Yv1 P8

Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 14 Jul 2011 07:38 and updated at 14 Jul 2011 12:06




The Rajasuya

i. 8. 1.

a Anumati he offers a cake on eight potsherds; the sacrificial fee is a cow.
The (grains) which are thrown down to the west of the support he (offers) on one potsherd to Nirrti; the sacrificial fee is a black garment with a black fringe.

Go away, hail! rejoicing in the oblation.
This is thy share, O Nirrti; O thou who hast prospered, thou art rich in oblation; Free him from evil.
Hail! Honour to him who hath done this.

He offers an oblation to Aditya; the sacrificial fee is a choice (ox).
(He offers) to Agni and Visnu on eleven potsherds; the sacrificial fee is a dwarf beast of burden.
(He offers) to Agni and Soma [1] on eleven potsherds; the sacrificial fee is gold.
(He offers) to Indra on eleven potsherds; the sacrificial fee is a bull as a beast of burden.
(He offers) to Agni on eight potsherds, and curds to Indra; the sacrificial fee is a bull as a beast of burden.
(He offers) to Indra and Agni on twelve potsherds, and an oblation (caru) to the All gods; the sacrificial fee is a first born calf.
(He offers) an oblation of millet to Soma; the sacrificial fee is a garment.
(He offers) an oblation to Sarasvati, and an oblation to Sarasvant; the sacrificial fee is a pair of oxen.

i. 8. 2.

He offers to Agni on eight potsherds, an oblation to Soma, to Savitr on twelve potsherds, an oblation to Sarasvati, an oblation to Pusan, to the Maruts on seven potsherds, clotted curds to the All gods, and on eleven potsherds to sky and earth.

i. 8. 3.

a He offers on eleven potsherds to Indra and Agni, clotted curds to the Maruts, clotted curds to Varuna, and on one potsherd to Ka.
b The voracious we invoke, The Maruts who bear the sacrifice, Rejoicing in the mush.
c Be not against us in battles, O god Indra Let there be expiation to satisfy thee, O impetuous one; For great is the barley heap of this bountiful one; Rich in oblation are the Maruts whom our song praises.
d The wrong we have done in village or wild, In the assembly, in our members, The wrong to Sudra or Aryan, The wrong contrary to the law of either, Of that thou art the expiation; hail! e The doers of the deed have performed the deed, With wondrous speech; Having done the deed to the gods go ye To your home, ye bounteous ones.

i. 8. 4.

a To Agni Anikavant he offers a cake on eight potsherds as the sun rises, an oblation to the Maruts as the heaters at midday, and to the Maruts as lords of the house he milks at evening an oblation of all (the cows).
b O ladle, fly away filled, And well filled do thou fly back; Like wares, O Satakratu, Let us barter food and strength.
c Give thou to me; I shall give to thee; Bestow upon me; I shall bestow upon thee; Accept my offering; I shall accept thy offering [1].
d To the Maruts, the playful, he offers a cake on seven potsherds at the rising of the sun; he ofibrs to Agni on eight potsherds, an oblation to Soma, to Savitr on twelve potsherds, to Sarasvati an oblation, to Pusan an oblation, to Indra and Agni on eleven potsherds, to Indra an oblation, to Visvakarman on eleven potsherds.

i. 8. 5.

a He offers to Soma with the Pitrs a cake on six potsherds, to the Pitrs who sit on the straw fried grains, for the Pitrs prepared by Agni he milks a beverage from a cow which has to be won over (to another calf).
b This for thee, O father, and for thy line; This for thee, O grandfather, great grandfather, and for thy line Do ye Pitrs rejoice in your portions.
c May we gladden thee, O bountiful one, fair to see; Forth now with full chariot seat Being praised, dost thou fare according to our will; Yoke, O Indra, thy two bay steeds [1].
d They have eaten, they have rejoiced, The dear ones have dispelled (evil), The radiant sages have been praised with newest hymn; Yoke, O Indra, thy two bay steeds.
e The Pitrs have eaten, the Pitrs have rejoiced, the Pitrs have been glad, the Pitrs have purified themselves.
f Go away, O ye Pitrs, Soma loving, With your majestic ancient paths; Then reach ye the kindly Pitrs Who carouse in company with Yama.
h Mind let us summon hither With the praise of Narasansa And the reverence of the Pitrs.
h Let mind return to us [2] For vigour, for insight, for life, And that long we may see the sun.
i May the Pitrs restore mind to us, May the host of the gods; May we belong to the band of the living.
k Whatever hurt we have done to atmosphere, to earth, to sky, To mother or to father, May Agni of the house free me from this sin; May he make me blameless In respect of all the ill we have wrought.

i. 8. 6.

a For each he offers on one potsherd, and one over.
b As many as we are of the house, to them have I made prosperity.
c Thou art the protection of cattle, the protection of the sacrifice; give me protection.
d Rudra alone yieldeth to no second.
e The mole is thy beast, O Rudra; rejoice in it.
f This is thy portion, O Rudra, with thy sister Ambika; rejoice in it.
g (Give) medicine for ox, for horse, for man, And medicine for us, medicine That it be rich in healing, Good [1] for ram and sheep.
h We have appeased, O lady, Rudra, The god Tryambaka; That he may make us prosperous, That he may increase our wealth, That he may make us rich in cattle, That he may embolden us.
i To Tryambaka we make offering, The fragrant, increaser of prosperity; Like a cucumber from its stem, From death may I be loosened, not from immortality.
k This is thy portion, O Rudra; rejoice in it; with it for food, do thou go away beyond the Mujavants.
l With unstrung bow, thy club in thy hand, clad in skins.

i. 8. 7.

a (He I offers) to Indra and Agni on twelve potsherds, an oblation to the All gods, a cake on twelve potsherds to Indra Sunasira, milk to Vayu, to Sarya on one potsherd; the sacrificial fee is a plough for twelve oxen.
b To Agni he offers on eight potsherds, to Rudra an oblation of Gavidhuka, to Indra curds, to Varuna an oblation made of barley; the sacrificial fee is a cow for draught purposes.
c The gods that sit in the east, led by Agni; that sit in the south, led by Yama; that sit in the west, led by Savitr; that sit in the north, led by Varuna; that sit above, led by Brhaspati; that slay the Raksases; may they protect us, may they help us; to them homage; to them hail! [1] d The Raksases are collected, the Raksases are burnt up; here do I burn up the Raksases.
e To Agni, slayer of Raksases, hail! To Yama, Savitr, Varuna, Brhaspati, the worshipful, the slayer of Raksases, hail! f The sacrificial fee is a chariot with three horses.
g On the instigation of the god Savity, with the arms of the Asvins, with the hands of Pusan, I offer (for) the death of the Raksases; the Raksases are slain; we have killed the Raksases.
h The sacrificial fee is what he wears.

i. 8. 8.

He offers a cake on twelve potsherds to Dhatr, to Anumati an oblation, to Raka an oblation, to Sinivali an oblation, to Kuhu an oblation; the sacrificial fee is a pair of cattle.
To Agni and Visnu he offers on eleven potsherds, to Indra and Visnu on eleven potsherds, to Visnu on three potsherds; the sacrificial fee is a dwarf beast of burden.
To Agni and Soma he offers on eleven potsherds, to Indra and Soma on eleven potsherds, to Soma an oblation; the sacrificial fee is a brown (animal).
To Soma and Pusan he offers an oblation, to Indra and Pusan an oblation, to Pusan an oblation; the sacrificial fee is a dark (animal).
To Agni() Vaisvanara he offers on twelve potsherds; the sacrificial fee is gold.
To Varuna (he offers) an oblation made of barley; the sacrificial fee is a horse.

i. 8. 9.

To Brhaspati he offers an oblation in the house of the Brahman (priest); the sacrificial fee is a white backed (animal).
(He offers) to Indra on eleven potsherds in the house of a Rajanya; the sacrificial fee is a bull.
To Aditya (he offers) an oblation in the house of the chief wife; the sacrificial fee is a cow.
To Nirrti (he offers) an oblation in the house of the neglected wife, made up of rice broken by the nails; the sacrificial fee is a black hornless (cow).
To Agni (he offers) on eight potsherds in the house of the leader of the host; the sacrificial fee is gold.
To Varuna (he offers) on ten potsherds in the house of the minstrel; the sacrificial fee is a great castrated (ox).
To the Maruts (he offers) on seven potsherds in the house of the village headman; the sacrificial fee is a dappled (cow).
To Savitr (he offers) on twelve potsherds [1] in the house of the carver; the sacrificial fee is a speckled (ox).
To the Asvins (he offers) on two potsherds in the house of the charioteer; the sacrificial fee is two born of one mother.
To Pusan (he offers) an oblation in the house of the divider; the sacrificial fee is a black (ox).
To Rudra (he offers) an oblation of Gavidhuka in the house of the thrower of the dice; the sacrificial fee is a speckled (ox) with raised tail.
To Indra, the good protector, he offers a cake on eleven potsherds and to Indra, who frees from distress, (with the words),
May the king, the slayer of Vrtra, Be our king and slay the foe.

There is (an offering) to Mitra and Brhaspati; in the milk of a white (cow) with a white calf which has curdled itself, and in butter which has churned itself, in a dish of Asvattha wood [2] with four corners (made) of a branch which has fallen of itself, he should scatter husked and unhusked rice grains; the husked ones in the milk are Brhaspati s, the unhusked in the butter are Mitra s; the Vedi must be self made, the strew self cut, the kindling stick self made; the sacrificial fee is the white (cow) with a white calf.

i. 8. 10.

a To Agni, lord of the house, he offers a cake of black rice on eight potsherds; to Soma, lord of the forest, an oblation of millet; to Savitr, of true instigation, a cake of swift growing rice on twelve potsherds; to Rudra, lord of cattle, an oblation of Gavidhuka; to Brhaspati, lord of speech, an oblation of wild rice; to Indra, the noblest, a cake of large rice on eleven potsherds; to Mitra, the true, an oblation of Amba grain, and to Varuna, lord of right, an oblation made of barley.
b May Savity of instigations instigate thee, Agni of lords of the house, Soma of lords of the forest, Rudra of cattle [1], Brhaspati of speech, Indra of nobles, Mitra of truth, Varuna of lords of right.
c O ye gods that instigate the gods, do ye instigate him, descendant of N.N., to freedom from foes, to great lordship, to great overlordship, to great rule over the people.
d This is your king, O Bharatas; Soma is the king of us Brahmans.
e This kingdom hath verily been conferred, Varuna hath diffused his own body; We have become obedient to pure Mitra; We have magnified the name of the great holy order.
f These have become all the hosts of Varuna, Mitra in his course hath overcome hostility; The worshipful ones have taken order according to sacred law: Trita hath taken possession of our old age.
g Thou art the stepping of Visnu, thou art the step of Visnu, thou art the stride of Visnu.

i. 8. 11.

a Ye are active, thou art the lord of the waters, thou art the male wave, thou art the male host, ye are the pen dwellers, ye are the strength of the Maruts, ye have the radiance of the sun, ye have the brightness of the sun, ye are delightful, ye are obedient, ye are powerful, ye are all supporters, ye are supporters of men, ye have the brilliance of Agni, ye are the sap of the waters, of the plants.
b They have taken the waters, divine, Rich in sweetness, full of strength, caring for the royal consecration; Whereby they anointed Mitra and Varuna, Whereby they led Indra beyond his foes.
c Ye are givers of the kingdom; give ye the kingdom, hail! Ye are givers of the kingdom; give N.N.the kingdom.

i. 8. 12.

O ye divine waters, be ye united Full of sweetness with the sweet, Winning great radiance for the Ksatriya.
b Unsurpassed, sit ye down, full of strength, Bestowing great radiance upon the Ksatriya.
c Friend of speech, born of heat, thou art undefeated; thou art the share of Soma.
d The pure I purify you with the pure, the bright with the bright, the immortal with ambrosia, hail! caring for the royal consecration.
e Clothed in these (waters), sharing joy, glorious in strength, Undefeated and busy, In the waters hath Varuna made his abode, The child [1] of the waters in those most motherly.
f Thou art the caul of kingly power, thou art the womb of kingly power.
g Notified is Agni, lord of the house; notified is Indra, of ancient fame; notified is Pusan, all knower; notified are Mitra and Varuna, increasing holy order; notified are sky and earth, of sure vows; notified is the goddess Aditi, of all forms; notified is he, N.N.descendant of N.N., in this folk, this kingdom, for great lordship, for great overlordship, for great rule over the people.
h This is your king, O Bharatas; Soma is the king of us Brahmans.
i Thou art the bolt of Indra [2] slaying foes; with thee may he slay his foe.
k Ye are overcomers of foes.
l Protect me in front, protect me at the side, protect me from behind; from the quarters protect me; from all deadly things protect me.
m Gold hued in the glowing of the dawns, Bronze pillared at the rising of the sun, O Varuna, O Mitra, mount your chariot seat, And thence behold ye Aditi and Diti.

i. 8. 13.

a Do I thou mount the kindling (quarter); let the Gayatri of metres help thee; the Trivrt Stoma, the Rathantara Saman, the deity Agni, the treasure the Brahman class.
b Do thou mount the dread (quarter); let the Tristubh of metres help thee, the Pancadasa Stoma, the Brhat Saman, the deity Indra, the treasure the ruling class.
c Do thou mount the shining (quarter); let the Jagati of metres help thee, the Saptadasa Stoma, the Vairupa Saman, the deity the Maruts, the treasure the peasant class.
d Do thou mount the northern (quarter); let the Anustubh of metres help thee [1], the Ekavinsa Stoma, the Vairaja Saman, the deity Mitra and Varuna, the treasure the host.
e Do thou mount the zenith; let the Pankti of metres help thee, the Trinava, and Trayastrinsa Stomas, the Sakvara and Raivata Samans, the deity Brhaspati, the treasure radiance.
f Such like, other like, thus like, similar, the measured, commensurate, harmonious, g Of pure radiance, of varied radiance, of true radiance, the radiant, true, protector of holy order [2], beyond distress.
h To Agni hail! To Soma hail! To Savitr hail! To Sarasvati hail! To Pusan hail! To Brhaspati hail! To Indra hail! To sound hail! To verse hail! To Ansa hail! To Bhaga hail! To the lord of the field hail! i To earth hail! To atmosphere hail! To sky hail! To the sun hail! To the moon hail! To the Naksatras hail! To the waters hail! To plants hail! To trees hail! To moving creatures hail! To swimming creatures hail! To creeping creatures hail!

i. 8. 14.

a Thou art the glittering of Soma; as thine may my glittering be.
b Thou art ambrosia; from death protect me.
c From the thunderbolt protect me.
d Propitiated are biting flies.
e Cast away is Namuci s head.
f Soma, king Varuna, and the gods which instigate righteousness, may they instigate thy speech, may they instigate thy breath, may they instigate thy sight, may they instigate thine ear.
g With the glory of Soma I besprinkle thee, with the brilliance of Agni [1], with the radiance of the sun, with the power of Indra, with the strength of Mitra and Varuna, with the force of the Maruts.
h Thou art the lord of kingly powers.
i Protect from the sky.
k Out from below have they come, Following the serpent of the deep; On the back of the mountain, the hill, The ships that pour spontaneously go ever.
l O Rudra, that highest active name of thee, to that thou art offered, thou art offered to Yama.
m O Prajapati, none other than thou Hath encompassed all these beings; Be that ours for which we sacrifice to thee May we be lords of wealth.

i. 8. 15.

a Thou art the bolt of Indra, slaying foes; with thee may he slay his foe.
b By the precept of Mitra and Varuna, the directors, I yoke thee with the yoking of the sacrifice.
c Thou art the stepping of Visnu, thou art the step of Visnu, thou art the stride of Visnu d On the instigation of the Maruts may I conquer.
e Be mind ready.
f May I be united with power and strength.
g Thou art the spirit of cattle; like them may my spirit be.
h Homage to mother earth; may I not harm mother earth [1]; may mother earth harm me not.
i So great art thou, thou art life, bestow life upon me; thou art strength, bestow strength upon me; thou art the yoker; thou art radiance, bestow radiance upon me.
k To Agni, lord of the house, hail! To Soma, lord of the forest, hail! To Indra s strength hail! To the Maruts force hail! I The gander seated in purity, the bright one seated in the atmosphere, The Hotr seated at the altar, the guest seated in the house, Seated among men, seated in the highest, seated in holy order, seated in the firmament, Born of the waters, born of the cows, born of holy order, born of the mountain, the great holy order.

i. 8. 16.

a Thou art Mitra, thou art Varuna.
b May I be united with the All gods.
c Thou art the navel of kingly power, thou are the womb of kingly power.
d Sit thou on the smooth, sit thou on the pleasant seat.
e May she hurt thee not; may she hurt me not.
f Varuna, of sure vows, hath set him down In the waters, with keen insight, for lordship.
g O Brahman! Thou, O king, art the Brahman priest, thou art Savitr of true instigation.
O Brahman! Thou, O king, art the Brahman priest, thou art Indra of true force [1].
O Brahman! Thou, O king, art the Brahman priest; thou art Indra, the kindly.
O Brahman! Thou, O king, art the Brahman priest; thou art Varuna, of true rule.
h Thou art the bolt of Indra, slaying foes; with this subject to me.
i This king hath surmounted the quarters.
k O thou of good fame! O thou of prosperity! O thou of true rule! l To the son of the waters hail! To the son of strength hail! To Agni, lord of the house, hail!

i. 8. 17.

He offers to Agni on eight potsherds; the sacrificial fee is gold.
(He offers) to Sarasvati an oblation; the sacrificial fee is a calf.
To Savitr (he offers) on twelve potsherds; the sacrificial fee is a speckled (ox).
To Pusan (he offers) an oblation; the sacrificial fee is a dark (ox), To Brhaspati (he offers) an oblation; the sacrificial fee is a white backed (ox).
To Indra (he offers) on eleven potsherds; the sacrificial fee is a bull.
To Varuna (he offers) on ten potsherds; the sacrificial fee is a great castrated (ox).
To Soma (he offers) an oblation; the sacrificial fee is a brown (ox).
To Tvastr (he offers) on eight potsherds; the sacrificial fee is a white (ox) To Visnu (he offers) on three potsherds; the sacrificial fee is a dwarf (ox).

i. 8. 18.

On the same day they consecrate, on the same day they buy the Soma.
He presents a lotus wreath.
He buys the Soma with calves.
There is a drink for ten.
A hundred Brahmans drink.
The Stotra is the Saptadasa.
The two ornaments he gives to the Adhvaryu, the garland to the Udgatr, the round ornament to the Hotr, a horse to the Prastotr and Pratihartr, twelve heifers to the Brahman, a cow to the Maitravaruna, a bull to the Brahmanacchansin, garments to the Nestr and Potr, a wagon drawn by one ox laden with barley to the Achavaka, a draught ox to the Agnidh.
The Hotr is a Bhargava; the Saman of the Brahman is the Srayantiya; the Agnistoma Saman is the Varavantiya.
He takes water of the Sarasvati.

i. 8. 19.

To Agni he offers on eight potsherds; the sacrificial fee is gold.
To Indra (he offers) on eleven potsherds; the sacrificial fee is a bull.
To the All gods (he offers) an oblation; the sacrificial fee is a tawny heifer.
To Mitra and Varuna (he offers) clotted curds; the sacrificial fee is a cow.
To Brhaspati (he offers) an oblation; the sacrificial fee is a white backed (ox).
To the Adityas he sacrifices a sheep in young, to the Maruts a dappled heifer.
To the Asvins and Pusan he offers a cake on twelve potsherds; to Sarasvati of true speech an oblation; to Savitr of true instigation a cake on twelve potsherds; the sacrificial fee is a dry skin bag and a bow with three arrows.

i. 8. 20.

To Agni he offers on eight potsherds; to Soma, an oblation; to Savitr on twelve potsherds; to Brhaspati an oblation; to Tvastr on eight potsherds; to Agni() Vaisvanara on twelve potsherds; the sacrificial fee is the southern drawer of the chariot stand.
To Sarasvati he offers an oblation; to Pusan an oblation; to Mitra an oblation; to Varuna an oblation; to the lord of the fields an oblation; to the Adityas an oblation; the sacrificial fee is the northern drawer of the chariot stand.

i. 8. 21.

a The sweet with the sweet, bitter with the bitter, immortal with the immortal, with the Soma I unite thee; thou art Soma; be ready for the Asvins, be ready for Sarasvati, be ready for Indra, the good protector.
b Let the daughter of the Sun Purify for thee the flowing Soma With the eternal sieve.
c Vayu purified by the strainer, Soma hath sped away, Indra s dear friend.
d What then? As men who have barley Reap the barley in order, removing it, Hither bring the food of those Who have not gone to the reverential cutting of the straw.
e To the Asvins he sacrifices a dusky (ox), to Sarasvati a ram, to Indra a bull.
f To Indra he offers on eleven potsherds, to Savitr on twelve potsherds, to Varuna on ten potsherds.
g O Pitrs, beaded by Soma, rejoice.
h The sacrificial fee is a mare.

i. 8. 22.

a O Agni and Visnu, great is your greatness; Rejoice ye in the secret names of the ghee; Placing in every house seven treasures, May your tongue move forth to the ghee.
b O Agni and Visnu, great is your dear abode; Ye taste the ghee, rejoicing in its secrets; In every home increasing lauds, May your tongue move forth to the ghee.
c May the goddess Sarasvati With strength, rich in mares, Further us, she that aideth prayer.
d To us from the sky, from the great [1] mountain; May Sarasvati, the worshipful, come to the sacrifice May the goddess rejoicing in our supplication, rich in ghee, May she hearken gladly to our effectual speech.
e O Brhaspati, with the All gods, Do thou rejoice in our oblations; Grant riches to the generous giver.
f Then to the father, with the All gods, to the strong one, Let us pay honour with sacrifices, with reverence, with oblations; O Brhaspati, with good offspring, with heroes, May we be lords of wealth.
g That various wealth bestow upon us, O Brhaspati, that shall surpass the enemy, That shall shine glorious, with insight among men, That shall be resplendent in glory, O thou who art born of holy order [2].
h O Mitra and Varuna, Bedew our pasturage with ghee With mead the regions, O ye wise ones.
i Do ye unloose your arms for us to live; Do ye bedew our pasturage with ghee; Make us famous among the folk, O ye young ones; Hearken, O Mitra and Varuna, to these my supplications.
k Agni for you I honour in song, The god first of the bright ones; Honouring him who prospereth the fields Like a much loved friend.
l Swiftly (goeth) the chariot of the worshipper [3] Like a hero in every contest; He who by sacrifice is fain to win the mind of the gods Shall prevail over those who sacrifice not.
m Thou art not harmed, O sacrificer, Nor thou, O pourer, nor thou, O pious one; There shall be wealth of heroes, And plenteousness of swift steeds; No one shall in act approach him, No one shall anticipate him nor stay him.
n Streams, health bringing, like milch cows, Pour up to the man who hath sacrificed and shall sacrifice; Him who filleth and satiateth [4], bringing fame, Streams of ghee approach on all sides.
o O Soma and Rudra, do ye drive away The evil spirit that hath entered our abode; Far away from us smite misfortune; Whatever sin we have done remove from us.
p O Soma and Rudra, do ye give to us, In our bodies, all these medicines; Loosen and remove the evil we have done That is bound within our bodies.
q O Soma and Pusan, begetters of wealth, Begetters, of sky, begetters of earth, Born as protectors of the whole world, The gods have made (you) the navel of immortality.
r In the birth of these gods they rejoiced; They concealed the hateful darkness; Through these two, Soma and Pusan, The Indra made the cooked (milk) among the raw cows.

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