Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 14 Jul 2011 07:58 and updated at 14 Jul 2011 12:32
The Fifth Layer of Bricks (continued)
iv. 4. 1.
a Thou art the ray; for dwelling thee! Quicken the dwelling.
Thou art advance; for right thee! Quicken right.
Thou art following; for sky thee! Quicken the sky.
Thou art union; for atmosphere thee! Quicken the atmosphere.
Thou art propping; for earth thee! Quicken earth.
Thou art a prop; for rain thee! Quicken rain.
Thou art blowing forward; for day thee! Quicken day.
b Thou art blowing after; for night thee! Quicken night.
Thou art eager [1]; for the Vasus thee! Quicken the Vasus.
Thou art intelligence; for the Rudras thee! Quicken the Rudras.
Thou art the brilliant; for the Adityas thee! Quicken the Adityas.
Thou art force; for the Pitrs thee! Quicken the Pitrs.
Thou art the thread; for offspring thee! Quicken offspring.
Thou dost endure the battle; for cattle thee! Quicken cattle.
c Thou art wealthy; for plants thee! Quicken plants.
Thou art the victorious with ready stone; for Indra thee! Quicken Indra.
Thou art the overlord; for expiration [2] thee! Quicken expiration.
Thou art the restrainer; for inspiration thee! Quicken inspiration.
Thou art the glider; for the eye thee! Quicken the eye.
Thou art the bestower of strength; for the ear thee! Quicken the ear.
Thou art threefold.
d Thou art Pravrt, thou art Samvrt, thou art Vivrt.
Thou art the mounter, thou art the descender, thou art the fore mounter, thou art the after mounter.
e Thou art the wealthy, thou art the brilliant, thou art the gainer of good.
iv. 4. 2.
a Thou art the queen, the eastern quarter; the Vasus, the deities, are thine overlords, Agni stayeth missiles from thee; may the threefold Stoma support thee on earth, may the Ajya hymn establish thee in firmness, the Rathantara Saman be thy support.
b Thou art the ruling, the southern quarter; the Rudras, the deities, are thine overlords, Indra stayeth missiles from thee; may the fifteenfold Stoma support thee on earth, may the Prauga hymn establish thee, in firmness, the Brhat Saman be thy support.
c Thou art the sovereign, the western quarter [1]; the Adityas, the deities, are thine overlords, Soma stayeth missiles from thee; may the seventeenfold Stoma support thee on earth, the Marutvatiya hymn establish thee in firmness, the Vairupa Saman be thy support.
d Thou art the self ruling, the northern quarter; the All gods are thine overlords, Varuna stayeth missiles from thee; may the twenty onefold Stoma support thee on earth, the Niskevalya Uktha establish thee, in firmness, the Vairaja Samana be thy support.
e Thou art the lady paramount, the great quarter; the Maruts, the deities, are thine overlords [2], Brhaspati stayeth missiles from thee; may the twenty sevenfold and the thirty threefold Stomas secure thee on earth, the Vaisvadeva and the Agnimaruta hymns establish thee in firmness, the Sakvara and Raivata Samans be thy support.
f For the atmosphere may the Rsis firstborn among the gods extend thee with the measure, the breadth, of the sky, and be that is disposer and overlord; let all of them in unison establish thee and the sacrificer on the ridge of the vault, on the world of heaven.
iv. 4. 3.
a This in the front, with tawny hair, with the sun s rays; the leaders of his host and bands are Rathagrtsa and Rathaujas, and Punjikasthala and Krtasthala his Apsarases, his missile wizards, his weapon the Raksases.
b This on the right, all worker; the leaders of his host and bands are Rathasvana and Rathecitra, and Menaka and Sahajanya his Apsarases, his missile biting beasts, his weapon the death of men.
c This behind, all extending; the leaders of his host and bands are Ratheprota and Asamaratha, and Pramlocanti [1] and Anumlocanti his Apsarases, his missile the serpents, his weapon tigers.
d This on the left, collecting riches; the leaders of his host and bands are Senajit and Susena, and Visvaci and Ghrtaci his Apsarases, his missile the waters, his weapon the wind.
e This above, bringing riches; the leaders of his host and bands Tarksya and Aristamemi, and Urvasi and Parvacitti his Apsarases, his missile the lightning, his weapon the thunder.
f To them homage; be they gracious to us; him whom [2] we hate and who hateth us I place in your jaws.
g I place thee in the seat of the living, in the shadow of the helper; homage to the ocean, homage to the splendour of the ocean.
h May the supreme lord place thee on the ridge of the vault, encompassing, expanding, mighty, powerful, overcoming; support the sky, make firm the sky, harm not the sky; for every expiration, inspiration, cross breathing, out breathing, support, movement; let Surya protect thee with great prosperity, with a covering most healing; with that deity do thou sit firm in the manner of Angiras.
i Like a horse neighing eager for the pasture, When he hath wandered from the great enclosure, Then the wind bloweth after his splendour, And then thy path becometh black.
iv. 4. 4.
a Agni is the head of the sky, the height, Lord of the earth here, He quickeneth the seed of the waters.
b Thee, O Agni, from the lotus Atharvan pressed out From the head of every priest.
c This Agni is lord of a thousandfold, A hundredfold, strength; The sage, the head of wealth.
d Leader of the sacrifice and the region art thou, Where with steeds auspicious thou dost resort; Thou placest in the sky thy head winning light, Thou makest, O Agni, thy tongue to bear the oblation.
e Agni hath been awakened by the kindling stick of men To meet the dawn that cometh on like a cow [1]; Like young ones rising up to a branch, The rays rise towards the vault.
f We have uttered to the sage, the worshipful, Our voice of praise, to the strong bull; Gavisthira with his homage hath raised to Agni this laud, Wide extending like brilliance in the sky.
g He hath been born as guardian of men, wakeful, Agni, skilful, for fresh prosperity; Ghee faced, with mighty sky reaching (blaze) He shineth gloriously, pure for the Bharatas.
h Thee, O Agni [2], the Angirases found When hidden in secret, resting in every wood; Thou when rubbed art born as mighty strength; Son of strength they call thee, O Angiras.
i Banner of the sacrifice, first domestic priest, Agni men kindle in the three stations; With Indra and the gods conjoined on the strew Let him sit, as Hotr, well skilled for sacrificing.
k Thee of most resplendent fame Men invoke in their dwellings, With flaming hair, O dear to many, O Agni, to bear the oblation.
1 O friends, together (offer) fit [3] Food and praise to Agni, Highest over the folk, The son of strength, the mighty.
m Thou gatherest, O strong one, O Agni, all that belongeth to the niggard; Thou art kindled in the place of offering; Do thou bear us good things.
n With this homage Agni, Son of strength, I invoke, Dear, most effectual messenger, the good sacrificer, The envoy of all, immortal.
o He, the ruddy, shall yoke (his steeds) all cherishing, He shall hasten when well adored; The sacrifice hath good prayer and strong effort [4], Of the Vasus, the divine gift of men.
p The radiance of the bounteous offerer Hath mounted on high, The ruddy smoke (riseth) touching the sky; Men in unison kindle Agni.
q O Agni, lording it over strength rich in kine, Youthful son of strength, Bestow upon us, O all knower, great fame.
r Being kindled, bright, sage, Agni, to be praised with song, Do thou shine with wealth for us, O thou of many faces.
s O Agni, lord of the night, And of the morning, and of the dawn, Do thou burn against the Raksases with sharp jaws [5].
t May we kindle thee, O Agni, Radiant, O god, and unaging; When this most desirable Kindling stick maketh radiance for thee in the sky, Do thou bear food to thy praisers.
u With the song, O Agni, the oblation, O lord of brilliant light, Bright shining, wonderworker, lord of the people, O bearer of the oblation, is offered to thee; Do thou bear food to thy praisers.
v O bright one, in thy mouth thou cookest Both ladles (full) of butter; Do thou make us full [6], For our hymns, O lord of strength; Do thou bear food to thy praisers.
w O Agni to day, let us make to prosper by praises, By devotions, for thee this (sacrifice) like a (good) steed, Like a noble resolve which toucheth the heart.
x O Agni, thou hast become master Of noble resolve, of true inspiration, Of mighty holy order.
y With these songs singing to thee, O Agni, This day let us pay worship; Thy strengths thunder forth as from the sky.
z At these our hymns of praise do thou be propitious [7], Like the light of heaven, O Agni, propitious with all thy faces.
aa Agni I deem the Hotr, the generous wealth giver, The son of strength, the all knower, Who knoweth all as a sage, bb Who offereth sacrifice well, With beauty soaring aloft towards the gods, the god, Following the flames of the ghee, Of the butter of brilliant radiance when offered up.
cc O Agni, be thou our nearest, Our protector, kindly, a shield; dd Thee, O shining and most radiant one, We implore for favour, for our friends.
ee Agni, bright, of bright fame, Come hither in thy greatest splendour and give us wealth.
iv. 4. 5.
a I yoke thee in bonds of fellowship with Indra and Agni, with the ghee sprinklings, with brilliance, with radiance, with the hymns, with the Stomas, with the metres, for the increase of wealth, for pro eminence among thy fellows; I yoke thee in bonds of fellowship with me.
b Amba, Duhi, Nitatni, Abhrayanti, Meghayanti, Varsayanti, Cupunika, art thou by name, with Prajapati, with our every prayer, I deposit thee.
c The earth penetrated by food, a reservoir of water (thou art), men are thy guardians, Agni is placed in this (brick), to it I resort, and may it [1] be my protection and my refuge.
d The over sky penetrated by holy power, the atmosphere (thou art); the Maruts are thy guardians, Vayu is placed in this (brick), to it I resort, and may it be my protection and my refuge.
e The sky, penetrated by ambrosia, the unconquered (thou art); the Adityas are thy guardians, the sun is deposited in this (brick), to it I resort, and may it be my protection and my refuge.
iv. 4. 6.
a Let Brhaspati place thee on the ridge of earth, full of light, for every expiration, inspiration; support all the light, Agni is thine overlord.
b Let Visvakarman place thee on the ridge of the atmosphere, full of light, for every expiration, inspiration; support all the light, Vayu is thine overlord.
c Let Prajapati place thee on the ridge of the sky, full of light, for every expiration, inspiration; support all the light, the supreme lord is thine overlord.
d Thou art the bringer of the east wind; thou art the winner of rain; thou art the winner of lightning [1]; thou art the winner of thunder; thou art the winner of rain.
e Thou art the path of Agni; thou art the gods path of Agni.
f Thou art the path of Vayu; thou art the gods path of Vayu.
g Thou art the path of the atmosphere; thou art the gods path of the atmosphere.
h Thou art the atmosphere; to the atmosphere thee! i To the ocean thee, to water thee, to the watery thee, to impulse thee, to the wise thee, to the radiant thee, to the light of the sky thee, to the Adityas thee! k To the Rc thee, to radiance thee, to the shining thee, to the blaze thee, to the light thee! l Thee, giving glory, in glory; thee, giving brilliance, in brilliance; thee, giving milk, in milk; thee, giving radiance, in radiance; thee giving wealth, in wealth I place; with this seer, the holy power, this deity, sit firm in the manner of Angiras.
iv. 4. 7.
a Thou art the furtherer; thou art the maker of wide room; thou art the eastern; thou art the zenith; thou art the sitter in the atmosphere, sit on the atmosphere.
b Thou art the sitter on the waters; thou art the sitter on the hawk thou art the sitter on the vulture; thou art the sitter on the eagle; thou art the sitter on the vault.
c In the wealth of earth I place thee; in the wealth of the atmosphere I place thee; in the wealth of the sky I place thee; in the wealth of the quarters I place thee; giver of wealth I place thee in wealth.
d Protect my expiration; protect my inspiration; protect my cross breathing [1]; protect my life; protect all my life; protect the whole of my life.
e O Agni, thy highest name, the heart, Come let us join together, Be thou, O Agni, among those of the five races.
f (Thou art) the Yavas, the Ayavas, the courses, the helpers, the Sabda, the ocean, the firm one.
iv. 4. 8.
(Thou I art) all overcoming through Agni; self ruling through the sun; lord of strength through might; creator with the bull; bountiful through the sacrifice; heavenly through the sacrificial fee; slayer of enemies through rage; supporter of the body through kindliness; wealth through food; through the earth he hath won; (thou art) eater of food with verses; increased by the Vasat cry; protector of the body through the Saman; full of light with the Viraj; drinker of Soma through the holy power; with cows he supporteth the sacrifice; with lordly power men; with horse and car bearer of the bolt; lord with the seasons; enclosing with the year; unassailable through penance; the sun with bodies.
iv. 4. 9.
(Thou art) Prajapati in mind, when come to the Soma; the creator in the consecration; Savitr in the bearing; Pusan in the cow for the purchase of the Soma; Varuna when bound (in the cloth); Asura in the being bought; Mitra when purchased; Sipivista when put in place; delighter of men when being drawn forward; the overlord on arrival; Prajapati being led on; Agni at the Agnidh s altar; Brhaspati on being led from the Agnidh s altar; Indra at the oblation holder; Aditi when put in place; Visnu when being taken down; Atharvan when made wet; Yama when pressed out; drinker of unpurified Soma() when being cleansed; Vayu when purifying; Mitra as mixed with milk; the Manthin when mixed with groats; that of the All gods when taken out; Rudra when offered; Vayu when covered up; the gazer on men when revealed; the food when it comes; the famed of the fathers; life when taken; the river when going to the final bath; the ocean when gone; the water when dipped; the heaven when arrived at completion.
iv. 4. 10.
a (Thou art) Krttikas, the Naksatra, Agni, the deity; ye are the radiances of Agni, of Prajapati, of the creator, of Soma; to the Re thee, to radiance thee, to the shining thee, to the blaze thee, to the light thee b (Thou art) Rohini the Naksatra, Prajapati the deity; Mrgasirsa the Naksatra, Soma the deity; Ardra the Naksatra, Rudra the deity; the two Punarvasus the Naksatra, Aditi the deity; Tisya the Naksatra, Brhaspati the deity; the Asresas the Naksatra, the serpents the deity; the Maghas the Naksatra, the fathers the deity; the two Phalgunis the Naksatra [1], Aryaman the deity; the two Phalgunis the Naksatra, Bhaga the deity; Hasta the Naksatra, Savitr the deity; Citra the Naksatra, Indra the deity; Svati the Naksatra, Vayu the deity; the two Visakhas the Naksatra, Indra and Agni the deity; Anruradha the Naksatra, Mitra the deity; Rohini the Naksatra, Indra the deity; the two Visrts the Naksatra; the fathers the deity; the Asadhas the Naksatra, the waters the deity; the Asadhas the Naksatra, the All gods the deity; Srona the Naksatra, Visnu the deity; Sravistha the Naksatra, the Vasus [2] the, deity; Satabhisaj the Naksatra, Indra the deity; Prosthapadas the Naksatra, the goat of one foot the deity; the Prosthapadas the Naksatra, the serpent of the deep the deity; Revati the Naksatra, Pusan the deity; the two Asvayujs the Naksatra, the Asvins the deity; the Apabharanis the Naksatra, Yama the deity.
c Full on the west; what the gods placed.
iv. 4. 11.
a (Ye are) Madha and Madhava, the months of spring.
b (Ye are) Sukra and Suci, the months of summer.
c (Ye are) Nabha and Nabhasya, the months of rain.
d (Ye are) Isa and Urja, the months of autumn.
e (Ye are) Saha and Sahasya, the months of winter.
f (Ye are) Tapa and Tapasya, the months of the cool season.
g Thou art the internal bond of the fire, Be sky and earth in place, Be waters and plants in place, Be the fires severally in place In unison for my greatness [1] May the fires which of one mind Are between sky and earth, Taking place according to the months of the cool season, Attend (on them), as the gods on Indra.
h (Thou art) the uniter and forethinker of Agni, Soma, Surya.
i Thou art the dread, the terrible, of the fathers, of Yama, of Indra.
k Thou art the firm (quarter) and the earth of the god Savitr, the Maruts, Varuna.
l Thou art the support, the upholder, of Mitra and Varuna, Mitra, Dhatr, m Thou art the eastern, the western (quarter) of the Vasus, the Rudras [2], the Adityas.
n These are thine overlords, to them honour, be they gracious to us, him whom we hate and who hateth us I place in your jaws.
o Thou art the measure of a thousand, thou art the image of a thousand, thou art the size of a thousand, thou art the replica of a thousand, thou art of a thousand, for a thousand thee! p May these bricks, O Agni, be milch cows for me, one, and a hundred, and a thousand, and ten thousand [3], and a hundred thousand, and a million, and ten million, and a hundred million, and a thousand million, and ten thousand million, and a hundred thousand million, and ten hundred thousand million, and a hundred hundred thousand million; may these bricks, O Agni, be for me milch cows, sixty, a thousand, ten thousand unperishing; ye are standing on holy order, increasing holy order, dripping ghee, dripping honey, full of strength, full of power; may these bricks, O Agni, be for me milkers of desires named the glorious yonder in yon world.
The Horse Sacrifice
iv. 4. 12.
a May the kindling stick of the quarters, that winneth the heaven, (Guard us) according to our hopes; from Madhu may Madhava protect us; Agni, the god, hard to overcome, the undeceivable, May he guard our kingly power, may he protect us.
b May the Rathantara with the Samans protect us, The Gayatri with every form of metres, The Trivrt Stoma with the order of the days, The ocean, the wind, make full this strength.
c (May) the dread among the quarters, the overpowering, giver of strength, Pure, full of might on a bright day (protect us); O Indra, as overlord, make full, And for us [1] on all sides do thou preserve this great kingly power.
d (May) the Brhat Saman, which supporteth kingly power, with vast strength, The force made beautiful by the Tristubh, that of fierce strength (protect us); O Indra, with the fifteenfold Stoma Do thou guard this in the midst with the wind, with the ocean.
e (May) the eastern among the quarters, famous and renowned, O ye All gods, heavenly with the rain of the days (protect us); Let this kingly power be unassailable, Force unoverpowerable, a thousandfold and mighty.
f Here in the Vairupa Saman may we have strength for this; With the Jagati we place him in the people; O ye All gods [2] through the seventeenfold Stoma() this radiance, This kingly power with the ocean wind (be) dread.
g The supporter among the quarters doth support this lordly power, The stay of the regions; may force rich in friends be ours; O Mitra and Varuna, ye wise ones with the autumn of the days, Do ye accord great protection to this kingdom.
h In the Vairaja Saman is my devotion; By the Anustubh (be) manly strength collected; This kingly power rich in friends, with dripping wet, Do ye, O Mitra and Varuna, guard through your overlordship.
i May the victorious among quarters, with the Saman, the strong one, The season winter in order make us full; May the great ones, the Sakvari (verses), with favouring winds [8] Aid this sacrifice, full of ghee.
k May the heavenly of the quarters, the easily milked, the rich in milk, The goddess aid us, full of ghee; Thou art the protector, who goest in front and behind; O Brhaspati, yoke a voice in the south.
1 (May) the upright of the quarters, the bounteous region of the plants, And Savitr with the year of the days (aid us); The Revat Saman, and the Atichandas metre; Without a foe, be kindly to us.
m O thou of the three and thirtyfold Stoma, lady of the world, Breathed on by Vivasvant, do thou be gracious to us [4]; Rich in ghee, O Savitr, through thy overlordship, Be the bounteous region rich in milk, for us.
The firm among the quarters, lady of Visnu, the mild, Ruling over this strength, the desirable, Brhaspati, Matarisvan, Vayu, The winds blowing together be gracious to us.
o Prop of the sky, supporter of the earth, Ruling this world, lady of Visnu, All extending, seeking food, with prosperity, May Aditi be auspicious to us in her life.
p Vaisvanara to our help.
q Present in the sky.
r Us to day Anumati.
s O Anumati, thou.
t With what to us radiant shall he be? u Who to day yoketh?
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