2.6.2 HYMN II Agni
svs.2.6.2 1. Harness, O Agni, O thou God, thy steeds which are most excellent!
svs.2.6.2 3. O Agni of the Bharatas, flame splendid with unfading might
svs.2.6.2 HYMN VII Agni
svs.2.6.2 1. Served with oblation, kindled, bright, through love of song, may Agni, bent
svs.2.6.2 3. O active Jatavedas, bring devotion that wins progeny, Agni, that it may shine to heaven!
svs.2.6.2 HYMN X Agni
svs.2.6.2 1. Eager for wealth we meditate Agni s effectual laud to day,
svs.2.6.2 2. May Agni who is Hotar priest among mankind accept our songs,
svs.2.6.2 3. Thou, Agni, art spread widely forth, Priest dear and excellent through thee
svs.2.6.2 HYMN XIII Agni
svs.2.6.2 2. The Waters Child, the blessed brightly shining one, Agni whose, light is excellent.
svs.2.6.2 HYMN XIV Agni
svs.2.6.2 Agni, and urgest to the fray.
svs.2.6.3 HYMN X Svitar. Brahmapaspati. Agni
svs.2.6.3 3. Agni, thou pourest life: send down upon us food and vigorous strength;
svs.2.6.3 HYMN XIV Agni
svs.2.6.3 1. O Agni, thou hast been ordained Hotar of every sacrifice, By Gods, among the race of men.
svs.2.6.3 3. For, as disposer, Agni, God, most wise in sacrifices, thou Knowest straightway the roads and paths.
svs.2.6.3 HYMN XV Agni
svs.2.6.3 HYMN XVI Agni
svs.2.6.3 For Indra, Agni, homage, light.
svs.2.7.1 HYMN IV Agni
svs.2.7.1 1. O Agni, graciously announce this our good fortune to the Gods,
svs.2.7.1 HYMN VI Agni
svs.2.7.1 1. Agni, produced by strength, do thou with all thy fires accept our prayer:
svs.2.7.1 2. Forth come to us with all his fires that Agni, whose the mighty are,
svs.2.7.1 3. Do thou, O Agni, with thy fires strengthen our prayer and sacrifices:
svs.2.7.1 HYMN X Agni
svs.2.7.1 Agni gives wealth and valour to the worshipper, to man who offers up his gifts.
svs.2.7.1 HYMN XI Agni
svs.2.7.1 So may our songs of praise come nigh to Agni who was born to give the Arya strength.
svs.2.7.1 Him who wins thousands at the sacrifice, himself, that Agni, reverence with songs!
svs.2.7.1 3. Agni of Divodasa, God, comes forth like Indra in his might.
svs.2.7.1 HYMN XII Agni
svs.2.7.1 1. Agni, thou pourest life: send down upon us food and vigorous strength:
svs.2.7.1 2. Agni is Pavamana, Sage, Chief Priest of all the fivefold tribes; To him whose wealth is great we pray.
svs.2.7.1 3. Skilled in thy task, O Agni, pour splendour with hero strength on us, Granting me wealth that nourishes!
svs.2.7.1 HYMN XIII Agni
svs.2.7.1 1. O Agni, holy and divine with splendour and thy pleasant tongue. Bring thou the Gods and worship them!
svs.2.7.1 3. Sage, we have kindled thee, the bright, the feaster on oblation, thee, O Agni, great in sacrifice!
svs.2.7.1 HYMN XIV Agni
svs.2.7.1 I. Adorable in all our prayers, favour us, Agni, with thine aid.
svs.2.7.1 2. Bring to us ever conquering wealth, wealth, Agni, worthy of our choice,
svs.2.7.1 3. Grant us, O Agni, through thy grace wealth to support us evermore,
svs.2.7.1 HYMN XV Agni
svs.2.7.1 1. Let songs of ours speed Agni forth like a fleet courser in the race,
svs.2.7.1 2. Agni! the host whereby we gain kine for ourselves with help from thee,
svs.2.7.1 3. O Agni, bring us wealth secure, vast wealth in horses and in kine:
svs.2.7.1 4. O Agni, thou hast made the Sun, the eternal star, to mount the sky,
svs.2.7.1 5. Thou, Agni, art the people s light, best, dearest, seated in thy shrine
svs.2.7.1 HYMN XVI Agni
svs.2.7.1 1. Agni is head and height of heaven, the master of the earth is he:
svs.2.7.1 2. Yea, Agni, thou as Lord of light rulest over choicest gifts may I,
svs.2.7.1 3. Upward, O Agni, rise thy flames, pure and resplendent, blazing high,
svs.2.7.2 HYMN I Agni
svs.2.7.2 1. Who, Agni, is thy kin, of men? who honours thee with sacrifice?
svs.2.7.2 2. The kinsman, Agni! of mankind, their well beiaved friend art thou,
svs.2.7.2 Bring them, O Agni, to thine home
svs.2.7.2 HYMN II Agni
svs.2.7.2 Agni, the strong, is kindled well.
svs.2.7.2 2. Strong Agni is enkindled well, even as the horse that brings the Gods:
svs.2.7.2 HYMN III Agni
svs.2.7.2 1. Thy mighty flames, O Agni, when thou art enkindled, rise on high,
svs.2.7.2 Agni, accept our offerings!
svs.2.7.2 3. I pray to Agni may he hear! the Hotar with sweet tones, the Priest,
svs.2.7.2 HYMN V Agni
svs.2.7.2 Agni, far spreading with conspicuous lustre, hath covered night with whitely shining garments.
svs.2.7.2 HYMN VI Agni
svs.2.7.2 1. What is the praise wherewith, O God, Angiras, Agni, Son of Strength,
svs.2.7.2 HYMN VII Agni
svs.2.7.2 1. Agni, come hither with thy fires; we choose thee as our Hotar; let
svs.2.7.2 We pray to Agni, Child of Force, whose locks drop oil, foremost in sacrificial rites.
svs.2.7.2 HYMN VIII Agni
svs.2.7.2 2. To Agni Jatavedas, to the Son of Strength, that he may give us precious gifts,
svs.2.7.2 HYMN X Agni
svs.2.7.2 1. Invincible is Agni, he who goes before the tribes of men,
svs.2.7.2 3. Inviolable power of Gods, subduing all his enemies, Agni is mightiest in fame.
svs.2.7.2 HYMN XI Agni
svs.2.7.2 1. May Agni, worshipped, bring us bliss: may the gift, blessed one! and sacrifice bring bliss,
svs.2.7.2 HYMN XII Agni
svs.2.7.2 1. O Agni thou who art the Lord of wealth in kine, thou Son of Strength,
svs.2.7.2 2. He, Agni, kindled, good and wise, must be entreated with a. song;
svs.2.7.2 3. And, Agni, shining of thyself by night and when the morning breaks,
svs.2.7.2 HYMN XIII Agni
svs.2.7.2 Agni, your dear familiar friend, the darling guest of every house:
svs.2.7.2 HYMN XIV Agni
svs.2.7.2 1. Agni, inflamed with fuel, in my song I sing, pure bright, and stedfast set in front at sacrifice.
svs.2.7.2 2. Men, Agni, in each age, have made thee, deathless one, their envoy, offering bearer, guard adorable.
svs.2.7.2 3. Though, Agni ordering the works and ways of both, as envoy of the Gods traversest both the realms.
svs.2.7.2 HYMN XV Agni
svs.2.7.3 HYMN II Indra Agni
svs.2.7.3 1. Indra and Agni! singers skilled in melody, with lauds, hymn you:
svs.2.7.3 2. Indra and Agni! ye shook down, together, with one mightyr deed, The ninety forts which Dasas held.
svs.2.7.3 3. To Indra and to Agni prayers go forward from the holy task, Along the path of sacred Law.
svs.2.7.3 4. Indra and Agni, powers are yours, yours are oblations ano abodes: Good is your zealous energy.
svs.2.7.3 HYMN V Agni
svs.2.7.3 To him, like the first vessels filled with savoury juice, to Agni let the lauds go forth!
svs.2.8.1 HYMN I Agni
svs.2.8.1 1. With all thy fires, O Agni, find pleasure in this our sacrifice,
svs.2.8.1 HYMN III Agni
svs.2.8.1 Thou art the charioteer, Agni, of earthly wealth: find rest and safety for our seed!
svs.2.8.1 Keep far from us, O Agni, all celestial wrath. and wickedness of godless men!
svs.2.8.1 HYMN VI Agni
svs.2.8.1 1. With homage will I reverence thee, Agni, like a long tailed steed,
svs.2.8.1 HYMN XII Agni
svs.2.8.1 1. O Agni, God, the people sing reverent praise to thee for strength:
svs.2.8.1 2. Wilt thou not, Agni, lend us aid to win the cattle, win the wealth?
svs.2.8.1 3. In the great fight cast us not off, Agni, as one who bears a load:
svs.2.8.2 HYMN III Agni
svs.2.8.2 3. Like soma rich lord of men, may he, Agni, the banner of the Gods,
svs.2.8.2 HYMN XI Agni
svs.2.8.2 2. Agni, the bounteous giver, bright with varied flames, laud thou, O singer Sobhari,
svs.2.8.2 HYMN XIV Indra Agni
svs.2.8.2 1. Indra and Agni, in your deeds of might ye deck heaven s lucid realms:
svs.2.8.2 2. To Indra and to Agni prayers go forward from the holy task.
svs.2.8.2 3. Indra and Agni, powers are yours, yours are oblations and abodes:
svs.2.8.2 HYMN XVII Indra Agni
svs.2.8.2 I. Indra and Agni I invoke, joint victors, bounteous, unsubdued,
svs.2.8.2 2. Indra and Agni, singers skilled in melody hymn you bringing lauds:
svs.2.8.2 3. Together, with one mighty deed, Indra and Agni, ye shook down.
svs.2.8.2 HYMN XVIII Agni
svs.2.8.2 O Agni, have poured forth our songs.
svs.2.8.2 Agni, who glitterest like gold
svs.2.8.2 Agni, thou brakest down the forts.
svs.2.8.2 HYMN XIX Agni
svs.2.8.2 3. Love of what is and what shall be, Agni, in his beloved forms,
svs.2.8.3 HYMN I Agni
svs.2.8.3 1Wise. Agni, in the ancient way, making his body beautiful,
svs.2.8.3 2. I invocate the Child of Strength, Agni whose glow is bright and pure,
svs.2.8.3 3. So, Agni, rich in many friends, with fiery splendour seat thyself.
svs.2.8.3 HYMN X Agni
svs.2.8.3 1. I think of Agni who is kind, whom, as their home, the milch kine seek;
svs.2.8.3 2. For Agni, God of all mankind, gives the strong courser to theman.
svs.2.8.3 Agni gives ready gear for wealth, he gives the best when he ix pleased.
svs.2.8.3 3. The Agni who is praised as kind, to whom the milch kine come. in herds,
svs.2.8.3 HYMN XIII Agni
svs.2.8.3 1. Agni is wakened by the people s fuel to meet the Dawn who cometh like a milch cow.
svs.2.8.3 2. For the Gods worship hath the priest been wakened: kind Agni hath arisen erect at morning.
svs.2.8.3 3. When he hath roused the line of his attendants, with the bright milk bright Agni is anointed.
svs.2.8.3 1. Agni, the bright face of the Dawns, is shining: the singers pious voices have ascended.
svs.2.8.3 1. Agni is wakened: Surya riseth from the earth. Bright Dawn hath opened out the mighty twain with light.
svs.2.9.1 HYMN IV Agni
svs.2.9.1 HYMN V Agni
svs.2.9.1 1. Agni, with hymns may we now accomplish that which thou lovest,
svs.2.9.1 2. For, Agni, thou art now the promoter of strength auspicious,
svs.2.9.1 Agni, kindly with all thy faces!
svs.2.9.1 HYMN VI Agni
svs.2.9.1 Agni, this day to him who pays oblations bring the Gods who waken with the morn!
svs.2.9.1 HYMN XVIII Agni
svs.2.9.1 1. Agni I deem our Hotar priest, munificent wealth giver, Son of Strength, who knoweth all that is even as the Sage who knoweth all.
svs.2.9.2 HYMN I Agni
svs.2.9.2 1. O Agni, strength and fame are thine: thy fires blaze forth on high, O thou refulgent God!
svs.2.9.2 4. Agni, spread forth, as ruler, over living things: give wealth, to
svs.2.9.2 6. The men have set before them, for his favour, Agni, strong, visible to all, the holy.
svs.2.9.2 HYMN II Agni
svs.2.9.2 1. Agni, he conquers by thine aid that brings him store of valiant sons and does great deeds,
svs.2.9.2 HYMN III Agni
svs.2.9.2 1. Him, duly coming, as their germ have plants received: this Agni have maternal Waters brought to life.
svs.2.9.2 HYMN IV Agni
svs.2.9.2 1. Agni grows bright for Indra: he shines far resplendent in the sky:
svs.2.9.2 HYMN V Agni
svs.2.9.2 HYMN VI Agni
svs.2.9.2 1. Agni is watchful, and the Richas love him: Agni is watchful, Sama hymns approach him.
svs.2.9.2 Agni is watchful, to him saith this Soma, I rest and have my dwelling in thy friendship.
svs.2.9.2 HYMN VIII Agni
svs.2.9.2 1. Agni, is light, light is Agni, Indra is light, light is Indra
svs.2.9.2 2. O Agni, turn again with strength, turn thou again with food and life:
svs.2.9.2 3. O Agni, turn again with wealth sprinkle thou us from everyside.
svs.2.9.2 HYMN XII Agni
svs.2.9.3 Meet it, O Vritra slayer, thou, Indra, and Agni, with your flames!
svs.2.9.3 May Indra slay each best of you when Agni s flame hath struck you down!

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