Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 22 Aug 2011 12:16 and updated at 23 Aug 2011 11:21
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And Pulastya s son that prime of ascetics Visrava in a short time was engaged in asceticism like his father.
And he was truthful, and of excellent character and controlled senses ;was ever engaged in the study of the Vedas ;and was of a sanctified spirit; and he was not addicted to any of the pleasures of life, and was always studious of religion. Learning of his ways, that mighty ascetic, Bharadwaja, gave unto Visrava" for his wife, his own daughter, Devavarnini. And having religiously wed Bharadwaja s daughter, that foremost of ascetics, Visrava, conceiving the highest delight, began to relect on the welfare of his offspring with an intelligence concentrated on them.
And on her that one cognizant of righteousness begot a child, exceedingly wonderful, endowed with energy, and adorned with all Brahma qualities. On his having been born, his grand father was rejoiced, and, marking the profitable intelligence (of the boy, he thought that) he would be the lord of riches. And well pleased, Pulastya() in company with the Devarshis (thought), Inasmuch as this is Visrava s offspring, and as he resembles Visrava himself, so he should be known by the name of Vaisravana.
And then the exceedingly energetic Vaisravana, repairing to the wood of asceticism, increased (in power) like unto a fire fed by sacrificial oblations. And as he was staying in the hermitage, that high souled one thought, I shall practise prime righteousness: verily virtue is the supreme way. And for a thousand years, he, having his senses controlled, practised rigid austerities in that mighty forest, observing (all the while) the most rigorous restrictions.
And on a thousand years having been numbered, he by turns observed the rules relative to each term ;(at first) living on water, (then) on air, and (last) going absolutely without any fare. Thus passed away a thousand years like one. And then the highly energetic Brahma along with Indra and the Devas,coming to that asylum.
addressed Vaisravana(), saying, O child, I am well pleased with thee for this act of thine, O thou of excellent vows. Do thou, good betide thee, ask for the boon (that thou wouldst have), for, O magnanimous one, thou art worthy of a boon. Then Vaisravana said unto the great father, who was present, O reverend one, I crave for the power of maintaining and protecting people.
Thereat, Brahma along with the deities gladly said in a gratified spirit, Very well I am about to create the fourth of the Protectors of creatures Yama, Indra and Varuna, the position which is sought for by thee. Do thou, O thou cognizant of righteousness, attain the same ;do thou receive the position of the lord of riches. Thou shalt be the fourth among Sakra, the lord of waters, etc.
And do thou take for thy vehicle this car, named Pushpaka, resembling the Sun himself, and thus raise thyself to an equality with the Devas. Good betide thee 1 We shall (now) go whither we had come, having, my child, done my duty and bestowed on thee the couple of boons. Having said this, Brahma along with the Devas went to his own quarters.
On the deities with Brahma at their head, having departed for the heavenly regions, the self possessed lord of wealth of subdued senses with joined hands spoko unto his sire, saying, O reverend one, I have received the wished for boon from the great father, but the exalted lord of creatures hath not fixed any abode for me. Therefore, O lord, do thou seek out some dwelling for me, where no creature whatever can come by misfortune. Thus accosted by his son, that best of ascetics, Visrava, spoke, O righteous one, Listen !O excellent one.
On the shore of the Southern sea there is a mount named Trikuta. On its brow is a beautiful and broad city built by Viswakarma, named Lanka, resembling the city itself of Indra the great, designed for the abode of Rakshasas, like unto the Amaravati of Indra. There in Lanka, do thou, forsooth, reside.
That romantic city is surrounded with a golden wall and a moat, and is furnished with engines and weapons ;and hath gate ways of gold and lapises. Formerly she was renounced by the Rakshasas afflicted wiih the fear of Vishnu ;and was empty of swarms of Rakshas, who had gone to the nethermost regions. Now Lanka is vacant, and there is no one that lords it over her.
Do thou, my child, for abode, at thine ease repair thither. Thy stay there shall meet with no rub, and no manner of disturbance shall occur there. Hearing the righteous speech of his sire, that virtuous souled one along with thousands of delighted and joyous Rakshasas, began to reside in Lanka stationed on the top of the mount.
In a short time Lanka(), through his sway, abounded (in wealth). And that foremost of Nairitas, the righteous son of Visrava, well pleased, abode in Lanka having the Ocean for her entrenchment. At times the righteous souled lord of riches, mounted on Pushpaka, in humble guise visited his father and mother.
And hymned by hosts of deities and Gandharvas, having his mansion graced with the dancing of Apsaras, and floating on rays like the sun himself, that ruler of riches went to his sire."
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