Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 14 Jul 2011 07:22 and updated at 03 Oct 2011 14:19
BOOK 40.
ENVELOPED by the Lord must be This All each thing that moves on earth.
With that renounced enjoy thyself.
Covet no wealth of any man.
One, only doing Karma here, should wish to live a hundred years.
No way is there for thee but this.
So Karma cleaveth not to man.
Aye, to the Asuras belong those worlds enwrapt in blinding gloom.
To them, when life on earth is done, depart the men who kill the Self.
p. 305
Motionless, one, swifter than Mind the Devas failed to overtake it speeding on before them.
It, standing still, outstrips the others running.
Herein Both Matarisvan stablish Action.
It moveth; it is motionless.
It is far distant; it is near.
It is within This All; and it surrounds This All externally.
The man who in his Self beholds all creatures and all things that be, And in all beings sees his Self, thence doubts no longer, ponders not.
When, in the man who clearly knows, Self hath become all things that are,
p. 306
What wilderment, what grief is there in him who sees the One alone? 8 He hath attained unto the Bright, Bodiless, Woundless, Sinewless, the Pure which evil hath not pierced.
Far sighted, wise, encompassing, he self existent hath prescribed aims, as propriety demands, unto the everlasting Years.
Deep into shade of blinding gloom fall Asambhuti s worshippers.
They sink to darkness deeper yet who on Sambhuti are intent.
One fruit, they say, from Sambhava, another from Asambhava.
Thus from the sages have we heard who have declared this lore to us.
The man who knows Sambhuti and Vinasa simultaneously, He, by Vinasa passing death, gains by Sambhuti endless life.
p. 307
To blinding darkness go the men who make a cult of Nescience.
The devotees of Science enter darkness that is darker still.
Different is the fruit, they say, of Science and of Nescience.
Thus from the sages have we heard who have declared this lore to us.
The man who knoweth well these two, Science and Nescience, combined, overcoming death by Nescience by Science gaineth endless life.
My breath reach everlasting Air! In ashes let my body end.
OM! Mind, remember thou; remember thou my sphere; remember thou my deeds.
p. 308
By goodly path lead us to riches, Agni, thou God who knowest all our works and wisdom.
Remove the sin that makes us stray and wander: most ample adoration will we bring thee.
The Real s face is hidden by a vessel formed of golden light.
The Spirit yonder in the Sun, the Spirit dwelling there am I.
OM! Heaven! Brahma!
p. 309
p. 31
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