Ram6 58

Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 26 Aug 2011 13:29 and updated at 26 Aug 2011 13:29


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Seeing Prahasta setting out with a martial ardour, Rama the conqueror of enemies, smiling, spoke to Vibhishana as follows: "Who is he with a very huge body, coming with a great speed along with a large army? O, the mighty armed! Tell me about this strong Rakshasa." Hearing Rama s words, Vibhishana replied as follows "He is guarded by two thirds of the army of Lanka. He is a Rakshasa of prowess, skilled in the use of mystic weapons and valiant. He is the Rakshasa named Prahasta, the Army general of Ravana." That huge and powerful army of Vanaras, who began to emit cries of defiance with fury, thereupon saw the terrible Prahasta of formidable exploits coming forth towards them.

Swords, lances, daggers, darts, spears, clubs, maces bars, barbed missiles, various kinds of axes and different bows glittered in the hands of Rakshasas, who were running up towards the Vanaras and seeking victory. The Vanaras who were burning to fight took hold of trees in flower, rocks and lofty and thick stones. As they approached each other, a very great battle arose between those combatants who showered down a hail of arrows and a bombardment of stones.

In that battle, many of the Rakshasas killed several excellent Vanaras and several Vanaras killed many of the Rakshasas. Some Vanaras were smashed by spears and some others by finer weapons. Some were struck by iron bars and some others were slit by axes. Yet again, some fell breathlessly on the ground and some were destroyed by the arrows aimed at them with their hearts splits asunder.

Cut into two with the strokes of swords by those powerful Rakshasas, some Vanaras, trembling, fell on the earth, their sides torn open. Even the flock of Rakshasas on all sides were crushed on to the earth by the furious Vanaras with tree and mountain peaks. Having been administered thundering slaps with their hands and terrific blows with their fists, the faces and eyes of Rakshasas were were lacerated. The Rakshasas vomited plenty of blood from their months. A tumultuous clamour arose among Vanaras and Rakshasas, as cries of pain and leonine roars were bellowed.

The Vanaras and the Rakshasas with anger, following the path of heroes, with their cruel and hostile eyes, accomplished their deeds with great courage. Narantaka Kumbhahanu, Mahanada and Samunnata all these companions of Prahasta killed the Vanaras. Dvivida, with a mountain peak, struck down Narantaka, the one among them who was rushing upon quickly and killing the Vanaras.

The ape Durmukha on his part, with a ready hand, uprooted a very large tree and crushed the Rakshasa Samunnata. The energetic Jambavan with a great fury seized a huge rock and threw it on the chest region of Mahanada. Then, the valiant Kumbhahanu there in the battle, having attacked the General Tara, who was armed with a huge tree, received a blow immediately cost him his life.

Not tolerating the aforesaid act, Prahasta having occupied his chariot with bow in hand, caused a terrible havoc among the Vanaras. Then, with the rapid movement of both the armies, there arose of clamour resembling the roar of an unfathomable and tempestuous ocean in a time of dissolution. The Rakshasa Prahasta, who was hard to be subdued in battle, with full of anger, tormented the Vanaras by an immense avalanche of arrows in that great combat. By the frightening corpses of Vanaras and Rakshasas, appearing like hideous mountains, a very extensive area of the ground is covered.

That ground, covered by the stream of blood, shone as in the month of spring when overspread fully with the bloossoming crimson coloured Palasa flowers. With the heaps of warriors for its banks the broken weapons its trees, the torrents of blood its huge waves, death appeared like an ocean receiving its floods, livers and spleens its mire, entrails its moss, severed heads and trunks the fish, and morsels of flesh the grass, the innumerable Vultures its lovely Swans, Herons its Geese, covered as it was with fat for the foam, the tumult the sound of its waters, the battle field resembled a river, incapable of being crossed by cowards, visited by water fowls at the end of the rainy season, those Rakshasas and the foremost of the Vanaras crossed over that impassable river, as Elephants lead their herds across a lake that the lotuses have covered with pollen. Then, Nila saw Prahasta who was employing a multitude of arrows sitting in the chariot and annihilating the Vanaras swiftly.

Seeing Nila who was running towards him in the battle field, as a rocking wind in the sky rushes towards a large massive clouds, Prahasta the Army general attacked Nila himself with his chariot having the sun s colour. That Prahasta the Army General, who was excellent among the wielders of bow, drew the bow string and hurled the arrows towards Nila in that great battle. Those arrows with a great speed resembling furious snakes employed by Prahasta proceeded towards Nila, pierced him and fell on the ground.

That great ape of prowess Nila, who was struck by sharp arrows resembling flames, uprooted a tree and thumped it on the descending Prahasta who was most difficult to be assaulted. Being unable to restrain the series of arrows hurled at him by that evil minded Rakshasa, nila received them with closed eyes. Like a bull standing under a sudden autumnal down pour, so under that intolerable and sudden rain of darts released by Prahasta, Nila endured with closed eyes though it was scarce to be endured. The exceedingly strong and the great Nila, enraged over the volley of darts, killed Prahasta s Horses by hurling a huge Sala tree on them.

Thereafter the greatly enraged Nila quickly broke the bow of Prahasta the evil minded Rakshasa and shouted again and again. Deprived of his bow, Prahasta the leader of the army, seizing a formidable mace, leapt down from the chariot. Those two army chiefs, who were courageous and in whom enmity had sprung up, with their limbs covered with blood, wee standing like two Elephants in rut.

Lion and tiger in gait, lion and tiger in gestures, those two warriors tore each other with their shap teeth. Vanquishers of other heroes and intrepid combatants, both of them, thirsting for fame, resembled Vritra and Indra. Then, that Prahasta exerting himself well struck Nila on his forehead with a mace and blood oozed from his forehead. Whereupon, that great ape, his limbs smeared with blood, seized a huge tree and struck Prahasta full in his chest with fury.

Ignoring that blow, he seized a huge mace and ran in strength towards Nila the strong Vanara. Seeing Prahasta of terrible velocity briskly rushing towards him, Nila the great Vanara took a huge rock swiftly. Nila quickly hurled that rock on the head of Prahasta who was longing for war and fighting with a mace in the battle. Then, that huge and terrific rock hurled by Nila the leader of the Vanaras broke Prahasta s head into myriad pieces.

That Prahasta who lost his breath, was disfigured and dead, bereft of his senses and at once fell on the ground like a tree cut up by the root. A lot of blood oozed from his broken head. From his body two, blood streamed forth like a cascade from a mountain. Thier leader having been slain by Nila that unshakable and large army of Rakshasas, becoming disconsolated, withdrew to Lanka.

Thier chief of Army having been killed, those Rakshasas could not continue to stand firmy there, any more than water on reaching a breached bridge. That Prahasta the chief of Army having been slain, those Rakshasas dumb dispirited and inactive, regained the abode of their king. They became unconscious as it were plunged in an ocean of burning grief. The triumphant Nila, however, was honoured by Rama and Lakshmana for his task well accomplished and experienced supreme joy.

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