Created by Jijith Nadumuri at 26 Aug 2011 14:22 and updated at 26 Aug 2011 14:22
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On sending that great vanara force to east, Sugreeva started to send tried and true vanara s to south. (4 41 1) Sugreeva, the well informed and brave lord of Vanara troops, then beckoned Angada and the other prominent vanara s who are valorous ones with full fledged dash and dare, like the son of Agni Neela, and the exceptional vanara Hanuma, the highly vigorous son of Grandparent Brahma, namely Jambavanta, also others like Suhotra, Sharaari, Sharagulma Gaja, Gavaksha, Gavaya, Sushena, Vrishabha, Mainda, Dvivida, Sushena, Gandhamadana, and the two sons of Ritual fire called Ulkaamukha, Ananga. (4 41 2, 3, 4, 5) Sugreeva made the formidably mighty Angada as the chief of those valiant Vanaras forming search party and ordered southern direction for them. (4 41 6)
The king of Vanaras Sugreeva gave a picture about some of the highly impassable countries available in southern quarter that need an introduction to those prominent Vanaras bound south. (4 41 7) "Search the thousand crested Vindhya mountains abounding with numerous tress and climbers, then the delightful Narmada river coursing a little southerly to that range, which is adored by great snakes, along with wonderful River Godavari, as well as River Krishnaveni and Maha Nadi, and then the greatly auspicious River Varada which is an adoration to great snakes. And the territories of Mekhala, Utkala, the cities of Dashaarna, kingdoms of Abravanti, Avanti, and Vidarbha, also thus the charming kingdom of Maheehaka, are to be searched thoroughly. (4 41 10) "Like that Vanga, Kalinga territories shall be searched along with Kaushika territories available on their fringes, then cast about the Dandaka forest all over its mountains, rivers, and its caves, then River Godavari that courses through Dandaka forest, and then the provinces of Andhra, Pundra, Chola, Paandya, Kerala are to be searched thoroughly. (4 41 11, 12)
"You shall go to the prosperous Mountain Malaya which is crowded with iron ore mines as its vast mouths, and with amazing crests and motley flowered forests. Search shall be carried out on that great mountain in the places that are with the copses of sandalwood trees. (4 41 13, 14a) "From there you shall go and see the divine River Kaaveri there, a receptacle of limpid waters, to where throngs of Apsara s will be making pleasure trips. (4 41 14b, 15a) "You shall see the eminent sage Agastya, whose resplendence is akin to that of the Sun, and who will be sitting on the top of that highly resplendent Mountain Malaya. (4 41 15b, 16a) "And when that great souled Agastya complaisantly permits you, then you shall leave that mountain and cross over the great River Taamraparni, a highly cherished river of crocodiles. (4 41 16b, 17a)
"She whose water is overlapped with amazing copses of sandalwood trees and islands that River Taamraparni will be drifting for a rendezvous with her much yearned lover, namely the ocean, as with a young woman who will be coursing to have a rendezvous with her yearned lover. (4 41 17b, 18a) "From there, on going to the Paandya Kingdom you shall see a fully golden castle door bracing the compound wall of the fortress, which is decorated with pearls and jewels, and conduct your search even in that kingdom. (4 41 18b, 19a) "Then on reaching the southern ocean, and on taking a resolve with regard to the purpose of your task, viz., importance of the mission undertaken vis vis your individual capacities to leap the ocean, you reach the glorious Mountain Mahendra. Sage Agastya once penned its one end in the ocean, and the other end is now visible. That august and best one among all mountains will be completely golden with marvellous terraces and trees, and it will be steeping into ocean on the other side of land, and this mountain becomes the jumping off point for you vanara s. (4 41 19b, 20, 21a)
Mountain" Mahendra is glorified with numerous kinds of flowered trees and climbers. Important Gods, sages, Yaksha s and even Apsara s will adore it, and it is overspread with the groups of Siddha s and Caarana s, and thus it will be heart stealing for a look. And the Thousand eyed Indra will always be visiting that Mountain Mahendra on every auspicious day. (4 41 21b, 22, 23a) "There is a dazzling island on the other side of the shore of Mountain Mahendra, which is breadthwise a hundred Yojana s, and which is an impassable one for humans, and you have to search that island up to its fringes. (4 41 23b, 24a) "Anywise Seetha is searchable especially there on that island because it is the dwelling place of the king of Rakshasas Ravana, who is the coequal of Indra in his resplendence and which vile minded Rakshasa is to be rooted out. (4 41 24b, 25)
"But a well known Rakshasi named Angaaraka is there in the midst of southern ocean who eats prey by grabbing its shadow when flying overhead. (4 41 26) "In this way, you should clear your doubts about the presence of Seetha at any doubtable place by thorough searching, and you have to go on searching somewhere else for Seetha, the wife of the king of people with infinite vitality, namely Rama, only after getting rid of your doubts about her possible presence at any given place. (4 41 27) "On crossing over that isle and after a Hundred Yojana s a mountain named Pushpitaka is there in that august ocean, which is adored by the Siddha s, Caarana s. (4 41 28) "Well settled in oceanic waters that Mountain Pushpitaka will be shining forth with a resplendence similar to sunrays on one side and with that of moonshine on the other, and its lofty crests will look as if they are scribbling on the sky. (4 41 29)
One" of its summit will be golden which the Sun adores, and the other will be silvery whitish which the Moon adores, and that mountain is unperceivable to the unfaithful ones, or to the unkindly ones or to unbelievers. (4 41 30) "Oh, vanara s, venerate that Mountain Pushpitaka by bowing your heads and search it thoroughly. Then on going across that inviolable mountain and taking a highly impassable route there is a mountain named Suuryavaan after fourteen Yojana s from Mountain Pushpitaka. (4 41 31, 32a) "On crossing over even that Mountain Suuryavaan after searching, there is a mountain named Vaidyuta whose trees will be all time heart pleasing and they yield fruits satiating every taste. (4 41 32b, 33a)
"Oh, vanara s, you proceed farther after devouring choicest fruits and tubers growing on Mountain Vaidyuta, and even on consuming precious honey at that place. (4 41 33b, 34a) "At that place a mountain named Kunjara is there which will be pleasing both to eye and heart, on which Vishvakarma built the mansion of Agastya. (4 41 34b, 35a) "There the golden abode of Agastya will be beautiful decorated with numerous gemstones, and it measures a Yojana breadthwise and ten Yojana s in height. (4 41 35b, 36a)
"There is a city named Bhogavati which is an abode of the Sarpas. It has broad roads and safeguarded from everywhere, and thus it becomes an unvanquishable city. Deadly snakes with harrowing fangs and fatal venom will be protecting it, in which the highly hazardous king of Sarpas, will be dwelling. (4 41 36b, 37. 38a) "That Bhogavati city is to be searched for Seetha and on coming out of that city, you have to search even in the fringes surrounding that city including the intermediate zones from city to its fringes. (4 41 38b, 39a) "On crossing over that province there will be a glorious mountain named Rishabha, as that great mountain looks like a Holy Bull, and it is replete with every kind of gemstone. (4 41 39b, 40a) "Whereon the sandalwood trees of ochry yellowy, lotus leaf greenly, sky blue colours, and even the most attractive sandalwood trees which will be in the glow of Fire are produced, that mountain is this Rishabha. (4 41 40b, 41a)
"But never touch those sandalwood trees when you see them, as a genre of Gandharva s called Rohita will be protecting that dangerous woodland of sandalwood trees. (4 41 41b, 42a) Five" Gandharva kings, namely Shailuusha, Gramani, Shiksha, Shuka, and Bhabru, whose resplendence is similar to that of Sun will be residing there. It is also the dwelling place of those who achieved ethereality by their pious activities, of whom some resemble the Sun, some Moon, and some Fire by their physique. (4 41 42b, 43) "From Mountain Rishabha to the terminus of the earth the invulnerable beings who won heavens will be staying. After that, farther from earth there is the most dreadful world of Pitris, namely the abode of Yama, the Terminator, and you need not consider going there. (4 41 44)
"You can go or search only up to this point, oh, the best braving vanara s, as that world of Pitris will be encompassed with an alarming darkness, and it is the capital city of Yama, the Terminator. After that there is no entry into the abode of Yama for the mortals. (4 41 45) "It will be apt of you to return quickly on knowing the course of Vaidehi after thoroughly searching all these places in their entirety, and even in those other places you happen to see, whether I have mentioned them or not. (4 41 46) "He who returns before a month and informs that Seetha is seen, he enjoys a comfortable living on a par with me in high living and luxuries. (4 41 47)
"He who says so will be more dearer to me than anyone, rather than my own life in particular, and even if he has committed many misdeeds he becomes my confidant. (4 41 48) "You are with infinite might and bravery, and you are born in those hierarchies that have wide ranging attributes viz., gust of the Vayu, gush of Rain god, glare of Agni etc. Conjoining your own attributes to them that are already inherited you start off on your expedient effort, and you search appropriately with a thinking as to how to regain Seetha. (4 41 49)
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