Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 14 Jul 2011 07:34 and updated at 14 Jul 2011 12:01
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The Soma Cups
i. 4. 1.
a I take thee.
Thou art the stone which maketh the sacrifice for the gods; make this sacrifice deep, with thy highest edge, (make) the Soma well pressed for Indra, rich in sweetness, in milk, bringing rain.
b To Indra, slayer of Vrtra, thee! To Indra, conqueror of Vrtra, thee! To Indra, slayer of foes, thee! To Indra with the Adityas, thee! To Indra with the all gods, thee! c Ye are savoury, conquerors of Vrtra, delightful through your gifts, spouses of immortality, Do ye, O goddesses, place this sacrifice among the gods Do ye, invoked, drink the Soma; Invoked by you [1] let Soma drink.
d With thy light which is in the sky, on the earth, in the broad atmosphere, do thou for this sacrificer spread wealth broadly; be favour able to the giver.
c Ye Dhisanas, that are strong, be strengthened; gather strength, and give me strength; let me not harm you, harm me not.
f Forward, backward, upward, downward, let these quarters speed to you; O mother, come forth.
g Thy unerring, watchful name, O Soma, to that of thee, O Soma, to Soma, hail!
1 4. 2.
a Be pure for the lord of speech, O strong one; male, purified by the arms with the shoots of the male; thou art the god purifier of gods; to those thee whose portion thou art! b Thou art he who is appropriated; make our food full of sweetness for us; to all the powers of sky and earth thee! c May mind enter thee.
d Fare along the broad atmosphere.
e Hail! Thee, of kindly nature, to the sun! f To the gods that drink the rays thee f g This is thy birthplace; to expiration thee!
i. 4. 3.
a Thou art taken with a support.
b O bounteous one, restrain (it), protect Soma, guard wealth, win food by sacrifice, I place within thee sky and earth, within thee the broad atmosphere; in unison with the gods, the lower and the higher, O bounteous one, do thou rejoice in the Antaryama (cup).
e Thou art he who is appropriated; make our food full of sweetness for us; to all the powers of sky and earth thee! d May mind enter thee.
e Fare along the broad atmosphere.
f Hail! Thee, of kindly nature, to the sun! g To the gods that drink the rays thee! h This is thy birthplace; to inspiration thee!
i. 4. 4.
a O Vayu, drinker of the pure, come to us; A thousand are thy teams, O thou that hast all choice boons.
For thee this sweet drink hath been drawn, Whereof, O god, thou hast the first drink.
b Thou art taken with a support; to Vayu thee! c O Indra and Vayu, these draughts are ready; Come ye for the libations, For the drops desire you.
d Thou art taken with a support; to Indra and Vayu thee! This is thy birthplace; to the comrades thee!
i. 4. 5.
a This Soma is pressed for you, O Mitra and Varuna, Who prosper holy order; Hearken ye now to my supplication.
b Thou art taken with a support; to Mitra and Varuna thee! This is thy birthplace; to the righteous thee!
i. 4. 6.
a That I whip of yours which is rich in sweetness And full of mercy, O Asvins, With that touch the sacrifice.
b Thou art taken with a support; to the Asvins thee! This is thy birthplace; to the sweet thee!
i. 4. 7.
a Ye that yoke early be unloosed O Asvins, come ye hither, To drink this Soma.
b Thou art taken with a support; to the Asvins thee! This is thy birthplace; to the Asvins thee!
i. 4. 8.
a Vena hath stirred those born of Prsni, He enveloped in light, in the expanse of the welkin; Him in the meeting place of the waters, of the sun, Like a child, the priests tend with their songs.
b Thou art taken with a support; to Sanda thee! This is thy birthplace; guard the folk.
i. 4. 9.
a Him, as aforetime, as of old, as always, as now, The prince, who hath his seat on the strew and knoweth the heaven, The favouring, the strong, thou milkest with thy speech, The swift who is victor in those among whom thou dost wax.
b Thou art taken with a support; to Marka thee! This is thy birth.
place; guard offspring.
i. 4. 10.
a Ye gods that are eleven in the sky, Eleven on the earth, Who sit mightily in the waters, eleven in number, Do ye accept this saerifice.
b Thou art taken with a support; thou art the leader, thou art the good leader; quicken the sacrifice, quicken the lord of the sacrifice; guard the pressings; let Visnu guard thee, do thou guard the folk with thy power; this is thy birthplace; to the All gods thee!
i. 4. 11.
a Three and thirty in troops the Rudras Frequent the sky and earth, the destructive ones, Eleven seated on the waters; May all of them accept the Soma pressed for the pressing.
b Thou art taken with a support; thou art the leader, thou art the good leader; quicken the sacrifice, quicken the lord of the sacrifice; guard the pressings; let Visnu guard thee, do thou guard the folk with thy power; this is thy birthplace; to the all gods thee!
i. 4. 12.
a Thou art taken with a support.
To Indra thee, to him of the Brhat Saman(), The strong, eager for praise.
Thy great strength, O Indra, To that thee! To Visnu thee! This is thy birthplace; to Indra, eager for praise, thee!
i. 4. 13.
a The head of the sky, the messenger of earth, Vaisvanara, born for holy order, Agni, The sage, the king, the guest of men, The gods have produced as a cup for their mouths.
b Thou art taken with a support; to Agni Vaisvanara thee! Thou art secure, of secure foundation, most secure of the secure, with securest foundation of those which are secure.
This is thy birthplace; to Agni Vaisvanara thee!
i. 4. 14.
a Thou art Madhu and Madhava; thou art Sukra and Suci; thou art Nabha and Nabhasya; thou art Isa and Urja; thou art Saha and Sahasya; thou art Tapa and Tapasya.
b Thou art taken with a support.
c Thou art Samsarpa.
d To Anhaspatya thee!
i. 4. 15.
a O Indra and Agni, come For our prayers to the pressed drink, the delightful fumes Drink ye of it, impelled by our prayer.
b Thou art taken with a support; to Indra and Agni thee! This is thy birthplace; to Indra and Agni thee!
i. 4. 16.
a Ye dread ones, guardians of men, O All gods, come ye, Generous, to the pressed drink of the generous one.
b Thou art taken with a support; to the All gods thee! This is thy birthplace; to the All gods thee!
i. 4. 17.
a Him with the Maruts, the mighty bull, The bountiful, the divine ruler, Indra, All powerful, the dread, giver of strength, For present aid let us invoke.
b Thou art taken with a support; to Indra with the Maruts thee! This is thy birthplace; to Indra with the Maruts thee!
i. 4. 18.
a O Indra with the Maruts drink here the Soma, As thou didst drink the pressed drink with Saryata Under thy guidance, in thy protection, O hero, The singers skilled in sacrifice are fain to serve.
b Thou art taken with a support; to Indra with the Maruts thee! This is thy birthplace; to Indra with the Maruts thee!
i. 4. 19.
a Indra with the Maruts, the bull, for gladness, Drink the Soma, for joy, to thy content; Pour within thy belly the wave of sweetness; Thou art from of old the king of the pressed drinks.
b Thou art taken with a support; to Indra with the Maruts thee, This is thy birthplace; to Indra with the Maruts thee!
i. 4. 20.
a Great is Indra who through his might Is like Parjanya with the rain; He waxeth with the praises of Vatsa.
b Thou art taken with a foundation; to Mahendra thee! This is thy birthplace; to Mahendra thee!
i. 4. 21.
a Great is Indra, manfully controlling men, Unfailing in strength, of double force; Towards us for strength doth he wax; Broad and wide hath he been adorned by the offerers.
b Thou art taken with a foundation; to Mahendra thee! This is thy birthplace; to Mahendra thee!
i. 4. 22.
a Never art thou barren, O Indra, Never dost thou fail thy worshipper; Now more and more is thy divine gift increased, O bountiful one.
b Thou art taken with a support; to the Adityas thee! c At no time art thou heedless, But dost guard the two generations; The pressing is thy strength, O fourth Aditya The ambrosia is ready in the sky.
d The sacrificer seeketh the favour of the gods; Be ye kindly, O Adityas; May thy lovingkindness come hither, That it may the more free us from affliction.
e O bright Aditya, this is thy Soma drink, Delight in it, have gladness in it; may we that gladden thee have gladness; With the rain of the sky I mix thee.
i. 4. 23.
a Prosperity to day, O Savitr, prosperity to morrow, Day by day prosperity mayst thou procure for us; Through this prayer may be won the prosperity Of many a prosperous dwelling, O god.
b Thou art taken with a foundation; to the god Savitr thee!
i. 4. 24.
a O Savitr with unfailing guardians, Propitious, do thou to day guard our house; Golden tongued do thou protect us for new prosperity; May no plotter of evil overpower us.
b Thou art taken with a support; to the god Savity thee
i. 4. 25.
a To help us I summon The golden handed Savitr He as a god knoweth the place.
b Thou art taken with a support; to the god Savitr thee!
i. 4. 26.
a Thou givest good protection, and art well established.
b Homage to the great bull! c This is thy birthplace; to the All gods thee!
i. 4. 27.
a Of thee, O drop, pressed by Brhaspati, and possessing power, I draw the cup connected with the wives.
b O Agni, with the wives, in unison with the god Tvastr, drink the Soma, hail.
i. 4. 28.
a Thou art a bay, yoker of bays, mounter on the bays, bearer of the bolt, lover of Prsni; to thee, O god Soma, for whom the formula of sacrifice is uttered, the song sung, the hymn recited, I draw the cup connected with the bays.
b Ye two are bays; ye are the grains for the bays, mixed with Soma.
c To Indra hail!
i. 4. 29.
a O Agni, thou purifiest life; Do thou give food and strength to us; Far away drive ill fortune.
b Thou art taken with a support; to Agni the radiant thee! This is thy birthplace; to Agni the radiant thee!
i. 4. 30.
a Arising in might, Thou didst move thy jaws, O Indra, When thou hadst drunk the cup pressed Soma.
b Thou art taken with a support; to Indra the mighty thee! This is thy birthplace; to Indra the mighty thee!
i. 4. 31.
a Overcoming, seen of all, Light making art thou, Surya; Thou dost illumine all the firmament.
b Thou art taken with a support; to Surya the radiant thee! This is thy birthplace; to Surya the radiant thee!
i. 4. 32.
a Swell, O sweetest Soma, With all thy aids, Be fullest of help for us.
i. 4. 33.
a Departed are those mortals who in days gone by behold An earlier dawn of morning; Dawn now hath become visible to us; They come who shall behold her in days to come.
i. 4. 34.
a I place thee that hast light.
b I place thee that makest light.
c I place thee that findest light.
d I place thee that shinest.
e I place thee that burnest.
f I place thee that flashest.
g I place thee that art aflame.
h I place thee that blazest.
i I place thee that art immortal.
k I place thee that hast great light.
l I place thee that awakenest.
m I place thee that art awake.
i. 4. 35.
a To energy hail! To effort hail! To distraction hail! To attempt hail! To endeavour hail! To striving hail! To heat hail! To burning hail! To heating hail! To the hot hail! To the slaying of a Brahmin hail! To all hail!
i. 4. 36.
a Sitta with the sinew, Bhava with the liver, Rudra with the taniman, Pasupati with the thick heart, Agni with the heart, Rudra with the blood, Sarva with the kidneys, Mahadeva with the intestinal flesh, him that slayest most quickly with the entrails.
i. 4. 37.
a Mount thy car, O slayer of Vrtra; Thy steeds are yoked by our prayer; May the pressing stone with its voice Incline thy mind towards us.
b Thou art taken with a support; to Indra of the Sodasin thee! This is thy birthplace; to Indra of the Sodasin thee!
i. 4. 38.
a Indra his two steeds bear, Him of unequalled strength, To the praises of the Rsis and the sacrifice of men.
b Thou art taken with a support; to Indra of the Sodasin thee! This is thy birthplace; to Indra of the Sodasin thee!
i. 4. 39.
a The Soma hath been pressed for thee O Indra; O most strong, O impetuous one, come hither; Let power encompass thee, Even as the sun encompasses the atmosphere with its rays.
b Thou art taken with a support; to Indra of the Sodasin thee! This is thy birthplace; to Indra of the Sodasin thee!
i. 4. 40.
a Earth, covering all, Hath placed thee in her lap; Be gentle and rest kindly on him Grant him protection, extending wide.
b Thou art taken with a support; to Indra of the Sodasin thee! This is thy birthplace; to Indra of the Sodasin thee!
i. 4. 41.
a Great is Indra of the Sodasin, With the bolt in his arm, may he grant protection; May the bountiful give us prosperity, May he smite him who hateth us.
b Thou art taken with a support; to Indra of the Sodasin thee! This is thy birthplace; to Indra of the Sodasin thee!
i. 4. 42.
a In unison and in fellowship with the Maruts, Indra, Drink the Soma, O slayer of Vrtra, O hero, O wise one; Slay our foes, drive away the enemies, And thus make for us on all sides security.
b Thou art taken with a support; to Indra of the Sodasin thee! This is thy birthplace; to Indra of the Sodasin thee!
The Daksina Offerings
i. 4. 43.
a His rays bear up the god Who knoweth all, The sun for all to see.
b The radiant countenance of the gods hath risen, The eye of Mitra, Varuna, Agni; He hath filled the sky and earth and atmosphere; The sun is the self of all that moveth and standeth.
c O Agni, lead us by a fair path to wealth, O god, knowing all the ways; Drive from us the sin that maketh us wander; We will accord to thee most abundant honour.
d Go to the sky, fly to heaven.
c With my form [1] I approach your form; with my age your age.
f May Tutha, all knowing, allot to you in the highest firmament.
g This gift of thine, Agni, cometh, impelled by the Soma.
h Lead it by the path of Mitra.
i Go ye on by the path of holy order, of brilliant gifts, Leading prosperity by the path of the sacrifice.
k May I win a Brahman to day, a seer and sprung from seers, of (famous) father and grandfather, fit for the sacrificial gift.
l Gaze on the heaven, gaze on the atmosphere.
m Join those in the seat.
n Given by us, go to the gods, full of sweetness; enter the giver; without leaving us fare by the path leading to the gods; sit in the world of the righteous.
o Be this complete for us.
i. 4. 44.
a May Dhatr the giver, may Savitr, rejoice in this, Prajapati, the lord of treasures, and Agni, for our sake; May Tvastr, Visnu, accord generously Wealth with offspring to the sacrificer.
b O Indra, unite us in heart, with cattle, O bountiful one, with generous ones, with prosperity; With the holy power that is made by the gods, With loving kindness of the gods to whom sacrifice is made.
c With glory, with milk, with ourselves, Are we united, with auspicious hearts; May Tvastr make fortune for us [1]; May he set right whatever is amiss in our bodies.
d In that to day, O Agni, we choose thee As Hotr as our sacrifice proceeded, Prosperously hast thou sacrificed, Prosperously hast thou laboured; Come wise and foreseeing one to the sacrifice.
e With Hail! to you, O gods, have we made this seat, Ye who have come hither rejoicing in this as the pressing; When ye have eaten and drunken, Ye all, give to us, wealthy ones, wealth.
f The gods whom eager thou didst bring hither, O god, Them [2], O Agni, do thou incite in their own abode; Bearing and bringing oblations, The rich draught, do ye mount the sky.
g O sacrifice, go to the sacrifice; go to the lord of the sacrifice; go to thine own birthplace; hail! h This is thy sacrifice, O lord of the sacrifice, with its utterance of hymns and producing noble heroes; hail! i Ye gods that find the way, finding the way, go on the way.
k O lord of mind, place this sacrifice, O god, for us among the gods, hail! or speech, hail! or the wind, hail!
i. 4. 45.
a King Varuna hath made a broad path For the sun to travel; He hath made him set his feet in the pathless way; He driveth away whatever woundeth the heart.
b A hundred remedies are thine, O king, a thousand; Broad and deep be thy loving kindness.
Overcome the enmity, the hostility; Remove from us whatever sin hath been committed.
c The noose of Varuna is overcome.
d The face of Agni hath entered the waters, The child of the waters guarding against the demons power, In each home [1] do thou offer the kindling stick, O Agni; Let thy tongue seek the ghee.
e In the sea is thy heart, within the waters; Let the plants and the waters enter thee; With the offerings of the sacrifice, O lord of the sacrifice, Let us worship at the utterance of the hymn, at the utterance of homage.
f O bath, O flood, thou glidest, O flood; thou hast removed by sacrifice the sin committed by the gods, through the gods, the sin committed by mortals, through mortals; guard us, O god, from wide hostility.
g Be the water and plants friendly to us [2]; be they hostile to him who hateth us and whom we hate.
h Ye divine waters, this is thy foetus, glad and well tended have we made it for you; proclaim us as doers of good deeds among the gods.
i The noose of Varuna is tied, the noose of Varuna is loosed.
k Thou art fuel; may we prosper; thou art kindling; thou art brilliance, grant me brilliance.
l I have penetrated to the waters; We are united with the sap; I have come rich in milk, O Agni; Do thou unite me with radiance.
i. 4. 46.
a I who deeming thee immortal, Mortal myself, call on thee with prayerful heart.
Upon us, O wise one, bestow glory; O Agni, through offspring may I attain immortality.
b He, for whom, O Agni, thou dost make, O wise one, For his good deeds a kindly world, Shall win prosperity and wealth, Rich in sons, in heroes, in kine.
c To thee, O son of strength, they turn Who have desires to be fulfilled; None excelleth thee, O Indra.
d At each hymn the Soma delighteth Indra, The pressed (juices), the bountiful one [1], What time in unison with equal effort They call him to aid, like sons a father.
e O Agni, O wise one, with sap, With brilliance thou shinest, Slayer of Raksases, suppressor of demons.
f I have penetrated to the waters We are united with the sap; I have come rich in milk, O Agni; Do thou unite me with radiance.
g Rich art thou, lord of riches, O Agni, rich in radiance; May we enjoy thy loving kindness.
h Thou, O Agni, riches lord of riches, I hail [2], O lord in the sacrifices; Through thee in strife may we be victorious; May we overcome the hostilities of mortal men.
i Thee, O Agni, best gainer of booty, The sages nourish, well lauded; Do thou give us wealth of heroes.
k May Agni here make room for us; May he go before us cleaving the foe Joyfully may he conquer our foes; May he win booty in the contest for booty.
l By Agni is Agni kindled, The wise, the young, the lord of the house, The bearer of the oblation, with ladle in his mouth.
m Thou, O Agni, by Agni, The sage by the sage, the good by the good, The comrade by the comrade, art kindled.
n O Agni, thy pure.
o With radiance.
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