Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 14 Jul 2011 07:35 and updated at 14 Jul 2011 12:02
The Rekindling of the Fire
i. 5. 1.
The gods and the Asuras were in conflict; the gods, in anticipation of the contest, deposited in Agni their desirable riches (thinking), This will still be ours, if they defeat us.
Agni desired it and went away with it.
The gods having defeated (the Asuras) pursued Agni() desirous of recovering it.
They sought violently to take it from him.
He wept; in that he wept (arodit), that is why Rudra has his name.
The tear that [1] was shed became silver; therefore silver is not a suitable gift, for it is born of tears.
He who gives on the strew, in his house before the year is out they weep; therefore one should not give on the strew.
Agni said, Let me have a share; then this will be yours.
They replied, The re establishing shall be thine alone.
He shall prosper he said, who shall establish the fire with me as its divinity.
Pusan established it; therefore [2] did Pusan prosper; therefore cattle are said to be Pusan s.
Tvastr established it; therefore did Tvastr prosper; therefore cattle are said to be Tvastr s.
Manu established it; therefore did Manu prosper; therefore offspring are said to be Manu s.
Dhatr established it; therefore Dhatr prospered; Dhatr is the year; therefore offspring and cattle are born in the course of the year.
He who knows thus the prosperity of the re establishing [3] prospers.
He who knows his connexions becomes possessed of connexions himself.
Agni desiring a share after being established assailed the offspring and cattle of the sacrifice.
Having removed it, one should re establish it; thus he unites him with his own portion; verily he is appeased.
He should establish under Punarvasu; Punarvasu is the Naksatra for the re establishing; verily by establishing it under its own deity he becomes resplendent.
He establishes with Darbha grass, for variety.
He establishes with Darbha; verily winning it from the waters and the plants he establishes it.
The sacrificial cake is offered on five potsherds; the seasons are five; verily he wins it from the seasons and establishes it.
i. 5. 2.
He who removes the fire casts away the sacrifice and cattle.
The sacrificial cake is offered on five potsherds; the sacrifice is fivefold, cattle are fivefold; verily he wins the sacrifice and cattle.
Now he who removes the fire is the slayer of the hero among the gods; Brahmans desirous of holiness did not aforetime eat his food; the Yajyas and Anuvakyas are in the Pankti metre; the sacrifice is fivefold, man is fivefold; verily making recompense to the gods for the hero he re establishes the fire [1].
They are of a hundred syllables; man lives a hundred years and has a hundred powers; verily he rests on life and power.
In that Agni when established does not prosper, (it is that he is) desiring a greater portion; in that it is all Agni s, that is his prosperity.
Speech is uttered together in the house of him who removes the fire; the sacrificer is liable to perish on account of the uttering together of speech.
There are discriminations, to sever speech and preserve the sacrificer [2].
He makes a discrimination; verily he makes the holy power Brahman().
He speaks the Yajus, muttering; it is as if one who has found a rich treasure hides it.
To Agni Svistakrt he speaks aloud; it is as if one who has found a rich treasure is fain to go openly.
Uttering the discrimination he makes the Vasat cry with the foresacrifice; verily he leaves not his abode.
The sacrificial cake is the sacrificer, the oblations are cattle; in that he offers these libations on either side of the cake [3] he thus surrounds the sacrificer on either side with cattle.
After performing the Yajus and collecting the apparatus they say: the apparatus should not be collected, the Yajus should not be performed, they say: the apparatus should be collected and the Yajus performed, for the prosperity of the sacrifice.
The sacrificial fee is a renovated chariot, a newly sewn garment, a draught ox let loose again, for the prosperity of the re establishing.
Seven are thy kindling sticks, O Agni, seven thy tongues (with these words) he offers the Agnihotra.
Wherever there is anything of his nature, thence [4] does he win him.
Now he who removes the fire is the slayer of the hero among the gods, Varuna is the exactor of the recompense; he should make an offering on eleven potsherds to Agni and Varuna; him whom he slays and him who exacts the recompense he delights with their own portion; the sacrificer is not ruined.
i. 5. 3.
a (Thou I art) earth in depth, sky in breadth, atmosphere in greatness; In thy lap, O goddess Aditi, Agni I place, food eater for the eating of food.
b The spotted bull hath come And reached again the mother And the father, faring to the heaven.
c Thirty places be ruleth; Speech resorteth to the bird Bear it with the days.
d With her inspiration from his expiration, She wandereth between the worlds; The bull discerneth the heaven.
e If thee [1] in anger I have scattered, In rage or through misfortune, That of thee, O Agni, be in good order, Again thee we relight.
f Whatever of thee scattered in rage Was spread over the earth, That the Adityas, the All gods And the Vasus gathered together.
g Mind, light, rejoice in the oblation.
May be unite this scattered sacrifice; May Brhaspati extend it; May the All gods rejoice herein.
h Seven are thy kindling sticks, O Agni, seven thy tongues; Seven seers [2], seven dear abodes, Seven priesthoods sevenfold sacrifice to thee; Seven birthplaces with ghee do thou fill.
i Return with strength, return, O Agni, with food and life; Again guard us on all sides.
k Return with wealth, O Agni, Fatten with the stream, All gaining on every side.
l Leka, Salekha, Sulekha, may these Adityas rejoicing partake of our oblation; Keta, Saketa, Suketa, may these Adityas rejoicing partake of our oblation; Vivasvan, Aditi, Devajuti, may these Adityas rejoicing partake of our oblation.
i. 5. 4.
Earth in depth, sky in breadth, he says; with this benediction he establishes it.
The serpents thought that they were growing worn out; Kasarnira Kadraveya beheld this Mantra; then did they strike off their worn out skins.
With the verses of the queen of serpents he establishes the Garhapatya, and so renewing it he establishes it as immortal.
Pure food did not come to the earth; she [1] beheld this Mantra; then food came to her.
In that he establishes the Garhapatya with the verses of the serpent queen (it serves) for the winning of food; verily he establishes it firm in the (earth).
If thee in anger I have scattered he says; verily he conceals it from him.
Again thee we relight he says; verily he kindles him all together.
Whatever of thee scattered in rage he says; verily by means of the deities [2] he unites him.
The sacrifice of him who removes the fire is split; he pays reverence with a verse containing the word Brhaspati; Brhaspati is the holy power Brahman() of the gods; verily by holy power Brahman() he unites the sacrifice.
May he unite this scattered sacrifice he says, for continuity, May the All gods rejoice herein he says; verily continuing the sacrifice he points it out to the gods.
Seven are thy kindling sticks, O Agni, seven thy tongues [3], he says, for sevenfold in seven wise are the dear forms of Agni; verily he wins them.
Return with strength Return with wealth (with these words) he offers oblations on either side of the sacrificia cake; verily with strength and with wealth he surrounds on either side the sacrificer.
The Adityas went from this world to yonder world, they were thirsty in yonder world, having returned to this world and having established the fire, they offered these oblations; they prospered, they went to the world of heaven.
He, who establishes a fire after the second establishment, should offer these oblations; be prospers with the prosperity where with the Adityas prospered.
The Reverence of the Fire
i. 5. 5.
a As we approach the sacrifice, Let us utter a hymn to Agni, Who heareth us, even from afar.
b After his ancient splendour, The bold ones have drawn the white milk From the seer who winneth a thousand.
c Agni is the head of the sky, the height, Lord of the earth here, He quickeneth the seed of the waters.
d Here hath he first been established by the establishers, Youngest Hotr to be invoked at the sacrifices, Whom Apnavana and the Bhrgus caused to shine, Bright in the woods, spreading from house to house.
e Ye twain shall be summoned, O Indra and Agni [1], Ye twain shall rejoice together in the offering You both, givers of food and riches, You both I summon for the winning of strength.
f This is thy due place of birth, Whence born thou didst shine; Mount it, O Agni, knowing it, And make our wealth increase.
g O Agni, thou purifiest life; Do thou give food and strength to us; Far away drive ill fortune.
h O Agni, good worker, purify for us Glory in good heroes, Giving increase of wealth [2] to me.
i O Agni, the purifying, with thy light, O god, with thy pleasant tongue, Bring hither the gods and sacrifice.
k Do thou, O shining and purifying one, O Agni, bring hither the gods To our sacrifice and our oblation.
l Agni, of purest vows, Pure sage, pure poet, Shineth in purity when offering is made.
m O Agni, thy pure, Bright, flaming (rays) arise, Thy lights, thy flames.
n Thou art giver of life, O Agni; give me life [3].
Thou art giver of radiance, O Agni; give me radiance.
Thou art guardian of the body, O Agni; guard my body.
o O Agni, whatever is deficient in my body, do thou make that good for me.
p O thou of various splendour, in safety may I reach the end of thee.
q Kindling thee may we kindle thee for a hundred winters, in radiance, strong the giver of strength, famous the giver of fame, with good heroes, the undeceived, O Agni, the deceiver of foes in the highest firmament.
r Thou, O Agni, hast attained the radiance of the sun, the praises of the Rsis, thy beloved abode.
s Thou, O Agni, hast the radiance of the sun; grant me life, radiance, and offspring.
i. 5. 6.
a I gaze on offspring, Offspring of Ida, connected with Manu; May they all be in our house.
b Ye are water; may I share your water.
Ye are greatness, may I share your greatness; ye are might, may I share your might; ye are strength, may I share your strength.
c Ye wealthy ones, stay in this place, this fold, this dwelling, this birthplace; be ye here; go not hence; be many for me [1].
d Thou art composed of every form; enter me with strength, with lordship of kine, with increase of wealth.
e May I prosper with your thousandfold prosperity; may your wealth rest in me.
f To thee, O Agni, day by day, That shinest in the darkness, with our devotion, We come bearing honour.
g Lord of the sacrifices, Guardian of holy order, shining, Waxing in his own horne.
h O Agni, be of easy access to us, As a father to his son; Befriend us for prosperity.
i O Agni [2] be thou our nearest, Our protector, kindly, a shield; Thee, O shining and most radiant one, We implore for favour, for our friends; Agni, bright, of bright fame, Come hither in thy greatest splendour and give us wealth.
k With strength I gaze on you; gaze on me with strength.
With increase of wealth I gaze on you; gaze on me with increase of wealth.
l Ye are food, making sweetness; kindly enter me, nourishment and drink; may I prosper with your thousandfold prosperity [3], may your wealth rest on me, m That excellent glory of Savitr The god we meditate, That be may stimulate our prayers.
n Make famous the Soma presser, O lord of prayer, Even as (thou did make famous) Kaksivant Ausija.
o Never art thou barren, O Indra, Never dost thou fail thy worshipper; Now more and more is thy divine gift increased, O bountiful one.
p May we set thee around us, O Agni, The sage, the strong, as a fort, Of daring hue, day by day Destroyer of that which may be broken.
q O Agni, lord of the house, through thee as lord of the house, may I be a good lord of the house; through me as lord of the house, mayst thou be a good lord of the house; for a hundred winters, this blessing I invoke, bringing light for the race; this blessing I invoke, bringing light for N.N.
i. 5. 7.
There is no sacrifice without a Saman.
As we approach the sacrifice he says; verily he yokes a Stoma with it.
Approach he says; offspring and cattle approach the world; verily he approaches cattle and offspring and this world.
After his ancient splendour he says; the ancient is the world of heaven; verily he mounts upon the world of heaven.
Agni is the head of the sky, the height he says; verily he makes him the head [1] of his equals, and verily from the world of the gods he rests in the world of men.
Here hath he first been established by the establishers he says; verily he makes him the principal.
Ye twain shall be summoned, O Indra and Agni he says; verily he wins might and force.
This is thy due place of birth he says; wealth is cattle; verily he wins cattle.
With six (verses) he pays reverence; the seasons are six [2]; verily he rests on the seasons.
With six subsequent (verses) he pays reverence; they make up twelve; the year has twelve months; verily he rests on the year.
Just as a man, a horse, a cow, are worn out, so the fire when established wears out; at the end of the year he pays reverence with (verses) containing the words Agni and pu; verily he renews it and makes it unageing, and also purifies it.
He pays reverence; that is his union.
He pays reverence [3]; that is his bond.
He pays reverence; that is his appeal.
He pays reverence; that is as if an inferior brings (something) to a superior and pays him honour.
Thou art giver of life, O Agni; give me life he says, for he is a giver of life.
Thou art giver of radiance, O Agni; give me radiance he says, for he is a giver of radiance.
I Thou art guardian of the body, O Agni; guard my body he says [4], for he is a guardian of the body.
O Agni, whatever is deficient in my body, do thou make that good for me he says; whatever is deficient in my offspring and cattle, do thou make that good for me be says in effect.
O thou of various splendour, in safety may I reach the end of thee he says; that of various splendour is the night.
The Brahmans aforetime feared its not dawning; verily he wins the dawn.
Kindling thee for a hundred winters [5], he says; man lives a hundred years and has a hundred powers; verily he rests on life and power.
This is a pipe with projections; by it the gods made piercings of hundreds of the Asuras; in that he takes up the kindling stick with this verse, the sacrificer hurls the hundred slaying (verse) as a bolt against his enemy to lay (him) low without fail.
Thou, O Agni, hast attained the radiance of the sun he says; that thou art, thus may I be he says in effect.
Thou, O Agni, hast the radiance of the sun he says; verily he invokes this blessing.
i. 5. 8.
I gaze on offspring he says; verily he wins all the domesticated animals.
Ye are water; may I share your water he says, for they are water.
Ye are greatness; may I share your greatness he says, for they are greatness.
Ye are might; may I share your might he says, for they are might.
Ye are strength; may I share your strength he says [1], for they are strength.
Ye wealthy ones, stay he says; the wealthy ones are cattle; verily he makes cattle stay with himself.
Be ye here; go not hence he says; verily he makes them constant, departing not.
Now one fire is piled with bricks, one with cattle.
Thou art composed Of every form (with these words) he strokes the calf; verily he piles it up and makes it piled with cattle.
He falls away [2] from this world who pays reverence to the Ahavaniya; he pays reverence to the Garhapatya; verily he rests on this world, and also he makes amends to the Garhapatya.
He pays reverence with Gayatri verses; the Gayatri is brilliance; verily he confers brilliance upon himself; moreover in that he repeats the triad (of verses), (it serves) for continuity.
Because of the Garhapatya men are born with two feet; to him who knowing thus pays reverence to the Garhapatya with (verses) of two feet [3], a hero son is born.
With strength I gaze upon you; gaze on me with strength he says; verily he invokes this blessing.
That excellent glory of Savitr he says, for instigation.
Famous the Soma presser he says; verily he wins the So a draught.
Make, O lord of prayer he says; verily he wins splendour.
Never art thou barren be says; no barren night does he pass [4], who knowing thus pays reverence to the fire.
May we (set) thee around, O Agni, as a fort he says; verily he sets around a barrier, that nothing be spilt.
O Agni, lord of the house he says; that is according to the text.
For a hundred winters he says; for a hundred winters may I kindle thee he says in effect.
He utters the name of his son; verily he makes him an eater of food.
This blessing I invoke bringing light for the race he should say, who has no son born; verily is born to him a son brilliant and resplendent.
This blessing I invoke bringing light for N.N., he should say who has a son born; verily he confers upon him brilliance and splendour.
i. 5. 9.
He offers the Agnihotra; whatever there is.
of the Sacrificer s own, that is (still) his.
In the generative organ he pours seed, for Agni is the generative organ.
Then he burns at the end the plants; they then grow more numerous.
In that he offers in the evening, he thus pours seed, and makes it productive by the morning (offering).
Seed when poured does not prove fruitful unless modified by Tvastr; as many modifications of seed when poured [1] as Tvastr makes, in so many shapes does it become fruitful; the sacrificer is the divine Tvastr.
He pays reverence with many (verses); verily he makes many modifications of the seed when poured.
He is fruitful and day by day becomes greater, who knowing thus pays reverence to the fire.
The day was the gods the night the Asuras
The Asuras entered night with all the precious wealth of the gods [2]; the gods thought that they were abandoned; they perceived, The night is Agni s, cattle are Agni s; verily let us praise Agni here; he being praised by us will restore our cattle.
They praised Agni; be praised by them delivered their cattle from night to day; the gods having gained their cattle per formed their desires.
He who knowing thus pays reverence to the fire becomes possessed of cattle [3].
The sun went from this world to yonder world; he having gone to yonder world bethought him again of this world; having returned to this world he had fear of death, for this world is, as it were, yoked with death.
He reflected, Let me praise gni here; he, praised, will make me go to the world of heaven.
He praised Agni; he, praised, made him go to the world of heaven.
He who [4] knowing thus pays reverence to the fire, goes to the world of heaven and lives all his days.
He mounts these two fires who pays reverence to them; he acts according to the desires of one who has attained a higher place.
He pays reverence at night, not in the morning, for vows are mingled at night, the bad and the good are on the same level, the fire is the light, the evening is the darkness; in that [5] he pays reverence by night, he overcomes the darkness by light.
Should reverence be paid to the fire or not? they say; he who day by day makes a present to a man and then begs of him assuredly molests him; and who then will day by day beg of the gods? Then they say, The sacrificer sacrifices for the sake of the benediction.
The reverence of the fire is [6] the benediction of him who has established a fire; therefore reverence should be paid to the fire.
Prajapati created cattle; being created they entered day and night; he recovered them by means of the metres.
In that he pays reverence with the metres, he seeks to recover his own.
There is not monotony then they say, if one pays reverence day by day.
If a man pays reverence to the fire facing it, it burns him; if with averted (face), he is deprived of offspring and cattle; he should pay reverence with (face) somewhat to the side, then (the fire) does not burn him, he is not eprived of offspring or cattle.
i. 5. 10.
a The name that first, O alI knower, My father and my mother bestowed upon me aforetime, Do thou bear it until I return; O Agni, may I bear thy name.
b My name and thine, O all knower, Which like men changing garments we bear, Let us exchange again, Thou for life, and we to live.
c Homage to Agni, the unpierced, Homage to the unapproachable, homage to the king! Irresistible is Agni [1], the very vigorous, all conquering, Powerful, the best, the Gandharva.
d O Agni, the gods have thee for father, Offer to thee oblations, and have thee as an umpire With life, with lordship of cattle (endow) me And bestow on me good fortune.
e Agni here is of all the best, He is most adorable, Must ready to win (us) a thousand; To him be all good strength.
f Mind, light, rejoice in the oblation May he unite the scattered sacrifice; The offerings at dawn and evening I unite with oblation and ghee.
g Rich in milk are the plants [2], The milk of the shoot is rich in milk, With the milk of the milk of the waters, O Indra, do thou unite me.
h O Agni, lord of vows, I shall perform this vow; may I accomplish it; may it be successful for me.
i Agni, the priest, I summon hither; The gods worthy of sacrifice whom we invoke, Let these gods come in kindly mind; Let the gods enjoy this oblation of me.
k Who yoketh thee? Let him yoke thee.
l The potsherds for the cauldron [3], Which wise men collect, These are in Pusan s guardianship; Indra and Vayu set them free.
m Unbroken is the cauldron, sprinkling abundantly, It hath returned to that whence it came; The kindling wood, the Vedi, and all the enclosing sticks Attend the life of the sacrifice.
n The three and thirty threads that stretch, That maintain in security the sacrifice, Of these the broken one I restore; hail! Let the cauldron go to the gods.
i. 5. 11.
a Let Vaisvanara with succour for us Come from afar, Agni through the hymn which brings (him).
b The righteous Vaisvanara, Lord of right and of light, The immortal cauldron we seek.
c A greater than the marvels of Vaisvanara By his craftsmanship the sage hath performed alone; Magnifying both parents, sky and earth, Rich in seed, was Agni born.
d Desired in the sky, Agni, desired on earth, Desired he entereth all the plants; Agni Vaisvanara eagerly desired, May he by day [1] and night protect us from the foe.
e In that, when born, O Agni, thou didst survey the worlds, Like a busy herd that goeth around his flock, Do thou, O Vaisvanara, find a way for the Brahman; Do ye protect us ever with your blessings.
f Thou, O Agni, blazing with light, Didst fill the firmament at thy birth; Thou, O Vaisvanara, wise one, by thy might Didst free the gods from misfortune.
g O Agni, among our bountiful lords, preserve The lordship, uninjured, unageing, rich in heroes; May we win booty a hundred, a thousandfold, O Vaisvanara [2], O Agni, through thy help.
h May we enjoy the loving kindness of Vaisvanara, For he is the king, the orderer of the worlds Hence born be discerneth all the (earth), Vaisvanara vieth with the sun.
i Thine anger, O Varuna, would we avert with reverence, With sacrifices, with oblations Ruling, O wise Asura, O king, Do thou unloose the sins we have committed.
k Unloose from us, O Varuna, the highest, The lowest, the midmost knot; Then may we, O Aditya [3], in thy rule, Be guiltless before Aditi.
I Of Dadhikravan have I sung, The swift strong horse; May he make our mouths fragrant; May he lengthen our days.
m Dadhikra with his glory hath overspread the five peoples, As the sun with his light the waters; May the strong steed, winning a hundred, a thousand, Fill with boney these words of ours.
n Agni, the head.
o Thou art. p O Maruts, what time seeking your favour We call on you from the sky, Do ye come unto us [4].
q The protections which ye have for the earnest worshipper, Threefold do ye grant them to the generous giver, To us, O Maruts, do ye accord them; O strong ones, give us wealth rich in heroes: r Let Aditi save us, Let Aditi give us protection, Let Aditi guard us from tribulation.
s The mighty mother of the righteous, The spouse of holy order, let us invoke to aid us, The powerful, the unageing, the wide Aditi, who giveth good protection and good guidance.
t Earth strong to save, sky unrivalled, Aditi who giveth good protection and good guidance, The divine ship with good oars, the blameless, Which leaketh not, let us mount for prosperity.
u Happily have I mounted this ship With a hundred oars and a hundred spars, Without leak, able to convey across.
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