Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 14 Jul 2011 07:19 and updated at 14 Jul 2011 14:16
BOOK 35.
BEGONE the Panis, hence away, rebellious, scorners of the Gods! The place is his who poured the juice.
Let Savitar approve a spot upon the earth for thy remains: And let the bulls be yoked for it.
Let Vayu purify.
Let Savitar purify.
With Agni s glitter.
With Savitar s lustre.
Let the bulls be unyoked.
The Holy Fig Tree is your home, your mansion is the Parna Tree: Winners of cattle shall ye be if ye regain for me this man.
Let Savitar lay down thy bones committed to the Mother s lap. Be pleasant to this man, O Earth.
Here in the God Prajapati, near water, Man, I lay thee down: May his light drive mishap from us.
Go hence, O Death, pursue thy special pathway apart from that which Gods are wont to travel.
To thee I say it who hast eyes and hearest: Touch not our offspring, injure not our heroes.
p. 289
Pleasant to thee be wind and sun, and pleasant be the bricks to thee.
Pleasant to thee be the terrestrial fires: let them not scorch thee in their flames.
Prosper for thee the regions and the waters, and let the seas for thee be most propitious.
Auspicious unto thee be Air.
Prosper all Quarters well for thee! 10 On flows the stony flood: hold fast each other, keep yourselves up, my friends, and pass the river.
Here let us leave the powers that brought no profit, and cross the flood to Powers that are auspicious.
Drive away evil, drive away fault, sorcery, and guiltiness.
Do thou, O Apamarga, drive the evil dream away from us.
To us let waters and the plants be friendly, to him who hates us, whom we hate, unfriendly.
For our prosperity we touch the ox the son of Surabhi.
Be bearer and deliverer to us as Indra to the Gods.
Looking upon the loftiest light, etc.
as in XX.
Here I erect this rampart for the living: let none of these, none other, reach this limit.
May they survive a hundred lengthened autumns, and may they bury Death beneath this mountain.
Agni, thou pourest life, etc.
as in XIX.
p. 290
Waxing with sacrifice live long, O Agni, with butter on thy face and homed in fatness.
When thou hast drunk the cows’ fair savoury butter, guard, as a father guards his son, these people.
These men have led about the ox, have duly carried Agni round, And raised their glory to the Gods.
Who will attack them with success? 19 I drive Corpse eating Agni to a distance: sin laden let him go to Yama s kingdom.
Here let this other, Jatavedas, carry oblation to the Deities, foreknowing.
Carry the fat to Fathers, Jatavedas, where, far away, thou knowest, them established.
Let rivulets of marrow flow to meet them, and let their truthful wishes be accomplished.
All hail! 21 Pleasant be thou to us, O Earth, without a thorn, our resting place.
Vouchsafe us shelter reaching far.
May thy light drive mishap from us.
Born art thou, Agni, from this man: let him again be born from thee, For Svarga s world, the man I name.
All hail!
p. 291
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